Shooting holes through signs!

  • StaleMackrel
    Posts: 443

    You know what makes me sick? You know what makes me so angry? It is the fools who shoot holes through DNR signs or any other signs on the road. Do these fools know what is behind the signs? I think not because they are too stupid to even think of their consequences!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I fully agree. . Jack.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    A little story my bio teacher told me…

    He worked for DNR and they had this large metal box by a lake to monitor different chemicals in lake. Some people didnt want the DNR to mess with this lake, so they shot the box to hell, wrecking valuable information on the lake.

    Now some people just dont git it do they

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