Mobile deer blind.

  • robby
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Has anyone built a deer blind on top of running gear. This is fairly common down here. I bought a small hay wagon recently, 6’x10′. If you have done so I am asking for pictures and suggestions. I appreciate your help. Gonna be nice to hunt in comfort and take naps.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3150

    You might be better off on the couch jester

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12972

    You might be better off on the couch jester

    dont give him ideas!!!!! rotflol maybe a rocker recliner!!!!!

    Posts: 1719

    On a running gear you will want blocks or stiff legs they creak back and forth on the gear. Also tie it down if you put it on a high spot.

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3150

    I think the lazy boy will fit in that toast

    Posts: 1719

    This one on an old, shortened boat trailer. Like it better, it’s more maneuverable a 4-wheeler. Also 3 points to the ground are very stable. They all have 2×4 framing with home quality construction. Don’t get wasps or insects in the off season. Being dk brown they warm up quick when the sun comes out. Lots of afternoons in uninsulated clothes and tennis shoes.

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    Posts: 1719

    Executive desk chair. With proper lumbar support of course. First one will accommodate 2. Worst problem is staying awake when rain is hitting the metal roof and it’s nice and dry and warm inside. Almost never use a heat source. Can’t find inside pictures. But several hours sitting in it during the build. Shelves cup holder and hooks in perfect spots. Now I use the small one and have given the big on to my buddy for him and his daughter. 2×6 windowsills with a pad are a perfect bench rest.

    Posts: 1719

    Robbie, You looking for a one man or one for you and your dad?

    West central MN
    Posts: 303

    My family has a few of these, used old wagons with scrap steel laying around for the stands. They still will blow down in strong wind if too tall. Trees also become an issue when moving. Used the “pentagon” style plastic and a muddy on the other. My suggestion is dont use redi pannels, the dang birds put holes in mine! I am using tin next time.
    Yes, warm in daytime, but they cool off quickly!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    I think the lazy boy will fit in that toast

    If it were not for the mice I would for sure have a recliner in my condo. I am setting this bad boy up for comfort. Even have a camp toilet for going poo.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Robbie, You looking for a one man or one for you and your dad?

    Dad has one, but yes big enough for Dad and me. The hay wagon I bought is 6’x10′. I can put a pretty good sized club house on top of that.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Thanks everyone, appreciate your assistance and humor. Keep the ideas, and bantor coming!

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