Fly rod

  • eyebuster
    Posts: 1025

    I am new to the whole trout fishing thing, but what I have done I really like. All I have done so far is toss some Spinners. I am looking at the possibility of getting a fly rod. I do not know much about them. So the question is what do I look for, I do not in tend on spending more than $200 for my first one. What length would be good to start. Mainly gong to be fishing the WW and the Root and its tributarys. Any info is greatly appreciated.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    Cabela’s Three Forks models are adequate and reasonably priced. Buying your first fly rod can be a bit of a challenge since you have thousands to choose from. Considering where you intend to use it, I’d suggest an 8.5 4 weight or 5 weight. That way, you can toss nymphs, dries, and streamers. 4-5 weight is about as middle of the road as it gets. I have rods in weights 2-8, but I find myself fishing my St. Croix Avid 8.5 4 piece 4 weight more times than not. St. Croix is a Wisconsin based rod company, FWIW.

    Go to a store and throw a few around to see what feels right, after all, you wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it .

    Next, is a fly reel, then the backing and line to go with it, then a few hundred flies .

    IM me if you have any other questions, I’d be happy to shed any light I can on your situation, and I may even have a rod and reel I’d be willing to part with.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5685


    The rod is actually less important than the line. Don’t scrimp on the line. The best Fly caster I ever knew had an old fiberglass rod that looked like heck, but he insisted on using quality lines and he could cast like nobody else. D.A’s suggestions are absolutely right on the mark, a 4 or 5 weight in an 8 1/2 foot length would make a good trout rod. Get a line that will match that rating and you’ll be in good shape. Scientific Angler’s lines are very good, and will set you back 40 or 50 bux.

    Have fun!


    Posts: 1025

    Thanks yo both for the info, It really helps a guy that know nothing about fly fishing.

    D.A. PM sent

    Oakdale MN
    Posts: 134

    An other good rod company to look at is Temple Fork. I bought a Temple Fork 7wt for river smallies and river carp. It performs very well, and the price was great.

    St. Croix also makes a great rod. I have a 3wt St. Croix that I love fishing.

    What ever you do, buy a rod with a lifetime warranty.

    Look forward to seeing you on the river!

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