Calling all MN river fisherman

  • larry_haugh
    Posts: 1767

    Hey Everyone,
    I just wanted to invite you all to feel free to post your fishing adventures along with pictures and or video. You don’t have to reveal your spots (unless you want to).
    Seems like the bite has been picking up lately and would love to have people share thier adventures.
    If you need any assistance with anything concerning the MN river or any other portion of IDA. I would be glad to help or point you in the right direction.
    Good luck out there.

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    I’ll throw up a post here. I fish down there quite a bit, but haven’t been out for quite a while lately with the low water.
    With the boat I have and the area I fish(St. Peter – Belle Plaine), it is VERY tough getting around right now and I’m not real fond of fishing from shore or bending up my lower unit again. It sure is tough looking at all these good reports coming from the river though and not being able to get down there.
    I sure hope we get some rain that will bring the levels up. Especially before the fall walleye bite. I will be pretty if I can’t get down there to catch eyes in the fall.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    There ain’t no walleyes in the Minnesota River!

    It is suprising the fishery the MN has become. Here’s to the many that helped clean it up and continue to do so!

    Posts: 1767


    I’ll throw up a post here. I fish down there quite a bit, but haven’t been out for quite a while lately with the low water.
    With the boat I have and the area I fish(St. Peter – Belle Plaine), it is VERY tough getting around right now and I’m not real fond of fishing from shore or bending up my lower unit again. It sure is tough looking at all these good reports coming from the river though and not being able to get down there.
    I sure hope we get some rain that will bring the levels up. Especially before the fall walleye bite. I will be pretty if I can’t get down there to catch eyes in the fall.

    I’ve heard its tough going in that area. A few weeks ago I was fishing in the between shakopee and Jordan . Had a rough time.(ran aground twice, stuck on 2 dead heads in 14-16 FOW and bent up a prop beyond repair. Ouch) Thank goodness I was creeping along or it could have been worse. Were all hoping for some rain…. soon.
    Hang in there Mate, your time will come. Thanks for throwing up a post and update in your section of the MN

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Larry, you’ll still visit us in the Mississippi forum, won’t you?

    I live closer to the Mn now and it is about the same distance as it is to the Miss. for me. I was thinking about checking out the area around Black dog downstream to the Miss. Any pointers? I am talking about shore fishing.

    Posts: 1767


    Larry, you’ll still visit us in the Mississippi forum, won’t you?

    I live closer to the Mn now and it is about the same distance as it is to the Miss. for me. I was thinking about checking out the area around Black dog downstream to the Miss. Any pointers? I am talking about shore fishing.

    Cmon Pug,
    of course I’ll be posting on the Miss forum. I do have some pointers for you. I want to double check a couple areas that might be easy access for shore fishing. I myself was thinking of venturing down and kicking back on shore myself.
    Can I ask where you moved to. Send me a PM if you would like. I’ll be able to give you some pointers. The blackdog spillways are pretty hot right now. If you can find a spot. Its been pretty busy right now. But that doesnt mean that there is any shortage of fish.
    thanks for the post mate.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Hey Pugly. Just about anywhere you can get down to the river on Blackdog Road should work. I try to steer clear of the main outlets from Blackdog Lake, though. Too many crackheads fishing with pop cans down there. Also, they are usually full of washed out riprap which makes for a terribly snaggy experience.

    There’s a good spot about half a mile East of the power plant where barges used to tie up. In low to medium water, I have almost always caught channels down there. Occasionally I get a flat, too.

    Hope that helps!

    Posts: 1767

    Hey DFresh,
    How often are you down there? I wonder if I’ve seen you. I know the spot and I see groups there pretty regulary. Maybe I’ll get myself an IDA pirate Flag, so when you see me cruizen by you can take a cast at me with a 4oz. Otherwise you get a Jolly Roger and fly that. Then I’ll know its you.
    I’ll keep my eyes open.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thanks for the tips guys. I am starting to lean away from the Mississippi tomorrow and I am thinking about trying the MN.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Larry – I have only been down there a handful of times this year. I used to go more when I lived in South Minneapolis, but alas, I moved to Nordeast.

    You may have seen me before. I am the skinny guy sitting in a chair drinking beer with a content look on my face.

    I saw the biggest beaver of my life down there this year. Was also intimidated by a possum. Also saw an owl swimming in the river down there earlier this year. Wildlife abounds.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    You may have seen me before. I am the skinny guy sitting in a chair drinking beer with a content look on my face.

