I fished from 4:00-8:00 in a variety of conditions: downpour, light rain, sun, you name it. My wet long sleeved T actually started to steam after the rain stopped and the sun came out.
Alright, I was on a tributary to the Root in Fillmore Co. I hadn’t fished it this year, but I have fished it a great deal in the past. Lots of nicely carved out holes and runs, but a few with downed trees lodged in them making them impossible to fly fish
I had numerous hatches going tonight: BWO, cream midges, March Browns, and Light Hendricksons. There were very few risers (probably since the stream is marginal right now and the fish populations aren’t huge), but I did catch a few on a cdc emerger, a few on some flashback hare’s ears, a few on basic soft hackled wets, and a few on small mini-buggers. It certainly wasn’t a great night in my opinion until I hit the Root and threw some bigger streamers. I landed a 15″ and 17″ brown (pictures coming later). The Root is up, but it’s very fishable.
The coolest part of the night was when I was walking down a field road to hit my first stream, a doe bolted off leaving her fawn. The fawn immediately spread eagle in an attempt to conceal itself. I got out my camera and walked to the fawn, got a few feet away, snapped the picture, and kept walking (picture also coming later). Very cool
Take care and have a good weekend.