I took the day off of work on Tuesday and made it my last official outing of the year. I drove to Houston Co. and met up with a friend from Wisconsin who had permission to fish some posted property in the area. This portion is away from the heavy angling pressure, so the fish weren’t overly conditioned to people and their tactics.
The water was cold and clear in the AM, so a logical place to start was by nymphing: scud with a red brassie. We only managed one fish before I decided to wake those guys up by pitching some black buggers. The first cast produced a strike and a fish, so we stuck with that method the rest of the day despite some tricos starting to appear around 11:00 (which is pretty late for tricos). The fish were obviously hungry, probably gearing up for a long winter ahead, not to mention spawning here in a few weeks, so they hammered the woolly bugger. The biggest fish of the day was a stout 16 inches .
I hit another stream in the afternoon hours catching a few browns and a brook trout (always a nice surprise).
It’s been a strange year overall. Low water levels followed by a six week monsoon season in the spring made for interesting conditions. The cooler than normal summer temps. were nice to fish in, but it made hatches a bit unpredictable at times. It was a fun year with lots of challenges (that’s why it’s fun).
Best of luck if you do manage to get out today. Otherwise, happy fall and winter. I’m heading to the tree stand on a regular basis and attending to the never ending task of replenishing my depleted fly boxes and dreaming of next year
Best regards to all,