Fly Swap Recipes

  • d.a.
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    For the fly tying and fly fishing enthusiasts:
    Fly Swap

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Very cool
    Thanks D.A.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5691

    #22 Hooks !!??!!

    It’s pretty discouraging to know that trout have much better eye sight than I do. #22 hooks??? Jeez. I tied up 3 dozen Bass bugs last weekend and the smallest hook I used was a #4. But a #22 hook? I feel old…


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    If it’s any consolation, one of tyers who is a master with tying awesome little flies like the #22, is 71 years young

    Happy holidays,

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5691


    Seriously, how do you keep a good fish from straightening out a little hook like that? I can imagine a situation where that 18 inch Brown heads for a snag and boinks the hook lets go.
    I continue to stand in awe of those who throw tiny flies into crystal clear water and successfully land trout.

    I hope Santa brings you that new 4 weight you always wanted


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    To be honest, I have hardly ever had a case where thehook has caused me trouble like straightening out. To each is own in the hook department, but I use TMC (Tiemco) hooks only, and have never had that problem. The playing of a fish is really what comes in to play, not the hook. The fly line stretches, the leader stretches, and the tippet stretches. The key is understanding breaking points (which I think is a “feel” situation), or use fluorcarbon .

    When that 18″ heads for cover, you either have to guide him out before he gets there, or pray that your mono doesn’t have a nick in it .

    It’s actually easier to play a large fish and confine it to a relatively small area once you get the hang of it. I know this sounds weird, but through rod angle and tension, you can prevent a fish from moving too much.

    Take care,


    PS Unless Santa is goint to pony up $560 for that Sage SLT 8’9″ 3 weight, four piece rod I’m drooling over, I don’t think a new fly rod is going to appear on Christmas Eve night .

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5691


    Thanks for the info. I’ve had similar discussions with Bass guys. They can’t believe that an 8 weight will whip a big old Bass as fast, or faster, than their baitcasters.

    If I see him, I’ll put in a word with Santa about the Sage.


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