I made my first trout fishing trip of the year to the South Branch of the Root, and did very well. I released two slot-size browns, and a bunch of smaller browns, as well as a couple of trophy-sized chubs. That is the good news.
The bad news I worked my way through the upper end of Forestville State Park, and found that a bunch of mostly Black Angus cows and calves are wreaking havoc on the banks and vegetation. Yes, this is well inside the park boundaries, in my personal favorite stretch of trout water. I do not have a digital camera, or I could have gotten some great photos of cattle standing inside the park boundary signs, cattle trails running into the river, banks torn up by large bovine hoofprints, and soil-preserving plants chewed off or trod into the mud.
I am going to post this, and then give the Park Office a call, and it will not be a pleasant call.
I am not going to bother with the owner of the cattle (I know who it is), as he could not care less, so long as he gets some free grazing at taxpayer expense.