
  • jeffleek
    preston, mn.
    Posts: 118

    After loosing my 30lb river anchor last year I am wondering if any one has any suggestions on what type of anchor would be the best for fishing the river. I do fish the wing dams alot I had ben thinking about a chene (sp) please help!!!!!

    Jim K
    Mpls, Mn
    Posts: 192

    Last year I did some research on anchors. I think you will find that Richtors are very popular. I have a 16.5′ Lund that weighs 1000lbs dry. I bought the 25lb model and it holds my boat fine. I too fish the wing dams a lot and last fall I added their lighter 18lb model to my boat. I found that fishing many wingies during a day that one is much easier to lift out of the water. I have about 6′ of chain and then 200′ of 1/2″ braided rope. I tried 3/8″ rope but found 1/2″ to be easier on the hands. I like to have lots of rope available so I can let it out and swing my boat one way or the other with my transom trolling motor to cover more of the dam.Good fishn to you!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2584

    Richter anchor is the only way to go!!

    preston, mn.
    Posts: 118

    Thanks for the info Jim. It sounds as though we have similar boats. I just want to be sure I have a GOOD chance of getting the anchor back! JLK

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18828

    In Michigan the preferred river anchor is huge link chain. However the rivers are shallower and faster so maybe that comes into play. They would definitely work here but are difficult to manage. Maybe they only work well with flat bottom boats??? I don’t know.

    Posts: 565

    I second you advice about anchor rope, Jim. Much easier on the hands and you’d be hard pressed to lose an anchor with that heavy rope.

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1160

    Okay, the Richter is good for holding you in the rocks, but get out in the current or wind and try to hold in sand or mud.

    But the Richter is NOT the way to go.

    There is no anchor out there like the ProAnchor by Guidemasters. Check out the site: The ProAnchor goes far beyond what the Richter will ever do. The flukes are flat; the angle begins 1 1/2″ out from the body of the anchor which causes a much better shoveling and holding effect. The flukes are laser cut solid steel. It has a double retrieval bar instead of just one (like Richter).

    For $15 more, the ProAnchor is the only choice. Don’t make the mistake of believing the hype of the Richter.

    Posts: 565

    The best river anchors I have are made of lead. They really sink deep into the muck and sand because they have a high weight to volume ratio. They are cheap to make, as long as you have a couple hours to kill. I made mine for about 12 bucks a piece. Just make sure you pour them outside! Best anchors I have.

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    I rely on the old standby of a heavy 30# river anchor for holding my heavy Ranger in current like we have right now on the river. Yes it physically wears on you after pulling up and down all day for days on end, but it seems to do the job for my fishing techniques. I am sure there are maybe better anchors out there for this, but this anchor has not let me down yet.
    Above the anchor, I use a shock cord…made by Goldeneye products. This soaks up the shock from passing boat waves without pulling my anchor out.

    Here is a picture of a lighter one.
    River Anchor

    preston, mn.
    Posts: 118

    Thanks Steve, That’s the same anchor I lost. I loved it. It would hold me pretty much any place. I do have a 15 lb. river and I do like that but a little light. I bought a richter-18lb. I think between the two (if needed) I should be fine.. Thanks guys, JLK

    Belle Plaine, Mn.
    Posts: 167

    I don’t get out in the boat much but I’m not putting any more expensive anchors in the Minnesota River when I do. I don’t care how you make it, if you get it in a wood snag it can be history. I started making my own “disposable” anchors out of 1 1/2″ round steel plate about the size of a Frisbee and a piece of solid steel round bar with an eye on top welded to the center. I got a connection with the materials but even if I didn’t, they would still be cost effective and actually work too. Things weigh about 50# and cost me about 5 bucs.

    Hey Jeffleek, I was down in Preston last weekend and see they have indeed opened Hidden Valley again! Cool!

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