Lake Jane very busy

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18828

    I hit Jane last night but what a suprise. Monday at 5:30 and I had to wait in line for a parking spot to open up at the ramp. Trucks with trailers just kept pouring in and turning around. One guy told me Demontriville was also full. I stuck it out and got on only to find ski boarders gone wild. That poor lake just gets abused. On the plus side the water looks good and real nice looking weeds. I didn’t get one bass which seemed odd. Panfish were visible everywhere. I did get 3 hammer handles in my short time there. I was going to stay until dark but lost interest about 8. Next time I fish there it will have to be morning because evenings are a joke anymore unless of course the weather is bad. I must say though the guys in the pro-ski boat that were pulling boards were very respectfull and did a great job keeping distance from fisherman. That’s pretty rare to see these days. Especially since they were all young men.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Suzuki,I grew up not far from Lake Jane and caught many a 5 pound bucketmouth while fishing the carpet in my youth! What the …., did I just admit to my shady bass fishing past?? Yes ’tis true, but in self defense that is before Eye found self respect!

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