New Lund Tiller

  • meestro
    Posts: 136

    I am planning to buy a new Lund tiller. I am between the Fury 1600, Fury 1625 XL and 1650 Rebel XL.

    How I plan to use the boat: I plan to just fish smaller to mid-size northern MN lakes with an occasional trip to Winnie or Leech. It will likely be two adults with an occasional trip with my son (when he gets a little bit older) who is only 4.

    Any recommendations or thoughts?

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    Get a full length V hull.

    Im not sure if it has been changed but my fathers 2000 Rebel is a V bow that contours into a round/flat rear. Horrible in waves.

    Also make sure to get power tilt and trim. I know some skimp but its worth every penny.

    Also in those smaller boats if the Live well is on a side it will cause to boat to list bad. I recommend a LW that is centered in the boat.

    Lots to look at but smart choice on asking around. Happy hunting.

    Posts: 3681

    I came close to buying the 1650 RebelXl then I got in a G3 V177.I think it is a better built boat.Before you spend your money I would check one out.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    I bought a 1650 Rebel XL Tiller at the end of last season, after 5-6 years with a Lund 1700 Explorer tiller. I actually feel that it cuts through a chop better, it certainly is lighter and easier to tow.


    Posts: 136

    Thanks for all the responses… I am definitely interested in good handling in the waves. I am open to any other manufacturer… I guess I am going with Lund because everyone tells me they are the best. I have an open mind however.

    Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    “Also make sure to get power tilt and trim. I know some skimp but its worth every penny.”
    Very good advise, I totally agree. I went 20 years without it but now that I have had it I would not live without it. Even those 25 hp motors are difficult to tilt by hand.

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