
  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    1) I signed up with MN-fish.
    2) I’ve sent periodical donations with the note that I want to fish 2 lines in the summer.
    3) The response I receive. — Crickets —.
    4) They send me an email, become a 2022 MN-FISH Coalition Benefactors.
    5) I respond (twice) I’m interested, what does it take?
    6) MN-Fish’s response. — Crickets —.

    So, I’m going to disagree with a couple of the most recent speculations/comments that have been posted on MN-fish’s mission.

    Posts: 1122

    Also I do think MN-Fish has good intentions with good people involved, but we shouldn’t have to set the house on fire just to get someone to answer the door.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    I think they are trying (to an extent) and I give the group credit for that. Anglers should have more sway with legislators than many groups, but we are completely disorganized.

    I think their strategy and approaches are going to need an overhaul if they want to last. At the current pace I’d put this group on life support within the next year or two.

    Get some flyers out to local bait shops, develop a social media presence (currently a whopping 2700 followers on Facebook), get on IDO, maybe use your “stars” of fishing to get a segment on the local nightly news, show up at some town festivals near big fishing areas, find a cool logo and push out some hats at cost, etc. I will say the website looks better now than it did in the past. It just seems that they’re stuck in the “raise money and put out feel good mission statements” phase. They are a long ways from any legislator really looking twice at their issues/ideas with fidelity.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    So what are the Senate or House Bill numbers for Two Line? A quick search on my phone didn’t find them?

    Posts: 1122

    So what are the Senate or House Bill numbers for Two Line? A quick search on my phone didn’t find them?

    Original Bill SF 2767

    Omnibus Bill SF 4062

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    3 these are the House and Senate Omnibus bills. Could you copy and paste the section containing Two Line?

    I’m not sure Two Line was authored and introduced as a bill??

    Posts: 1122

    3 these are the House and Senate Omnibus bills. Could you copy and paste the section containing Two Line?

    I’m not sure Two Line was authored and introduced as a bill??

    MN SF 2767 Section 14.3 “(3) two lines may be used in the Minnesota River downstream of the Granite Falls dam
    and in the Mississippi River downstream of St. Anthony Falls.”

    MN SF 4062 Section 31.9 “Sec. 29. Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 97C.315, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
    Subdivision 1. Lines. An angler may not use more than one line except:
    (1) two lines may be used to take fish through the ice; and

    (2) the commissioner may, by rule, authorize the use of two lines in areas designated by
    the commissioner in Lake Superior.; and

    (3) two lines may be used in the Minnesota River downstream of the Granite Falls dam
    and in the Mississippi River downstream of St. Anthony Falls.”

    The language was not in the companion HF 4492, so it went to conference committee and when it goes there, good luck trying to follow what happens.

    Conference Committee on S.F. 4062 appeared to have passed right before midnight on Sunday (according to the live stream), but then word from Walz to back off on any spending bill to the Decomocrats and 4062 died at the finish line.

    CONFEREES: SENATE: Ingebrigtsen; Tomassoni; Eichorn; Weber; Eken – HOUSE: Hansen; Wazlawik; Morrison; Lippert; Heintzeman
    05/09/2022 Meeting scheduled for 01:00 PM in Room G-3 Capitol
    05/10/2022 Meeting scheduled for 01:00 PM in Room Livestream YouTube
    05/11/2022 Meeting scheduled for 01:00 PM in Room G-3 Capitol
    05/12/2022 Meeting scheduled for 01:00 PM – Livestream YouTube
    05/17/2022 Meeting scheduled for 01:00 PM – Livestream YouTube
    05/19/2022 Meeting scheduled for 01:00 PM – Livestream YouTube
    05/20/2022 Meeting scheduled for 01:00 PM in Room G-3 Capitol
    05/22/2022 Meeting scheduled for 07:30 PM – Livestream YouTube

