carver lake woodbury

  • jiggin-rake
    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Me and a buddy were wandering around carver lake earlier looking for any agates in the area and checking the shoreline for fish activity. I see a shorefisherman fishing about 500 feet away. I decide to throw a few rocks out in the middle of the lake. On the third rock he yells out “do you think im *&%$#* blind” and then says “im calling the cops”. I yell back why dont you just calm down. About 15 minutes later a cop shows up and asks if i was throwing rocks down by the lake. I said “yeah, that was me”. The cop then states that the man claims one of the rocks hit him! I kinda laughed and said the rocks landed atleast 200 feet away from him. I am a fisherman myself and wouldnt throw a rock anywhere close to a fisherman, let alone throw a rock at someone. The cop hassled me for 20 minutes, took down my info and left. It was kinda funny but also irritating cause i dont think the cop believed my story, and the whole time the cop was talking to me the guy was standing by his car starring like a tough guy. What is with some people?

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Plus if you get struck by a rock from a few hundred feet away it would most definately leave a mark. If the person who called the cops reads this i want you to know i was just trying to make you think a fish was jumping far away from you so that you move and go cast for it. To say the rock hit you is a joke.

    Posts: 406

    Conversation the other guy had with his wife when he got home.

    There I was trying to fish and some dude start tossing rocks where I am fishing! What is with some people?

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3468

    You better be a tough SOB if you go tossing rocks by where someone is fishing. You just admitted you were trying to mess with him. Even if you didn’t throw the rocks at the guy fishing, you were harrassing him. You’re lucky he called the cops and didn’t pound the crap out of you.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    Sorry a few people get a bit crazy. The lake is a public place. Over reaction by calling the cops. The cops was probably looking for a thing to do other than harassing drivers.

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Lol the rock landed so far away from him it shouldnt have been any problems. People are wound so tight these days. If a guy wants to swing at me for reasons like that then id be glad to exchange fists.

    Posts: 9079


    The cops was probably looking for a thing to do other than harassing drivers.

    Way to throw the dumb cop statement in there….

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    She (the cop) was actually pretty good looking. Shoulda told her i had some rocks in my pocket

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18383

    I assume Woodbury police? Nuff said…

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