Dear Trout Fishing Lovers…

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I thought I might take a few moments to remind all about the rules of our home we call IDO.

    Discussing your fishing likes and dislikes are welcome and encouraged.

    Personal attacks are not.

    Here’s your warning. Express your opinions, post your facts…agree to disagree…all is good.

    More personal attacks and the doors will be locked for that person. No further notice will be given.

    Rochester Minn
    Posts: 339

    BrianK Love when you talk like that

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Damn, I miss all the good stuff!!!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Damn, I miss all the good stuff!!!


    Just your classic fly guy versus worm fisherman back and forth.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967



    Damn, I miss all the good stuff!!!


    Just your classic fly guy versus worm fisherman back and forth.

    We all know you DONT catch Cats on a fly OPPS sorry I see this was the trout forum

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    Not sure what post you are talking about, but it does not surprise me that this would happen. I flyfish myself but do not see why flyfisherman think they are Gods gift to the earth.

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350

    I think a lot of trout fisherman take it out of hand, but I did here Walleye Searchers of MN was going to do some improvements on Mille Lacs and post some new regs barb less artificial lures only.

    Trout fishing is the only place you have such a debate over bait and lures, WHY?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I think a lot of trout fisherman take it out of hand, but I did here Walleye Searchers of MN was going to do some improvements on Mille Lacs and post some new regs barb less artificial lures only.

    Trout fishing is the only place you have such a debate over bait and lures, WHY?

    Good question. Fisherman need to stop beating down on their own.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    To the top for the Holiday Season.

    SE MN
    Posts: 12

    Actually knowledgable trout anglers DON’T take it out of hand. WHY, because SE MN trout fisheries aren’t a stocked trout fishery any longer, they are WILD natural self sustaining fisheries with LIMITED numbers of large spawning size trout.

    Our trout fishery is fragile. Why, because if you added up ALL the miles of trout water in SE MN and re-calculate the miles into acres, all we have in acres would be LESS than ONE 600 acre lake.

    The other point is it easily predictable where the fish are are going to be in the stream, which makes it very easy to catch them, even if your a relatively poor angler.

    A stream 15.3 feet wide and one mile long equals one acre.

    If you read (or ask the DNR)the DNR’s electro-fishing data that they collect EVERY YEAR from their long term monitoring stations (I beieve those stations are on 26 different streams) you would know that on the AVERAGE there is only about a 100 trout per mile over 12 inches on most SE MN trout streams. Too successfully spawn, adult brown trout need to be approximately 12 inches in lenght or at least three years old.

    If you look at the AVERAGE number of brown trout over 16 inches PER MILE in MOST trout streams in SE MN it is only around 5 PER MILE. Trout that are 16 inches are at least 4 years old and there isn’t many per mile on AVERAGE in most SE trout streams.

    Now, if your a knowledgable DIE HARD trout angler you would be pretty protective of our SE trout fisheries too!

    That is why dedicate trout anglers that are knowledgable about our SE MN fisheries are different than people who fish for warm water species.

    The streams that have protective regulations designed to increase the numbers of trout per mile over 12 inches and have had stream restoration work completed on them often have over 300 trout per mile over 12 inches, with 25 per mile over 16 inches. That should give you a good idea why knowledgable trout anglers are different!

    Just Saying

    SE MN
    Posts: 12

    Here is some new information will hopefuly clear up the debate/arguements about the DNR’s New regulation proposal.

    I just got off the phone with Vaughn Snook DNR Area Fisheries Supervisor. I wanted to get a few things clarified about THEIR NEW TROUT REGULATION proposal. Below is what I found out!

    1.Bait angling is proposed to be ALLOWED for ALL the C&R Seasons Including: Sept 15th thru Oct 15th, State Parks Season Oct 15th thru Dec 31st and the Winter Trout Season Jan 1st to the General Trout Opener. The General opener is always the Saturday closer to April 15th.

    2. Under DNR’s proposal all C&R seasons will allow bait angling BUT NO HARVEST WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THOSE C&R SEASONS!

    It appears there won’t be any regulation limitations for anything or anyone that I can see! END of arguement!

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