Stream Conditions

  • StaleMackrel
    Posts: 443

    I fished the Whitewater on Monday the 8th and found a different stream condition than I have witnessed before. The water was clear but it had a “stained”look to it. My question is would that be from the rocks being scoured really good? The streams looked great and the rock areas that were getting silted in are standing out really well! The fish were really colorful but a bit on the thin side. It was great!

    MN and Montana
    Posts: 26

    Sometimes the staining as you call it is due to mild runoff conditions and not neccessarily the scouring of specific rock. All ‘off color’ appearance are due to silting of one nature or another. This can be do to erosion from excessive precipt or in some cases the leaching of old mine tailings…as is seen out west in areas, or the tanin color you may see in the north woods that is contributed by soil conditions in forested areas. My guess is that what you saw was due to the recent precip patterns and the increase in flows into the system.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    Stained from the rocks or just general run off from rain and snow. Lots of silt has been blown around, so it could be that as well.

    Glad you had a good day – doesn’t seem like trout fishing weather today. BRRRR .

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