Blackdog – Not a Garbage Dump!

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I went out for about an hour for the first time down at Blackdog to fish and do a little scouting. I did this while I waited for the tire shop to open. It looks like a really neat area and it is loaded with bait fish now. I had a few nibbles.

    What I wanted to touch on is how disgusting it looked down there. I can’t believe the amount of trash, especially under the 35W bridge. Tell me why people are so lazy as they can’t take what they came with? I’ve fished more urban places on the Mississippi and they are pretty clean and immaculate compared to what I saw down there.

    Ok, I am done ranting.

    Prior Lake,MN
    Posts: 550

    Amen to that I have found the clear plastic bag my bait comes in makes a great garbage bag

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I agree with Gocat. I can’t stand to see the garbage laying around. I carry a grocery store bag with me in my boat, and in my hunting vests. You never know when you will stumble upon some crap.

    Leaves people with a good impression of hunters/fisherman who are leaving things nicer then when they got there

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Amen to that I have found the clear plastic bag my bait comes in makes a great garbage bag

    We have to fess up too Tony

    Has anyone seen our Dorito bag that flew out during the last tourney when we were dodging lightning bolts speeding back to the launch? I think my picking up after other people might make up for that one misstep.

    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 330

    OK we’ll forgive you for this one but don’t let it happen again. Yes its very disgusting all the junk out their and most of it is some form of plastic. The plastic oil cans floating down the river always really irks me. They might biodegrade in about 2000 years, maybe.

    Prior Lake,MN
    Posts: 550

    I look tonight when I’m down there and see if I can get it

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Under the 35W bridge is a notoriously nasty spot. One time there was an entire living room set dumped against the uppermost pylon. I hate some people. What’s even worse is that it is probably the most heavily patroled area to fish in the metro. In one week last year a buddy and I got approached by conservation officers all 3 times we fished it that week. One time twice in one night. He just politely asked that we take our beer bottles and cig butts out with us, which we do anyway.

    P.S. He asked my buddy if we eat any of the fish out of Blackdog and my buddy told him “Nah, they don’t taste as good as eagle.” It took the guy a second or two until he realized we were joking, we all had a good laugh.

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