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    3, good detective work. While Bills usually need a companion in both the House and Senate, you’re right anything can happen in Conference Committee. It would be rare for something that didn’t have hearing in the House to be passed in the Omnibus Bill. I’m surprised that the DNR isn’t making this change via a Commissioners Order or by DNR rule making. I’m disappointed that our elected officials have taken such adversarial positions. Rather then being angry toward MN Fish or the Governor; anglers need to express disappointment in the Legislature.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    3, good detective work. While Bills usually need a companion in both the House and Senate, you’re right anything can happen in Conference Committee. It would be rare for something that didn’t have hearing in the House to be passed in the Omnibus Bill. I’m surprised that the DNR isn’t making this change via a Commissioners Order or by DNR rule making. I’m disappointed that our elected officials have taken such adversarial positions. Rather then being angry toward MN Fish or the Governor; anglers need to express disappointment in the Legislature.

    Buzz I’d recommend searching thru the previous 2 line threads on IDO, this is something Darren (3Rivers) has been working on and devoting a ton of time to for at least 5 years, if not longer. I’m sure you are just trying to help, but I’m sure he is overly familiar with the process from spending as much time as he has for years.

    Posts: 1122

    I do think it’s fair to be upset with the Gov for pulling everyone back literally at the 11th hour and allowing these bills to die, all because of his own agenda.

    What I’m mostly upset with though is the whole legislative process. A measly little line of language should not fail because it’s lumped into a bill with 367 other things.

    I’m guessing it will eventually be included in the DNR rulemaking process, but that’s another 2 years out ( Had it been a walleye driven issue, I bet it would have been smooth sailing with lots of MN-FISH support, kind of like the shiner story I just posted above.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    Why limit the 2 lines to rivers and not the whole state including lakes? It seems to me you lose support with the majority of anglers fishing lakes mainly.

    To be honest with Walz you have zero chance anyway. MNFISH won’t be a help or hindrance because with just rivers they won’t care.

    Maybe BK can verify the new MNFISH credo……”Click, register, pay & leave everything to us and don’t question the process.” We are working for you because we said we were, proof shouldn’t be required.

    BTW, would MNFISH have done anything about minnows if Holstein didn’t have a direct line to the DNR?

    Posts: 24666

    Yeah only applying it to rivers and two specific sections seems awfully like pandering to one specific demographic of anglers. If that was the only intent then I am glad it failed. Personally I dont much care to use 2 lines, but Im not opposed to it either.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Why limit the 2 lines to rivers and not the whole state including lakes?

    Again this has been covered extensively previously, if I remember correctly this was the only way the DNR would entertain the idea. It’s passage or not has little to nothing to do with angler opinion, if 50%+ angler consensus was all that it took we’d have a much smaller reg book and a ton of changes, it has to do w/ the gatekeepers (DNR/Legislature) willingness to entertain.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Why limit the 2 lines to rivers and not the whole state including lakes?

    Again this has been covered extensively previously, if I remember correctly this was the only way the DNR would entertain the idea. It’s passage or not has little to nothing to do with angler opinion, if 50%+ angler consensus was all that it took we’d have a much smaller reg book and a ton of changes, it has to do w/ the gatekeepers (DNR/Legislature) willingness to entertain.

    I’m not buying what you are selling. But thats OK I don’t believe in the process anyway. Color me jaded. grin

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I’m not buying what you are selling. But thats OK I don’t believe in the process anyway. Color me jaded.

    I’m not selling anything, just reiterating what was covered previously. There’s plenty of support among anglers to have 2 lines statewide, and certainly 3Rivers, BK or any catfish centric people wouldn’t oppose that. The DNR does, so you take what you can get. I’m not a fan of the process either.

    Posts: 1122

    I 100% support 2 (or hell even 3) lines statewide and twice it was only a Gov signature away from reality, but vetoed twice.

    The large rivers option was brought forward by the DNR as an opportunity for an underutilized fishery. Given the choice of the large rivers or nothing at all was a pretty easy one for me to get on board with. Turns out it didn’t matter anyways.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    January 16th, 2023


    With the 2023 Minnesota legislature already in session, MN-FISH has been at work at the state capitol in our on-going efforts to substantially increase state investment in sport fishing.

    Going into 2023, the state has a budget surplus in excess of $17.0 billion dollars, an historic amount when compared to previous years, according to MN-FISH executive director Mark Holsten, a former state legislator and DNR commissioner.

