Tire Plant in Preston

  • d.a.
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    Congratulations to the citizens of Preston. You now have a $50 million dollar tire burning plant in town that will create a whole 25 new jobs. I’m sure local tourism won’t take a beating. I can’t imagine too many tourists WON’T want to pack up the kids, the bikes, and the fishing rods and head to Preston to see the new tire burning plant, or better yet, breathe in the refuse created by such an idiotic plan.

    The sad thing is that it passed the MPCA by a 6-2 vote.

    Thanks to Preston resident Bob Maust (the same Bob Maust with all of the cattle on the upper end of Camp Creek) for pushing for this huge catch for the city of Preston and all of the citizens, anglers, hunters, and recreationists who happen to use the city. They can certainly push for an ad campaign stressing: Come to Preston. The Carcinogens Aren’t Too Bad.

    Posts: 304

    Dave,I understand your sarcasm completely.All I can do is shake my head in disbelief.How does one live in an area as beatiful as Preston and even think something like this is a good idea?It’s sad what greed will do to people.Mike

    NW Wisconsin
    Posts: 107

    locals often do not understand the beauty of the area they live in, and when it comes to jobs, i guess it is hard to enjoy your town when you can not feed your kids, the perspective changes a bit when you are a “local”, not to say that i am, but I live in a tourist area, so i can relate, probably a bad choice to get the tire burning plant, but sometimes a person needs to look at it from a different perspective

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