
  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Hey guys, Sorry if this has been brought up here before but I am looking for some good maps on the Mn river around New Ulm and havnt had much luck finding anything good. I am going to be down there next weekend with family and thought it would be fun to take my Dad or a few of the kids out cat fishing but will be limited to shore fishing. Thought maybe you guys might have some ideas! Thanks!!

    Posts: 1767


    There are not many maps out there. The link that I used to use is no longer valid. I have a couple maps printed from shakopee to the MIss.
    You probably ran across this one already. The best I could come up with in the New Ulm area.
    If barges don’t navigate it. There usually is not much info avail.
    Hope this helps a little.

    Posts: 728

    Google Earth

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I was going to say Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth or Yahoo maps. Those are great starting points and scouting tools. You can get ideas of where you can park close to the river. I usually start with the satellite and then if I see a spot, I turn on the hybrid or road overlay to figure out if I can actually access the spot I am looking at. I also consult people here at that point to see if they know anything about the area.

    You’ll still have to do some scouting in the car or have a couple options in case what on the map looked like a road isn’t there anymore.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Buschman, Here is a link to one off the MN DNR website. If you search you can find the “legs” of maps of the MN River up to the Mississippi river. Other than Google earth its about the best i found. MN River Map

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I have found that the MN river changes quite a bit from year to year with it being much more silty than the upper Miss.

    For example, the creek mouth at my favorite hole moved about 40 feet downstream this year. The old mouth is completely covered in sand now. Didn’t change the dynamics of the spot, but was interesting to see.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Thanks a ton guys!!! My uncle lives down there and knows the area pretty good but dosnt fish much. These are alot better than what I could come up with I am going to bring about a half dozen and see if we cant make it down there!! Hear alot of good thing about this river but never dropped a line it it so at least we will get that done

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