    “The volume of money available this legislative session is staggering,” said Holsten. “It should open a number of doors for reinvesting in our valued state fisheries, which contribute more than $4.4 billion in economic benefit to the state.”

    Also, unprecedented this legislative session is the number of new legislators, all elected last November.

    “Many legislators, especially those newly elected, don’t yet understand how the DNR, our fisheries or how infrastructure supporting anglers are funded,” said Holsten. “We are working overtime to provide needed education as we are relying on the legislature to understand the need for investing in our fisheries if we are going to provide best-in-class fishing to Minnesotans and those who travel to Minnesota to fish.

    Our goal should be to make our hatchery system state of the art. With new construction comes efficiencies and the ability to meet current needs,” said Holsten.

    Like last year, MN-FISH has hired a team of professional lobbyists to push for funding. Your MN-FISH membership and donations help support efforts to secure needed funding. Please donate to MN-FISH if you can. It’s easy. Click on and follow the prompts.

    Investing in Minnesota’s fisheries and public access to state waters benefits all Minnesotans.

    MN-FISH announced it will be hosting a State of Minnesota Fishing Summit in 2023, though final dates for the event have yet to be released.

    Last April, MN-FISH made history by holding the first-ever State of Minnesota Fishing Summit at CLAM headquarters in Rogers. The event brought together leading stakeholders, DNR and government officials to explore strategies for improving sport fishing throughout the state.

    The event was attended by Gov. Tim Walz and DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen, both of whom spoke during the event.

    The event was praised for its successes.

    MN-FISH will publicly release the 2023 State of Minnesota Fishing Summit objectives, date and location early this spring.

     Give the Gift of Fishing Promotion Delivers
    Thousands of Fishing Rods/Reels to Area Youth
    Thanks to hundreds of individual and corporate donors over the holiday season, MN-FISH was able to donate nearly 5,000 fishing rod/reel combos to area youth!

    We partnered with Toys for Tots during this promotion.

    “It’s exciting to help area kids get an opportunity to fish this coming season,” said Ron Schara, MN-FISH president. “We’d like to thank all who donated, and invite those who are still interested in doing so to go to and click on the donate tab.

    Thanks to the support of MN-FISH members and area businesses like Stillwater Motors, MN-FISH was able to donate nearly 5,000 rod/reel combos to area youth this holiday season.

    Again in 2023, MN-FISH is taking a lead role in supporting bait dealers and anglers, to find solutions to the chronic minnow shortages of the past few years.

    Live bait is a $500 MILLION annual business in Minnesota.
    The issue is complicated by threats posed by harmful fish diseases and invasive species like carp, zebra mussels, spiny waterfleas and more, which limit where bait can safely be harvested.

    The state prohibits the importation of golden shiners from Arkansas or anywhere else outside Minnesota, for example.

    In-state bait harvest is also highly regulated to prevent the spread of invasive species. This has greatly impacted bait supplies, leading some state bait shops to go out of business and some anglers to quit fishing.

    Last fall, MN-FISH brought together the DNR, including Fisheries Chief Brad Parsons, and 17 bait dealers from across the state, to look for solutions to address the shortage.

    Minnesota anglers have historically relied on live bait for success both summer and winter. Today’s minnow shortages are having a devastating effect on many live bait dealers. Several bait shops have closed in recent months, and many anglers simply don’t go fishing if they can’t buy minnows.

    1-833-3MN-FISH | 125 1st Ave NW, Osseo,MN
    [email protected] |

    See what’s happening on our social sites:

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    “The event was praised for its successes.” I guessed I missed that from the chair I was sitting in. coffee

    What moves slower then the MN DNR?
    Ans: The MN-Fish.

    What moves slower then MN-Fish?
    Ans: MN Legislator. doah

    What stops them all from moving?
    Ans: Gov Watlz

    South Metro
    Posts: 2110

    This is all fascinating to read.
    Where are we at with water quality? How many millions of tons of salt do we dump on our roads?
    I am not a fan or detractor of the two lines in lakes so that’s not my issue.
    We just need to be aware that we are killing our watersheds from the inside out. My fear is that no amount of lines will be enough for our children and grandchildren to catch ANY fish if we don’t recognize this issue.
    I know they are trying to use more liquid based salt solutions but this is a huge problem. Chloride is a “forever” chemical.
    Just throwing this out there.

