Trout Fishing around Wabasha

  • sloughman
    Posts: 11

    I have a cabin in the Wabasha area and would be interested in any good suggestions of where to trout fish around there?
    Anyone know much about the Middle, Long, or the Indian Creeks in Wabasha; and where to access them?

    SE Minn.
    Posts: 96

    not alot of streams near wabasha, some close would be the indian, which is close to Theilman and Whipporwill areas…good trout stream. Its about a half hour drive or so, just guessing.

    Posts: 129

    I have fished the indian a few times, it is a hard stream to access, with lots of steep banks. It is very clear and lots of fish can be spotted. If you are a good caster, you can sneak up on em.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    Now you’re getting into my old stomping grounds (grew up in Kellogg). I don’t fish back home much because the streams are pretty average to poor in my opinion. Snake Creek used to be a great little brook trout stream, but the DNR let it go to hell in the 80’s when beavers dammed it up. West Indian gets a lot of press, but I have to be honest and say that I’ve never been overly impressed with WIC – that thing needs some serious H.I. (beavers have also done a number on it in the past). Lots of high banks and not a lot of current. Long and Middle are average at best. Trout Valley used to be decent, but that too has suffered a bit with beaver issues, but the plus is there are stringent slots for the brook trout in place.

    Posts: 129

    Snake creek, I don’t know how anyone can fish that tight tree covered creek. I stopped there a few years ago and spotted some brookies, but didn’t even make a cast.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    You’re right – it’s a jungle . The DNR really let that thing go to hell since I first fished it in the early to mid-80’s. It’s not really a fly fishers type stream with all of the overhanging cover, throw in the fact that there is an old landfill on the lower end that no doubt cannot help stream health and quality, so it’s not a destination that is very high on my list of Wab. Co. streams.

    The DNR does soem brushing at times on area streams, but I think they focus on the ones that are more popular and fished quite a bit. Beaver Creek (the trib. off of the WW) is another stream that comes to mind that could use some serious pruning as well.

    Posts: 11

    Thanks, guys. You’re confirming what I’ve been finding as I poked around some of those creeks. I really haven’t found any good access to Long Creek, seems to be pretty much private land around it that’s posted.
    Looked at Snake a couple times. Think if I had a machete or my gas-powered brush-cutter it might be accessible…
    Middle Creek seemed a little more promising.

    Posts: 129

    Beaver creek is one of my favorite streams to fish actually, It is really tight and lots of overhang. It is for sure fishable though. I have many favorite spots on that stream. Later in the year, the green mucky stuff or algae starts to become a problem. I think beaver gets nailed pretty hard, but you can get a nice day on there.


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