November 30, 2009 at 5:13 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » MN Trout Streams » Let Kids Worm Dunk
Let Kids Worm Dunk
November 30, 2009 at 12:55 pm #819236
Are you saying that some organization that has lots of money into a project that favors a certain narrow segment of the using public? I find that hard to believe. TU is a powerful lobbying group aka organizational bribery system. It also comes disguised as politics aka corruption. In WI. there are special youth hunts for just about every warm blooded game animal that exists in the state. “The kids are the future to our hunting and fishing in WI.” Why not trout fishing?hmmmm Why does Doyle want to keep the head of the DNR as a political appointee?hmmm “Oh it is only politics” (see above) A new regulation is uninforcable. If the new law would replace an existing law, why is it more difficult to enforce. Old law says no and the new says yes.
Posts: 395November 30, 2009 at 5:19 pm #819293I whole heartedly agree with this article. Everyone gets to the point of catch and release or trophy hunting at their own pace. For the die hard trout guy who “chooses” to fish artificals only, I say good for you. If a grandpa with his 6 year old grand child wants to use a worm so the kid can catch a fish, I too say good for you.
We all need to respect each others right to fish or hunt in our own ways. Ethical harvest decisions are entirely personal. If you don’t want to keep fish, fine. But don’t chastise a person who does want to harvest a few.
November 30, 2009 at 5:56 pm #819315And along those lines, that’s why there are diverse regulations throughout WI and MN. There is a little bit for everyone’s tastes. If I want to go to a stream with my six year old and bonk fish, the majority of the waters in southeast MN are that way already. If I want to fish an artificials only or a slot stream, there are a few of those also. HOWEVER, rules are in place for the betterment of the resource, those who use it, and the creation of diverse angling opportunities. We may not like it, but they are there for a reason.
December 1, 2009 at 2:51 am #819462
HOWEVER, rules are in place for the betterment of the resource, those who use it, and the creation of diverse angling opportunities. We may not like it, but they are there for a reason.
That is great. We have 12k/mile at Trout Run and 5k/mile at Hay Creek. So many trout. Another shining example in WI is Timber Coulee. So many trout that the DNR changed the bag to five to encourage harvest (Timber Coulee). Yet we know from previous studies angler harvest amongst fly fishermen is less than 10%, barely enough to keep the population in check.
The good thing is that fly fishermen have THE CRICK TO THEMSELVES. I hope to God not one penny of tax dollar money was spent for HI projects. My signature speaks volumes. One day we can hopefully repeal the “no bait” rule in streams where it is total nonsense. Perfect example is the Prairie River in WI. As my article suggests, these HI areas are a perfectly safe and easy place to take kids fishing.
I believe another quote from Jim Waletzko, former Wisconsin Conservation Congress Trout Committee member. He has given me permission to quote him.
“Never set a regulation into WI law that says an old man and his grandchild can’t float a worm, crawler, spawn bag, salmon egg, or bug in pursuit of the simple art of angling for trout. This may seem foolish or reactionary, but I can only hope that one day in the near future a smart old fisherman and his lawyer friend will show up at the courthouse with a grandchild or neighbor kid in hand. A law suit that will put these totally unfair, and I might add unconstitutional fishing regulations to rest would be poetic justice. I cannot imagine reasonable judges or The Supreme Court supporting our present exclusionary fishing regulations of “absolute” no harvest and no use of bait to catch a trout”
December 1, 2009 at 3:00 pm #819536
The good thing is that fly fishermen have THE CRICK TO THEMSELVES. I hope to God not one penny of tax dollar money was spent for HI projects. My signature speaks volumes. One day we can hopefully repeal the “no bait” rule in streams where it is total nonsense. Perfect example is the Prairie River in WI. As my article suggests, these HI areas are a perfectly safe and easy place to take kids fishing.
Pretty bitter there, Mark. The regulations were never designed for one type of angling. They were designed to offer a diversity of angling opportunities. Trout Run would never have the numbers it has now if it had no stream specific regulations. We’ve been down this road before. You can whine and complain about regulations, but the reality is that there are very few streams and stream miles with any sort of special regulations.
By the way, speaking of tax dollars. Where do you think the Lesard funds come from? Where did the $1.1 million dollars of money from the LOHC come from to benefit trout stream projects in 2010? That would be your tax dollars.
As a former fly angler and now bait/spinner angler, what does your signature really mean?
Posts: 11December 1, 2009 at 8:57 pm #819630flyfisherman wouldn’t have the crick to themselves. they’d be sharing it with anyone who wants to fish artificials;jigs, spinners, rapalas, plastic worms, etc…
you are purposefully misrepresenting the facts here, Scudly. If you have an agenda, which it seems you do, then you are not giving it any credibility by lying and twisting the facts to suit your needs.
TU may have some issues, especially nationally. But the local chapters work their butts off, and usually don’t agree with what national tries to tell them. For you guys to imply that TU uses state dollars to create flyfishing only areas is a flat out lie, and you know it. Your actions are irrseponsible and unethical.
The guy who said it was a shame that DNR commish jobs are appointments is spot on. The commish should answer to no one, other than science. And because of this we let the barrom biologists like yourself propose what regs should be, based on social issues like grandpa fishing with jr, instead of on science and what is best for the stream. I get tired off reading all of your shameful rhetoric, that is based on a hate for TU and some of its members. But the funny thing is your actions seem to show that you are willing to cut off your nose, just to spite your face. You would be liked and respected a bit more if you thought for yourself instead of listening to the likes of Kerr and th [/list] s WCC guy. It’s time to grow up and stop acting like their puppet, repsonse to Fred’s comment; I couldn’t agree more. TU is not a fishing club.It’s a conservation club. If a stream has slot regs that promote harvesting of fish, then TU suports it. TU doesn’t care how folks fish either, we only care that it’s done legally. Many chapters are now including more spinning gear in their raffles and door prizes as well. It’s the rich, snobby national guys that make the deals with Orvis and flyfishing advertisers, the local chapters are just hardworking guys like anyone else.
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