COE Holding Public Comment for Mississippi River &

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Great Lakes…

    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
    Caveats: NONE

    For immediate release

    Lynne Whelan, 312-846-5330
    [email protected]

    Corps solicits public comment on Great Lakes study

    CHICAGO -The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is holding a public scoping meeting
    at the University of Minnesota to get public input for the Great Lakes and
    Mississippi River Interbasin study, or GLMRIS, Jan. 20.

    The meeting is scheduled from 2 – 8 p.m. at the McNamara Alumni Center, Room
    35, on the University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus, 200 Oak Street S.E.,
    Minneapolis. Identical presentations about the study will be given at 2 p.m.
    and 5:30 p.m., each followed by a comment period.

    The purpose of GLMRIS is to evaluate a range of options and technologies to
    prevent the transfer of aquatic nuisance species, or ANS, between the Great
    Lakes and Mississippi River through aquatic pathways. Asian carp and zebra
    mussels are some of the better known ANS.

    Using input obtained during the scoping period, the Corps will refine the
    scope of GLMRIS to focus on significant issues, as well as eliminate issues
    that are not significant from further detailed study.

    Issues associated with GLMRIS are likely to include, but will not be limited
    to: significant natural resources, such as ecosystems and threatened and
    endangered species; commercial and recreational fisheries; recreational uses
    of the lakes and waterways; effects of potential ANS controls on waterways
    uses such as: flood risk management, commercial and recreational navigation;
    and statutory and legal responsibilities relative to the effected waterways.

    If you plan to make an oral comment, please register on the GLMRIS website: Oral comments will be limited to three minutes per
    speaker. Comments can also be submitted electronically through the website.

    An ANS is a nonindigenous species that threatens the diversity or abundance
    of native species; the ecological stability of infested waters; or the
    commercial, agricultural, aquacultural or recreational activities dependent
    on such water. As a result of international commerce, travel and local
    practices, ANS have been introduced and spread throughout the Great Lakes and
    Mississippi River basins.

    Connected primarily by man-made channels, ANS transfer was impeded
    historically by the poor water quality of those waterways. Recent water
    quality improvements have lessened that impediment making it more likely for
    ANS transfer between the two basins to occur.

    For more information regarding GLMRIS, the meeting agenda and scoping
    requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, visit the GLMRIS
    website at or call Dave Wethington, GLMRIS project
    manager, at 312-846-5522 or e-mail at [email protected].


    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
    Caveats: NONE

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If you can’t make the meeting, this might be a good time to use the electronic comment portion on their website to state your thoughts on a fish passage way around Lock and Dam #3.

    For or against.

    SE MN
    Posts: 409

    Unfortunately the main ANS species they are worried about are zebra muscles and milfoil. the biggest threat to the mississippi river are the monsters dominating it in Illinois right now and they are called silver and asian carp. The Core and DNR should focus on these, but they have already stated that they do not have the mental power to figure out how to stop these.

    Their main goal is to require and install boat cleaning facilities at all exsisting boat launches and require you to use 150+ degree water or bleach to treat your boat before you leave. Like they do at lake tahoe. It takes high temperatures or microbial disinfectances to kill the larva stage of the zebra muscles that can stow away in livewell pipes or in nooks and cranies in your boat. I can not imagine how expensive that would be and how much longer it will take to launch the boat if doofis one time a yearer is in front of you.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    This just keeps getting better.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506


    This just keeps getting better.

    Would anybody mind terribly if I took a couple extra minutes to wash my truck? jerr

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