a little help please.

  • muskieman77
    Posts: 8

    hey guys, new to the forum, i flyfish all the time out here in colorado when im at school but really miss it when i come home for the summer, i have been on the vermillion 4 times, i fished at the park in farmington twice but only caught some small stocker rainbows from a pool, i aslo fished at a park right by the bridge off of biscayne with no luck at all(only saw one small trout). I looked for the dnr wildlife management area a little farther up the road but couldnt find it. So i am looking for some help finding some spots to fish, I dont need your secret spots i jus want to know where i can access the river and actually find some fish.

    Posts: 1748

    I can not help you

    But welcome to the IDO family

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    Hey Troutbumm77! Welcome to IDO. It’s always a pleasure to hear from another Flyfisher. There are a few guys on this site who are accomplished MN stream trout anglers, hopefully they’ll chime in here. Be aware that stream trout season in MN closed at the end of September. The Vermillion is a tough place to fish. There are easier streams in SE Minnesota like the Whitewater and Beaver Creek where a guy can do well too.

    Say if you need any help “studying” when you’re back in Colorado let me know


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    First I want to say Welcome to IDO, this is the best site on the web for good, honest information.

    As far as your question, I’d suggest you give the Mn DNR St Paul office a call, and ask them for the “Designated Trout lakes and Streams” booklet. It is free, and it will show you all the trout streams and areas in south central and SE MN for all the trout action, and access points.
    Their numbers is 1-888-646-6367 or 651 296-6157.

    Again Welcome to IDO, let us know how you do on those Trout.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Welcome to Ido!

    Keep an eye open for the little flashing envelope in the upper right hand corner of your screen. That signals you have a Private Message or PM.

    All good fishing trips and info come from a PM!

    Let me know when you want some stink bait info…I’ll send you a pm about that!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I have never fished that trout stream, yet. But I did find a nice map from the DNR for you that labels most of the roads, those should be decent access points for you to try. Remember most fisherman stay fairly close to the roads so the farther that you walk in the less pressured the fish will be.

    Vermillion River
    Welcome to IDO.

    Prescott, Wi
    Posts: 372

    Come to Wisconsin , Pierce and St. croix countys have lots of great streams. The Kinni, Rush, Issebell, Trimbelle and a number of others with real wild trout not plants . These streams are the reason I went to UW- River Falls. How I became a Muskie Head thats another story. Good luck

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354


    All good fishing trips and info come from a PM!

    Let me know when you want some stink bait info…I’ll send you a pm about that!

    Yes he will!

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350

    If you make down to the SE corner I maybe able to help you out, but I have no clue about the streams up there. Good luck!!

    Posts: 3

    You’ve gotten good info. so far. The southeast corner has probably the best trout water in the state. There are plenty of streams to choose from, so do some driving with the aid of the free DNR easement map and get after it. The season’s closed until January 1 when select streams open up for winter fishing, something Wisconsin does not have until the first Saturday in March. Iowa’s open year round also.


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi 3WT,
    Welcome to IDO to you too.
    Am hoping to hear more from down south on the Trout fishing this season…

    Posts: 3

    Considering $2 million dollars of LOHC funds ended up being allotted to the southeast and other cold water streams throughout the state, there WILL be a lot to talk about. The work that has already been done on the Middle Branch of the WW to revive areas hit by the ’07 flood is phenominal, and other less common streams will also have some major face lifts as well.

    The winter season’s around the corner, so April’s not far away….(insert wishful thinking here).

    Posts: 173

    I fish the V quite often during the season. Although most areas I fish are C&R only. I would say your best option for fly fishing would be through the park in Farmington. Lots of open areas make for much easier casting and there are lots of stocked trout through there. I however fish from HWY3 to HWY52 on the main branch basically starting at the Biscayne soccer fields that you referred to and going downstream. Most landowners through here are very accomadating to the trout fisherman and do not care if you access around their land. I would recommend asking them first however. The only problem I’ve had is with a certain Elk Farm owner right on 52 who told me it was their stream and they don’t allow anyone on it. Other than that I’ve had no problems. In fact if you go to the MN DNR website it shows easement areas on the map of the stream. Most areas I’ve had better luck with only hold bigger fish and the population of fish is very low. There aren’t very many trout in the V to begin with it is more of a bigger fish, smaller numbers stream and most the areas I reall focus on are very heavily wooded making it hellacious to fly fish but thats just me. I’m sure an advanced fly fisherman (not me) would be able to figure it out. PS welcome to IDO

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 276

    Welcome to the board Troutbum! My suggestion is to spend some time scouting during the day from Donnley to Biscane bridges. Then when you find some good spots and ID trout, come back at low light. In MN you can fish one hour before sunrise, and up to 11pm at night. Find a good way in/out because the V is not easy hiking.

    Heart set on fly fishing I’d stick to streamers, zonkers, muddlers, maybe even try a mouse pattern on top. I’d also suggest a rod with good backbone, reel with a strong drag (5-10lb trout), and stout leaders. Low light I’d do a 9′ 3x tapered leader and don’t add more tippet – one extra knot that could break.

    Personally I only fish the V with spinners, raps, crawlers, and chub tails. I use 10lb braided minimum and even that is not good enough sometimes. IM6 blank for medium-heavy action. Same pole I fish for 30″ northerns with (which you will also catch in the V), 6′ length.

    Last thing – you need to put in your time.

    Hope this helps!

    Posts: 11

    gotta get some folks out this spring to bonk some northerns out of that stretch. we might see better trout reproduction then.

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