5/1 Going for Cats…. End up with a big Walleye

  • larry_haugh
    Posts: 1767

    Decided to head out on the MN river tonight with Me, Myself and I. Was going to see If I could get some nice channels or a Flathead.
    I was trying everything. Frozen shad, Crawlers, Cut-bait and
    live bait.

    I kept getting bites on the shad and cut, and thought this will be a good night. After a few swings and misses I finally hooked up with a white bass. It being my first of the year I was pretty happy.

    As the sun was going down decided to put on a big minnow and wait… Didn’t have to wait long and I saw the tell tale sign of a minnow in distress. So I leaned forward and waited. My clicker did a quick 2 second riiipppppp and I thought to my self Alright!!! Big fish time!!!

    So in grabbed the rod turned of the clicker and engaged the reel and stood by for the tug. When it came… Wham hook set hard enough to pull out drag. Whoo Hoo it was battling pretty good and then it broke water. I’m thinking to myself cool a smaller sized Flathead….. Nice way to start off the season. As I got it closer to the boat I noticed a white tip on the tail…..
    Oh oh.

    Get it right up to the boat and almost fell over when I was looking at the largest Walleye that I’ve ever seen alive in real life. I got the big squirt of adrenalin and got the big girl in the boat.

    It was mixed feelings for me by now.
    I wanted to take pictures and video of this fish of lifetime, but I knew that being by myself it would take too much time and I wanted to get this back in the water ASAP.
    So I snapped 2 photos and got her back in the water to do her business.
    It was quite the night. The fish gods were shining on me.
    No cats and no complaints.

    30 inches. 10.4 lbs My personal Best

    The white bass on cut bait

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Looks like we need a rough fish forum.

    Nice…very nice eye Larry. You did by accident what I was trying to do on purpose tonight.

    Don’t tell me it bit on a bullhead…I was using 5 inch suckers.

    Posts: 1957



    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Can’t complain about that night Larry, waytogo

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    way to go on the piggie shes a beauty

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Nice fish Larry and nice show of respect getting her back in and letting her genes be readily available for year to come. Her babies will make good cat snacks

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Very nice eye Larry!! Congrats

    Posts: 3835

    The son even shines on a dogs a__ some of the time. Nice fish Larry, You didn’t stick anything in there before letting it go did you?

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Larry if you look at your picture with the tape, it looks like with a little tail pinch that fish is well over 30″. Great job

    Posts: 1767


    Larry if you look at your picture with the tape, it looks like with a little tail pinch that fish is well over 30″. Great job

    Thanks Mate!
    I would have to say I might agree. But with out an eye witness I’ll be happy to say 30 inches.

    Posts: 721

    I like the new carpet!

    Posts: 68

    Great fish Larry. I will come the next time you offer.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 35

    Nice Walleye Larry. That is a big one. Thanks for the pic. Good job with the tape measure for verification. I am going nuts in anticipation for flathead fishing!

    Posts: 1767

    Welcome to IDA, You’ll find a lot of info here.
    Just as a double check that I got the right person.
    I’ve seen your posts on BOC if I got the right cat guy.
    I’m eagerly waiting for the first flat to pop on the MN>
    I did hear some guys around Mankato got a couple real nice flatties.
    Good seeing ya here feel free to share Mate!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 35

    Thanks Larry. You have the correct man. I have read posts on here for a while, but this was my first post. I will get down to the Mankato/New Ulm area at the end of May for my first flathead trip of the year. It is great they are already biting! I made a half-hearted attempt in the Mississippi near St. Paul last weekend and got skunked.

    Posts: 728


    Tried to give ya a run for your money but came up short.

    27″ Walleye I caught Saturday night on a Lively Bullhead and 10/0 Gamakatsu Hook. Hard to catfish when the big walleyes keep stealing your bait. Doh!

    This walleye was feeding in less than 2′ of water 3′ away from the bank.

    No, it wasn’t your spot Briank, this was a Minnesota River fish.

    Posts: 1767

    Thats a nice fish Hanson!!!
    I hear you about those big mammas moving in on your Catbait.
    Oh well what do we do……. Catch them big walleyes.

    Posts: 721

    Kind of funny how us cat guys catch the big walleyes and the walleye guys catch the big cats

    Posts: 1767


    Kind of funny how us cat guys catch the big walleyes and the walleye guys catch the big cats

    It is kind of ironic isn’t it. Nice change of pace for a bit.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Kind of funny how us cat guys catch the big walleyes and the walleye guys catch the big cats

    When is the “funny” going to hit the guys who never catch anything???

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Nice fishy Hanson!

    Were you using these?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    PS I hope you guys washed your hands real good…who knows where those fish have been.

    Posts: 728


    Were you using these?

    Yeppers! 10/0 Gammi & a 7″ Bullhead

    In the last year… I’ve caught a 28″ on the Mississippi (live bullhead), partner got a 29 1/2″ on the Red River (cut sucker), and now a 27″ on the Minnesota (live bullhead).

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Cool pic, Hanson. You get a thumbs up for the quality of the camera work.

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