Now I’m starting to get creeped out.
I was out on Sunday afternoon, (6/3) driving around looking for new shore fishing spots on the Miss. around Minneapolis/St. Paul.
I found some places that were obviously party spots for local kids. There were the usual signs, beer cans and remnants of campfires. That’s normal, I was one of those kids growing up near the river on the East side of St. Paul.
I wandered down one trail on the border of St. Paul and MPLS, and ran into a guy who was just standing there on the trail. Didn’t think much of it and kept going. Ran into another guy 50 ft. down the trail. Another guy, 50 ft. farther, and when I met the fourth guy, I suddenly got the feeling that something was just not right. Then it dawned on me, there was a place farther up the river near the U of M that was known as a place where (how can I put this in a politically correct way?) um, there was unsavory activity among men in the woods. (remember the movie Deliverance?)
Well cheese and rice! Can’t a guy just go fishing and mind his own business without this kind of crap?!!