Monster Pumpkinseed

  • Perch Hunter
    Posts: 9

    Hello Everyone,
    I was on our annual Ice fishing trip to Northern Minnesota last week with My dad, father-in-law and buddy and we were fishing a lake in Itasca county on 2-17-15 when I caught this Big Pumpkinseed. We were fishing for bluegill, sunnys, and crappies when this one bit on my jig with a waxie… it got tangled up in my transducer cord but I was able to get him, he even took out some drag on the reel.. I thought I had a small northern on but was very happy when I saw this beauty on the end of my line! He was 11.25″ long and weighed 1.7# It was a great day fishing!

    1. 103_1044-Copy.jpg

    2. paul-11.25-inch-pumpkinseed1.jpg

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    Whoaaaa! Huge fish and a punkin’ at that!


    Southern WI
    Posts: 1488

    wow, what a beast. tought to get that thru a 6″ hole

    Posts: 1257

    Awesome fish! congrats!

    Current MN state record pumpkinseed is 1lb 5.6 ounces.

    You still have it in freezer?

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4191

    Wow nice fish. Get it certified. Looks like you might have record in your hands.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    Congrats thats a gorgeous fish. You might have to change your username now

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    A dandy ‘seed!

    Perch Hunter
    Posts: 9

    I have whole fish packed in the freezer now still, I am not sure about how to go about getting it certified and such? I plan on having it mounted.

    Posts: 1257

    you catch a fish that you think could be a record, follow these steps:
    ◾Weigh the fish on a state-certified scale (found at most bait shops and butcher shops), witnessed by two observers.
    ◾Take the fish to a DNR fisheries office for positive identification and a state record fish application.
    ◾Complete the State Record Fish submission form Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to download this file. and send it along with a clear, full-length photo of your fish to the address listed on the form.
    ◾Learn about becoming a Master Angler

    Perch Hunter
    Posts: 9

    Thanks Timmy,

    I’ll check into, I don’t know how it would work now after its been frozen for a week now and that I live here in Wisconsin and if Minnesota would honor what a certified scale says here in Wisconsin with witness’s at a Wisconsin Dnr office. I’ll also check into the Master angler program.
    Either way I was thrilled to catch the fish and will have him on my wall some day to share with everybody!

    Posts: 1257

    Maybe call the MN DNR and get instruction. It would be really cool to have a state record holder on here )

    Posts: 192


    Posts: 493

    Very cool! Nice fish indeed!

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    What a monster! Congrats!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    By any chance was this the Grand Rapids area?

    Perch Hunter
    Posts: 9


    It wasn’t caught in the Grand Rapids area it was Northwest of there by aways.

    Posts: 6687

    What a beast!!!

    I caught a 10.5″ tuesday; hard to imagine another 1″!!!!

    Posts: 493

    Are we sure that’s not a cross with a bluegill ? Wouldn’t the gill be red?

    Perch Hunter
    Posts: 9

    I took the picture to my local Dnr office and he said it was a pumpkinseed, but maybe he was wrong, hard for me to tell the differences, this fish does have some red right on the outer edge of the gill, hard to see in the pick though.

    Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 299

    I would call it a Green Sunfish but I could be wrong.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    GREAT fish, thanks for posting! woot

    Posts: 904

    Looks like a pumkpkinseed all the way.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Wow, and I thought the 8.5″ pumpkinseed my buddy caught today was a tank.

    Perch Hunter
    Posts: 9

    Thanks for all the nice posts everyone, I sure enjoyed catch’n him. I cant wait to get back up there in Gods country next winter and try my luck again!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Terrific panfish,
    my first thought was also Green Sunfish.
    the only difference of have it in a freezer for a little
    while would be it will probably be slightly lighter in
    weight than when fresh.
    I’d use a certified scale at your grocery store meat market.
    Have at least 2 witnesses and get their phone numbers and addresses.
    Let us know what you find out about it.
    Being WI resident would not matter at all, you just might
    have to show your current non-res licence.
    A Mn fish is a Mn fish.
    Good Luck,

    Perch Hunter
    Posts: 9

    Just an update for everyone, I got ahold of Mr. Michael Kurre the Minnesota Dnr State Record Fish Program Coordinator with one of my emails. He says in order to verify the fishs weight & size I would have to bring the fish back to Minnesota and it would need to be unthawed, weighed and verified by two Minnesota Dnr agents only, it cannot be done here in Wisconsin. He says a Minnesota fish must be done there only. Well I don’t plan on going back up there till next winter so I guess I’ll just have to be happy with putting it on the wall and telling story’s about what could have been a record if I would have went thru the all the mumblejumble to get it verified. I’m still happy either way, it’ll always be a trophy in my book.

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