HTU Fly Tying Gathering

  • RandyB1
    Posts: 2

    HTU “Lie and Tie” and Gear Swap

    When: 11am to 5pm Saturday, March 3rd

    What: Tie flies, learn to tie, or just watch fly tiers at work. Do you have some extra stuff lying around and want to get a little cash for it or trade? Here’s your chance. Hiawatha TU will provide food and beverages, but if there’s something you’d like to share, please bring it.

    Where: Izaak Walton Lodge, 937 7th Ave NE, Rochester, MN.

    Why: Why not? Bring your vise, bring your gear, hang out and have a good time.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Welcome to IDA.

    Sounds like a good time. Please let us know how the turn out is.


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