Depending on the drive, I would go LEECH LEECH OR LEECH, the bite has been amazing no matter what poisen you pick!! Cranks are turning bigg fish as well as numbers in the evenings, jigs and shinners on the windblown points and flats that surround them, Lindy rigging big minnows along breaks line has been my best producer for big fish, even pulling crawlers on spinner harnesses has done well when the lake goes flat. Havnt bobbered them as I cant stand not moving but Im sure you can, not to mention its a great area with no shortage of places to stay or things to do. The 2 pluses I like the most are no bugs(compared to milax)and the amount of bays and points, you can always get out of the wind! Good luck with where ever you decide to go! I fish leech the last 2 weeks and cant this week its killing me!