Whatta opener…

  • vikefanmn77
    Posts: 1493

    Started out this morning at sun up. Found a small waterfall type formation in the stream i was fishing. First cast, WHAM 24 inch brownie that kept me busy for bout 10 minutes. 2nd cast, two cranks on the reel and, yep WHAM another big one. Got him bout 2 feet from me and grabbed the line, and snapped the line. BUMMER A couple casts later produced a 20 incher.
    I began to make my way downstream when my buddy FINALLY showed up.(Apparenlty drinkin on a Friday’s more important than an early start lol).We tried a couple more bends and decided to move a couple miles upstream, but b4 doing so I suggested we try the spot by the falls again. We got there and on my first cast I tied into another lunker. Got him in this time and saw my rapala sticking out the side of his head. It was then that i realized that he had actually swallowed my lure. It was the same fish I’d lost earlier. 23 1/2 inches and I got my lure back.
    Upstream produced another 4 or 5 lunkers 22-25 inches and a handful of 14-16 inchers.
    The stream I was fishing was a little high and dirty, which was to be expected. The fish were not tight to cover as they’d normally be, but more in the strong/slow current areas along the breaks.
    After a great day of fishing, we brought a select few home for the grill. While cleaning them we noticed that the two largest fish had worm like creatures packed in their gut. Upon further research I found out that they were American Brook Lampreys. Between the 2 fish there must have been about 30 of these creatures, all about 4-8 inches long. Ive never come across these before, curious if any of u folks have.
    Well it was a wonderful day, and the fishing was incredible (as it always is there). Like I said Whatta opener!

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    Opener was great for our group also. We were fishing south of Houston, MN where we do every year. This year started very tough for me. The first stream we hit had a good majority of the fish pooled up in one hole. My buddy and his dad were pulling out lots of nice Rainbows so I figured I better keep out of their way. I never was able to find the fish or get them to bite. Finally we all moved to another creek. There were cars scattered all over the 4 mile stretch. Finally we settled on hiking in and trying to find a spot. Immediately I was on fish, but they would not bite. Cast after cast and everything in the box produced nothing. I went downstream and found my buddy sitting on a pool full of trout. He could only see a couple from where he was, but I was way up on the bank on the other side and there were atleast 25 in there. After he caught about 5 or 6 he let me slide down there. In a short two hours, I caught 10 or 12 Browns. Half of them were the little 10 inchers and the others were around 15 inches. We kept 4 out of there that were hooked deep. That afternoon we returned and caught a few more out of the same pool and another 100 yds. downstream. All Browns with the biggest taping out at 18 inches. Everyone in our group caught fish: Rainbows, Browns, Brookies, and even a sucker. The best opener yet in my 5 years down there.

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Nice report vikefanmn77
    Without giving us too much info, where were you (county)?
    I have particular interest in that American Brook Lamprey.
    How did you confirm that was what you found?
    What color were they?
    How was the fishing pressure?
    I plan to be down that way this Friday, with hopes of C&R half as many fish as you did, great trip

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