    Posts: 1122

    Thanks for the reminder:

    Canceled MN-FISH subscription today

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Well looks like Walz has $110 million on the board for DNR hatcheries and public accesses. MNFish calling this a win. I’m not sure how responsible they were for it but they have been talking about it for awhile. Nice to see them get on the scoreboard.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Well looks like Walz has $110 million on the board for DNR hatcheries and public accesses. MNFish calling this a win. I’m not sure how responsible they were for it but they have been talking about it for awhile. Nice to see them get on the scoreboard.

    Saw that and it’s a step in the right direction, but its has a long way to go.

    January 2023 – Special Edition


    When We Work Together,
    We Get Big Things Done

    We’d like to thank all MN-FISH Members and benefactors for your support since we launched in 2018. Our goal since day one was to “Shorten the Time Between Bites” for Minnesota anglers and today, we are thrilled to announce that Governor Walz 2023 budget includes $110.0 Million to do just that.

    Below is a press release shared late last week announcing this big news.

    But as you’ll see our work is far from over, so I ask that you continue to support MN-FISH financially so we have the resources to get needed bills passed this legislative session. Go to to donate…after you get a chance to read the exciting news below!

    Ron Schara

    MN-FISH is proud to announce a huge success working on behalf of Minnesota anglers.

    On Thursday, January 19th, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz announced he is budgeting $110 million to fund hatcheries and public water access improvements throughout the state. The money will come out of the general fund—a first in many years—and through bonding.

    “This is a great first step,” said MN-FISH president Ron Schara. “Now, the legislature needs to join with Governor Walz and pass this historic reinvestment in fishing.”

    “This is huge news,” said MN-Fish executive director Mark Holsten. “The main goal of MN-FISH since it was launched was to work on behalf of Minnesota anglers and improve the quality of fishing throughout the state. From day one, several members of the state’s fishing community have volunteered to bring anglers’ voices to the state capitol through the organization MN-FISH, and it is working.”

    “This is a big first step to ensure Minnesota continues to offer great fishing now and into the future.”

    “It’s clear Governor Walz understands the importance of fishing and its $4.4 billion annual economic impact in the state,” added Schara. “Now, the question is, will our lawmakers step up as well to shorten the time between bites?”

    Mark Holsten, former Minnesota DNR Commissioner stated, “Governor Walz’ budget demonstrates that he listens to and reacts to real challenges.”

    “25% of Minnesota’s population consider themselves anglers”

    “Today marks a significant investment in rebuilding our state’s hatcheries and public water accesses,” said MN-FISH Communications Director Steve Pennaz. “Looking forward, there will be a continued need for similar investments. This is just the launch point, but a very significant one.”

    Surveys and state licensing statistics reveal that 25% of Minnesota’s population consider themselves anglers—roughly 1.4 million persons. Historically, Minnesota has made significant public access and fisheries-related investments, but that has not been the case over the last decade or so. Today’s announcement demonstrates re-dedication to a very defining aspect of what makes Minnesota such a great state.

    Fishing is a huge part in our identity as Minnesotans. Through this recent funding, the state recognizes the importance of reconnecting the public to that, as well as keeping our vital $4.4 billion angler-driven economy going,” concluded Holsten.

    MN-FISH Would Like To Thank…
    the diverse Minnesota angling community for their continued support and voice in making these advances possible. Their engagement has been critical in our mission to keep fishing strong in Minnesota.

