First point: this is disgusting.
It’s this type of mentality that caused the passenger pigeon to disappear, and almost took out white tail deer. Hunting and fishing regulations are not strict enough for these types of violations.
Second point: Accidents and miscommunication happen.
You think you count 25 sunnies and actually have 26. The fishing gets hot and you don’t realize your ONE over the limit. Two people fill the same deer tag. Hunting and fishing regulations are strict enough for these people.
Both these situations are bad and can be easily avoided by being conscious of the regulations and what your keeping, but the “accidents” violators are not always the same people as the “blatent” violators. A 5000$ felony charge seems a little harsh for some one who makes a mistake counting.
How about this: $500/fish that’s over the limit or under size. You loose your fishing/hunting priviliges for one year for each fish. You must do 10 hrs of community service for the DNR for every fish.
This will teach the accidental violators to be more careful and really screw the flagrent violators. Imagine what the fines would look like for these guys, they would spend the rest of their lives without fishing, and the DNR would get hundreds of hours of free work to “compensate” for the lost fish. Just my 0.02