    I saw the biggest beaver of my life down there this year. Was also intimidated by a possum. Also saw an owl swimming in the river down there earlier this year. Wildlife abounds.

    Hey, we should meet down there sometime. I too sit in a chair drinking a beer with a content look on my face!

    That’s cool that you have seen wildlife down there like that. When me and Tony fished the tourney a few weeks back, we were entertained by a beaver as well. Kind of funny how when you see them they are quiet as a mouse. But if you aren’t paying attention they seem to know it and like slapping the tail for giggles!

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Pug, you have a deal. Let me know when. Usually I am even down to go weeknights. Maybe we could hit Moore’s on the way and get some of that shad?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Sounds good. Like I said I am going out for a while Saturday for a little while any how. Otherwise my schedule is starting to open up again and the little lady is encouraging me to go out fishing more. Not sure if that is a good sign, but I’ll take it!

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Ooh, Saturday I have the bachelor party for the wedding next weekend. Kind of amazing how a couple weddings can just ruin all the weekends in a month!

    Prior Lake,MN
    Posts: 550

    Hey D I am open weekdays too I would like to get out with ya sometime and sit in a chair with a beer and a content look on my face too.

    PM me next time you are heading down that way. I work close to Moore’s so I can grab bait on lunch break and I always have at least one rod in the truck at all times.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I would like that. I usually go at the last minute, but if you guys want to plan something, we can do that too. I’d prefer to start after 7 PM, though, since driving from NE to Bloomington during rush hour sucks.

    I always have 4 rods in my truck. I found a cloth guitar case down at Blackdog a couple years back. Just hung up in a snag. It hold 4 2 piece rods and reels quite nicely. Also it looks pretty bad assed walking down to the shore with it!

    Posts: 1767


    I found a cloth guitar case down at Blackdog a couple years back. Just hung up in a snag. It hold 4 2 piece rods and reels quite nicely. Also it looks pretty bad assed walking down to the shore with it!

    Sounds like something out of Desperado, with Antonio Banderas.

    If you guys are heading out. Shoot me a PM. I’ll come down and visit. Live just off 35w and Hwy 13. If I’m already out fishing I’ll come visit by boat.
    MN river party…. Look out.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    A guitar case, that’s awesome.

    Sounds like we have to plan a little get together for those who want to sit in their chair, with a beer and a content look on their face!

    Yeah, I think Larry should join us. I’ve fished with him once and he seemed to have the content face while sitting in a chair down!.

    Posts: 1767


    A guitar case, that’s awesome.

    Sounds like we have to plan a little get together for those who want to sit in their chair, with a beer and a content look on their face!

    You forgot the catching fish part

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    You forgot the catching fish part

    Don’t get greedy! Sometimes catching a fish is just a bonus!

    Prior Lake,MN
    Posts: 550

    Well if we can get Larry to agree we could take a couple boats down there too!!!!!

    I am always up for shore fishing though It’s nice not having to lauch and load your boat, put it away at some odd hour of the night, and catch heck from the other half when you try to sneak into bed smelling like dead fish and river water

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Well I am up for anything. The schedule is clearing up just in time to catch a trophy before it gets too cold.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I forgot what the inside of a boat looks like. I used to be very doubtful that I would ever catch anything big on the shore. All that changed when my buddy pulled a 15 # out of Blackdog – with my spare pole!

    Honestly, if we are going to have a get together, shore fishing is probably for the best. I just worry that you guys would laugh at my gear!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Unless you bring a cane pole, I won’t be laughimg. I am for sure fishing tomorrow evening and I am leaning towards Blackdog if anyone is interested.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Is this… open to just anyone??

    Prior Lake,MN
    Posts: 550

    NO!!!! Brian you stay outta here

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Oh, we serious cat men can just let Brian carry our stuff, right?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    After being mistreated by the Mississippi again last night, I am ready to give the Minnesota a try. I’d even fish with you Brian…if I had to!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    By the way Brian, if you were serious, you should have PMed me. I just realized after looking at this post, you may have been asking about my invite. I originally thought you were just generally talking about the group of us going out. I could have used some company that night. You know the old saying about misery….

    Prior Lake,MN
    Posts: 550

    Oh my bad Brian I thought you were talking about invading the MN river forum

    Sure you can come sit in a chair with us

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