Well, it was a pretty slow day so I was thinking of ways to get outside and have some fun! So I came up with Mountainbike fishing. What this came out to be was I was going to ride my bike alog the river on some of the great trails that they provide and find my own little spot to sit down and do some fishing. So I got to the trail head and set out what looked to be a pretty easy and scenic trail alog the river that is what is was, until I got a good ways away on a small trail that I thought I would test my skills on, it ran pretty close to the river. So as I was going on, it was getting harder and harder and closer to the river which was making things a bit more fun until I caught a tree root in the trail and went tumbling over the bank to land in the stinky soft river mud { Thankfully there were no injuries, just the smell } so after the fall I got caught up in all the fun and trying to get back on the trail and forgot about fishing. Until I had to cross a small stream of water, and whlie crossing this peice of water I happend to look over and see the river! Then rememberd the other thing I came for FISHING
. So then all the focus was on finding a good fishing spot, so I thought why not follow the creek to the river and see what that brings? So I started out to the river and when I got there I was pumped! It was the pefect spot,it had a small creek mouth going into the river with two fallen trees on each side. So I set the bike down on the trail and clibed over some trees and set my slip-sinker crawler rig right down in the slack water behide the tree. Then I got everthing settled down and thought I was not the best idea to leave my bike on the trail, so I walked up to grab it and bring it back to my fishing spot. When I got back and set the bike down I realized that my pole was gone
? Then I immediately jumped off the bank into the water to see the very butt end of my rod sticking out of the water so I picked it up and set the hook hard
! The drag went screamin I knew I had something good. As I was playing this fish it took a huge run right into the thick part of the tree and SNAP the line was broke
and the fish was gone! So after a quick re-tie I was back in the game for the next few hours and in those few hours I did manage to get two drum a carp and one small cat. So in the end it did come out to be a very good, fun way to spend The day by the river!
Kruger – sorry no pics they are in my cell phone and I dont know how to get them off?