fishing wensday

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    Thinking about hitting the minnesota for the first time on wensday. Will be putting around the twin cities some where and fishing. You guys got any good pointers for getting me started on this strech of river?

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 399

    Hey Mike… I’ll take a crack at this. It pretty much depends on where you choose to launch. If you luanch from Shakopee… then head upstream. The water level WAS comming down nicely, but I’m not sure how it is after the weekend rain. The best areas to hit are the creek mouths right now. For the most part, it’s an early morning/evening bite… but they are hitting on ringworms pitched in and around the mouth of the creek. You can miss these areas either… but the better ones tend to have depper water nearby. During the day, either fish the creek channel that extends out into the river, or the first break you find. I haven’t had much luck turning any fish during the day… but they are down there. Another tip is to have a little noise, as the water clarity is roughly 3-4 INCHES! Whistler jigs are good, as well as attaching a rattle tube to a jig.

    If you launch more towards the Bloomington area, or closer to the confluence… I can’t really offer you any tips. I haven’t been able to hit those areas yet. I do know that it is easier navigation for larger rigs, as the channel for barge traffic exists. You can try the Blackdog area, but the outlets are stacked with carp & sheepies. I’d just look for current breaks, and any creek mouths that may be a bonus!

    Good luck, and let us know how you did!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    Looks like my wensday trip is going to be cut short do to the work thing. Since it is going to be a short trip I am heading back to the croix. I will have to give the MN a try some other time. Thanks for the info.

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