MN Bass Petition

  • hawgtide
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 7

    In case you guys haven’t seen the petition to open up the MN Bass season two weeks early, here’s the link… We need signatures fast if we want to get this done before the deadline for next season. Thanks!

    Extend the MN Bass Season!

    Posts: 240

    The way I read this is that the petition is proposing a catch and release season through June. If so, that would mean no tournaments in June either. If this is the case, there’s no way I’d support this petition.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Wheres the petition to allow the use of B@ss for bait?

    In all reality.. I’m not for it either.. bass are way too vulnerable early in the season.. and there are way too many anglers out there that are ignorant, or claim to be.. and it will lead to many more fish being harvested early.

    This isnt targeted as an attack towards you avid bass guys.. the fact is, if it were nothing but the avid bass guy.. there wouldnt have to be a closed season because nothing is harvested.

    Its the family *bucket* group we need to be concerned about. I know its proposed catch and release, but its going to be mis-interpited, or claimed to be misunderstood and it will cost 1000’s of fish EVERY year.

    sorry guys.. I’m not for it.

    Now the use of Bass for bait on the other hand…

    Posts: 168

    Forget about the C&R part of this proposal. Just open the bass season the same day as the regular fishing opener!

    If people keep a few more bass…..SO what? The bass are doing fine and this will not hurt the population one bit!

    MN, Central
    Posts: 20

    I think you might want to decide what is more important…. Early tournaments or the general health of the fishery… statewide. An aweful lot of harvest of bass occurs even after the season opens by the “hook and cook it” crowd. Vulerability is high when the males are guarding. This option would allow C&R from “the opener” through the end of June. I would favor an option to recreational fish earlier and forgo the tourney angling till July. Definetely the way to go… Maybe we ought to think outside of “our own little selfish worlds” eh

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