My son Alex and I got another chance yesterday afternoon to get out on the water. We started fishing around 2pm and stayed out on the lake until almost dark. The little guy got to get stinky yesterday, first pike There were no photos of this fish, because as he put it….”It has sharp teeth Daddy”. The pike was only about 2-lbs, but fun to watch the little man in action. He is finally starting to get this on his own. I was taking off a gill that swallowed the hook, when I hear Alex say..”there goes my bobber”. I look up to see the bobber going about 90 miles per hour, right for the underside of the dock. Before I even had a chance to get to the rod, Alex picks it up and looks back at me and say’s “fish on Daddy”. He got the pike to the side of the boat all on his own, way to go kiddo
The crappies and gills were shallow again, but the weeds are starting to choke out some of my very shallow spots. The bass were on the rip yesterday also, eating the bulk of our minnows, but fun none the less! At days end, we got to share a fantastic sunset. We crawled in to truck and the little man was out cold in a matter of minutes. I drove home replaying the days events in my mind, and to be honest, I still have a great big smile on my face. I know I said this last week, but what more can I ask for? Spending time with my kids in the outdoors, doing what I love, with the ones that I love. It truly does not get any better then this….Thanks again Kiddo
April 26, 2007 at 2:17 pm