    The Non-Profit MN-FISH Foundation Was Founded….
    in 2018 by a volunteer group of dedicated anglers concerned about the future of fishing in Minnesota. For more information, or to join, visit MN-FISH’s updated website:

    Vern Wagner
    Posts: 27

    While I’m optimistic that this will happen, our need for more public access is reaching DEFCON ONE. I’m tired of blaming tournaments and fishermen about hogging parking at ramps. Minnesota ranked fifth in the nation in total boat sales at $1.1 billion in 2020 and a %25 increase in sales during Covid. Minnesota ranks number one in boat ownership. Based on precovid numbers There are approximately 819,377 boat MN. With only about 5,500 fishable lakes and limited parking, it’s no wonder folks complain

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    This is all fascinating to read.
    Where are we at with water quality? How many millions of tons of salt do we dump on our roads?
    I am not a fan or detractor of the two lines in lakes so that’s not my issue.
    We just need to be aware that we are killing our watersheds from the inside out. My fear is that no amount of lines will be enough for our children and grandchildren to catch ANY fish if we don’t recognize this issue.
    I know they are trying to use more liquid based salt solutions but this is a huge problem. Chloride is a “forever” chemical.
    Just throwing this out there.

    When you realize who controls the salt supply in this country you will understand that the lobby is far too powerful and it will never end. Do you understand how profitable it is to dump thousands of tons annually into local waters? Our waters, especially in the twin cities, will not support freshwater fish in the near future.

    Through sheer incompetence a certain capitol city forgot to budget for road salt this year (I’m told by sources, I can’t verify). Interestingly, it may be the “greenest” mistake they’ve ever made, but you can be certain they’ll double that budget next year to compensate.

    Vern Wagner
    Posts: 27

    MNDOT uses Sodium Chloride, NaCl, is the most commonly used deicing chemical. Other chemicals used include, Magnesium Chloride, (MgCl₂) and Calcium Chloride, (CaCl₂), Acetates, and various blends of different chemicals. These materials can be harmful to the soils, plants, animals, fish and water.

    Posts: 24666

    Through sheer incompetence a certain capitol city forgot to budget for road salt this year (I’m told by sources, I can’t verify). Interestingly, it may be the “greenest” mistake they’ve ever made, but you can be certain they’ll double that budget next year to compensate.

    There is a lot of incompetence going around. Our school district did not plan for E-Learning this year in the event of snow days so they already lost 4 days and have to make them up. They just had a board meeting and agreed to do them the rest of the year should there be anymore.
    I hated the E-Learning for the extended period of time because the kids and teachers lost so much ground, but for a snow day it totally makes sense.
    The district our kids goes to does it and the parents love it because the teachers generally have them do jobs around the house as a “Bingo” game and the kids get rewards for what they do.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    MNDOT uses Sodium Chloride, NaCl, is the most commonly used deicing chemical. Other chemicals used include, Magnesium Chloride, (MgCl₂) and Calcium Chloride, (CaCl₂), Acetates, and various blends of different chemicals. These materials can be harmful to the soils, plants, animals, fish and water.

    While I agree with you Vern, it’s night and day better when compared to WI. Seems like most lakes I go to have small landings, lucky if their concrete, and about 5 parking spots.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2110

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>KPE wrote:</div>
    Through sheer incompetence a certain capitol city forgot to budget for road salt this year (I’m told by sources, I can’t verify). Interestingly, it may be the “greenest” mistake they’ve ever made, but you can be certain they’ll double that budget next year to compensate.

    There is a lot of incompetence going around. Our school district did not plan for E-Learning this year in the event of snow days so they already lost 4 days and have to make them up. They just had a board meeting and agreed to do them the rest of the year should there be anymore.
    I hated the E-Learning for the extended period of time because the kids and teachers lost so much ground, but for a snow day it totally makes sense.
    The district our kids goes to does it and the parents love it because the teachers generally have them do jobs around the house as a “Bingo” game and the kids get rewards for what they do.

    THere are SEVERAL school districts in the “local” metro area who asked for and received local taxpayer money to build buildings but did not pass operating referendums?!?!
    If you are not sure what this means it means they got money added to your local tax bill from a BOND bill the citizens passed to build the building but since they did not pass an operating levy they got NO MONEY to hire teachers, custodians, books, computers……’
    So they built them and shuttered them until they could figure something out!!
    Un f-in beleivable!?!?!

Viewing 30 posts - 121 through 150 (of 190 total)

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