MN Legacy Stakeholders’ Forum Invites you

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    December 9, 2011

    Dear Minnesota Conservation Leader:

    We are sending you this invitation as a recognized leader of conservation and a valued partner in promoting natural resource stewardship in Minnesota and your community.

    In 2008, Minnesota citizens from around the state worked hard and successfully secured voters’ strong approval of the “Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment.” However, that was just the beginning. The most difficult work began on the day after this historic legislation was passed to ensure that these additional financial resources for our wildlife, water, parks and lands are wisely invested and create an outstanding outdoor legacy for future generations.

    Part of the work that continues today to meet this challenge requires periodic monitoring by our state’s citizens to make sure these investments are being properly made and live up to the expectations of our citizenry. In short, we must continually examine the central question, “Is the Legacy Amendment money going to projects and programs as voters expected?”

    To help answer that question, and to keep legislators, policy-makers and stakeholders informed and conversing, a broad array of conservation groups have annually held a Legacy Stakeholders’ Forum at the beginning of each calendar year.

    We are pleased to announce that this year’s Forum will be held from 1 – 5 p.m. on Thursday, January 5 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Saint Paul. The Forum will include panel discussions by legislators, conservation leaders, Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council members, and others on the status of Legacy projects, challenges encountered, and prospects for the future. The Forum will also provide participants the opportunity to ask questions of panel members and to meet and interact with the key leaders working to shape the Amendment’s destiny. Together, we will “follow the money” and tell the stories of how and where these investments are being made and what the public is getting for their dollars.

    Participation is free, refreshments will be provided, but space is limited. To help us better plan for a successful afternoon, we request that you pre-register soon. Simply send an email with your name and email address to Noreen Tyler at [email protected]. Also, to help us highlight where Legacy funds are being spent, we invite you to bring materials that describe Legacy projects or programs. If you do plan to bring materials, please indicate so with your registration so that we can plan for sufficient table space. This event is open to the public, so we ask that you please forward this invitation to others who may be interested.

    The Legacy dollars amounts to the greatest conservation investment our state has ever made. Thank you for your interest and active participation in leaving a natural resource legacy to future generations that will make us all proud!


    Forum Host Committee

    (Anglers for Habitat, Audubon Minnesota, The Conservation Fund, Ducks Unlimited, Izaak Walton League, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Minnesota Conservation Federation, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, Minnesota Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy, Parks & Trail Council of Minnesota, Pheasants Forever, Sportsmen for Change and The Trust for Public Land)

    Noreen Tyler
    Office Administrator
    Minnesota Division
    Izaak Walton League of America
    2233 University Ave. W, Ste. 339
    St. Paul, MN 55114
    [email protected]


    The Izaak Walton League of America is a conservation organization composed of a diverse group of men and women dedicated to protecting our nation’s soil, air, woods, water and wildlife.

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