Shakopee Launch Question

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    How many parking spaces are there for trucks and trailers? If you have also launched out of Lyndale/35W Bloomington launch, how does it compare size wise?

    Posts: 1767

    It probably has 1/2 to 3/4 the spots that 35w has. Which in my opinion is plenty for that area. That launch has never filled up to my knowledge.
    Its hard to compare the 2 because 35w can launch or trailer 3 boats at the same time. Shakopee can only do 1.
    Word of note. If you see someone launching or trailering. Back up and wait in the lot for them to come out. There is not enough room for two rigs by the water at the same time.

    And if someone is parked down there with no trailer.. Tell them to park up above. If they give any grief call the cops. You get a few down there that have no clue as to what the boat launch is for. (they think its for shore fishing)

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394


    You get a few down there that have no clue as to what the boat launch is for. (they think its for shore fishing)

    That’s sad

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thank you LFC! That tells me all I need to know. That makes me confident we will be alright on Saturday.

    I was ticked at the 35W launch because there are people with no clue who park in the center spot. You know the ones with extra long lines that make it obvious it is meant for trailers. Why don’t the bikers and walkers think a little and realize that is to make people with trailers lives a little easier. The side spots are fine for them. Oh, maybe they don’t want their tires muddy. Pffffft!

    Posts: 728


    That launch has never filled up to my knowledge.

    Couple weeks ago, she was loaded to the gills at Shakopee. Just ask WWG or Aanderud where they had to park. Saturday afternoon/night is typically pleasure cruiser night and thats when it will fill up. Yes, some of the runs are close to 1-1/2′ deep now and these guys are running on plane with 20′ glass I/O’s. Crazy. There is A LOT of 2 to 2 1/2′ deep water around Shakopee now.

    I’m just guessing there are no more than 10-12 trailer spots. (35W is about 3 times as big, maybe 4)

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