I’m not a eye expert by any means nor a mathmatition…hell, I can’t even spell…but..
If you print out the picture (this can be done on your screen too) draw a line from the nose straight back and down to the end of the picture (where the tail is cut off) measure that line, then use the width of the finger in the picture….as a measurment tool…I believe this fish was under 28 inches long…but let say 29…using the same method, check the wides part of the girth….
What’s the conversion for 29:” long and 10″ girth?
I’m not suggesting the guy was lying…just that his scale was off. In either case…I would love to have an eye even close to that in my hands…and I applaud him for returning it…after all it’s going to be a while before we need catfish bait….(