Boat / Barge collision near black dog

  • liar
    Posts: 170

    As reported from Kare 11 minutes ago. A guy from Farmington launched his boat on the minnesota, at Lyndale ramp. Was just in water and was bent down changing battery. When he looks up, BARGE!!!! He and his dog jumped ship swam 30 yards to shore. Dog and Owner both safe. they just reported boat damage is minor, if thats possible.
    On the lighter side the “on the phone reporter” said the “water must be 30 degrees,” uhhhhh Sven may need to give them a little science lesson on what temp water freezes.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Regardless of actual water temp.. its way too cold for swimming!

    I dont even want to try to comment on this one without some facts. What is someone doing changing their batteries out in the middle of the river floating downstream? An equal question would be.. what is a barge doing approaching an obviously immobile watercraft?

    We are missing important parts to the story. Either way, its very bad news, and I am glad nobody got hurt.

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 529

    at first I had heard he was changing batteries, but then I heard another report that he was trying to fix some engin problem he was haveing.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13382

    Glad to hear everyone was all right. I had my share of boat problems on the river. When your broke down what can you do but try to fix it. On the other hand the barge captians I would imagine dont have a lot of choice when they see someone comeing down river at them. There is not a lot of extra space in that section of river to move. Weaving around some one in a barge is most likely a maneuver they cant make anyways.

    Once again glad to hear everyone is all right. John23 and Deezee are two that come to mind that spend time fishing with there dogs.

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 529

    I don’t remember his last name, but I do recall his first name was Mike M. if I remember

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13382

    Hear is what wcco is saying.


    Cant seem to get the link to work. There is a story on there web page. Doesnt say much

    Posts: 170

    From what I heard on ch.11 he had just launched. If he wasnt under power right away, you head right to the corner of that turn.. Unless some of those trees are gone, it would be tough for either one to see, until they were on top of each other. You have to be very careful launching there, esp. in high water. By the time he jumped in the water he said he was 30 yards from shore. Glad he’s okay, and the pooch . Ive been in 35 degree water. You would not believe the energy you have when that water hits you. After you get your breath back.

    How do you have minor damage after hitting a barge??? Very Very lucky.


    P.S. Happy B-day MNFish

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 529

    thanks lier

    Posts: 1501

    I spent all day down there and had no idea. Went upstream.

    I could easily see this happening. I was taking a picture of my co-anglers MONSTER white bass and we swung the boat around to get good lighting. Snap a couple photos and before you know it, we must have been a half mile from where we started.

    The current is cookin, be careful out there.

    On a side note there was another boat with problems as we pulled in and had to tow it in.

    Also the launches are in horrible shape right not. Couldn’t even launch in Shakopee due to the mud. Even down at 35 is was not good at all.
    Bring your 4×4 cause you will need it.

    Posts: 721

    Any pics to post of the white bass?

    Posts: 1501


    Any pics to post of the white bass?

    yep, but it will have to be tomorrow, I’m sunburned and sleepy

    Posts: 1767

    Just heard the story on KARE 11.

    Just a few points to clarify, the depth finder was showing 42F yesterday when I was on the water. (still mighty cold)

    Dtro is right, about the current. My GPS was showing it to be about 5-6 miles per hours.

    All Barges have the right away.
    They are considered(RAM Vessels) Restricted in ability to maneuver due to the nature of their work.
    Lets also not forget. “Might is right”

    This guy was to focused on getting his boat running and missed the the horn sounding.
    He did not have a radio.
    With the barge coming down stream in the current. There was no way to do anything. Fortunately the guy and the dog made it to shore safely. And it soundslike the boat is even okay.
    Just a reminder to be careful on the rivers right now. Even though the water level is dropping,the current is still very swift, and its cold out there.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I know the barge wasnt going to make it around the boat. I didnt even think of the raging current speed right now. Even if that barge let off the throttle and stayed almost stationary.. that boat is going to close in fast at 6 mph. I cant think of anwhere on the MN that the boat would have been seen for more than 1 minute at that speed.

    Im glad nobody was hurt. I will be glad when the water drops just a little bit more everywhere!

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