The DTURTLE saga continues. Don’t try this at home

  • larry_haugh
    Posts: 1767

    I as I mentioned in a previous post. One of my favorite fishing mates has been having unbelievable luck this year with turtles. Hence the name change from DTRO to DTURTLE….This video clip was one of three snapping turtles of the night. Its slightly possible that it may have been caught twice in the same night. If so……… Goes to show how primitive and hungry and stupid and smelly these critters are.
    This will be the last time I haul any of more of these into my boat, both for safety and sanitary reasons.
    But it does make for a fun night.
    Please do not try this unless you have a really long set of hook removers. Mine wasn’t

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    Larry next time cut the hook. It isn’t worth your fingers!

    looks like you still have them all

    fisher sherry
    Posts: 487

    Remind me never to go fishing with you two! Yuck!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Goes to show how primitive and hungry and stupid and smelly these critters are.

    WHAAA? I thought you liked dtro?

    Man, if you would just switch to no-roll sinkers!

    Posts: 1501

    Geez, I leave for a couple of days and look what happens

    Posts: 1767


    Geez, I leave for a couple of days and look what happens

    Like they say….. Make HAY while the sun shines… welcome back mate!

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I caught a couple turtles yesterday on cutbait. Man, you think you are into a huge channels and then you get that sinking TURTLE feeling.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I commend you for your bravery (That’s Polish for craziness) in getting the hook out. I may be a nature boy, but that guy would be going back with a hook and a few inches of 80#PP. I don’t mind grabbing them by the tail and removing them from a road, but my appendages go nowhere near the front end.

    They are strong boogers, no? I bet he pulled pretty good when you had him by the tail on the bottom of the boat.

    Posts: 1767


    They are strong boogers, no? I bet he pulled pretty good when you had him by the tail on the bottom of the boat.

    They do have some power. I didn’t want to let him get loose in a small confined space. That would have been a sight.
    The thought crossed my mind……. Turtle tractor Pull…. the new river red neck sport…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    They are durable too! I picked one off the road on the way to the cabin once that had been run over at least once. Other than a scraped up shell, she was good to go and was looking for some finger food!

    I like their attitude too. If you think pushing them off the road is going to work, think again. They fear nothing and will do a 180 to confront you everytime if you prod them in the hind quarters.

    Posts: 1767


    They fear nothing and will do a 180 to confront you everytime if you prod them in the hind quarters.

    I hear you there. Not that I need to explain…… the video said it all. That turtle did not like me groping for its tail under water. I had a heck of a time….. note the first failed attempt with me trying to hold the back of the shell when she fell back in the water.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Holy moly, that turtle was eyeing your fellas there for minute when you were holding it up…

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