Hi Dave and others, Fist of all I was invited to attend the TU program at the Isac Walton League last night but I forgot! Big time stupid thing for me! Anyway I was on the Middle Branch of the WW today and fished the hook and release section above the group camp to Callahans Hill Area. The day was great! Lots of wildlife, eg. wood ducks, wood peckers, squirels, deer, Canadian Honkers, and lots more! A great day except the fish were not turned on at all. I fished for three hours and did not have a take. There was a blue wing olive hatch every place and I did not see a fish rise. I am guessing the water temp was down. I fished pheasant tail nymphs, hairs ear, green flash back, and a few others. I fished size 14 to 18. I mean it was dead for me. I am going back tomorrow on the north branch of WW. Any ideas about this lack of catching would be appreciated.

Posts: 443
April 5, 2006 at 2:45 am