
  • mahtofire14
    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I think 3Rivers nailed it on the head. I joined right away (free membership) thinking this is something we really need. I had high hopes. I didn’t join to get a discount on anything or because I liked the personalities leading it. I REALLY hoped this would be a NON GOVERMENT organization let by people who really understood and knew what the fisheries in this state needed and could lead a coordinated movement for it.

    To this date, as 3Rivers stated, we aren’t seeing any evidence that this is happening and on the outside it looks like the organization is extremely unprofessional on the surface (webpage, communication, publications, social media, etc).

    I don’t think anyone is expecting miracle work done by this organization but to ask everyone to give them the 3 biggest problems this state’s fisheries are facing after 3 years of already being in existence, is a bit of an embarrassment. They should have figured that out in the first year, and even that is being generous. If they don’t start showing a little more transparency and inclusivity, people will be jumping off the wagon very quickly.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I wonder how many even jumped on?

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1401

    I jumped off of the MN-Fish wagon a long time ago when I found what they were all about.
    They don’t represent MN anglers and they are only concerned about their own personal interests.
    The MN DNR is the only voice of fishing in MN and not the so called self serving, self appointed MN-Fishing experts.
    Since when did MN anglers appoint MN-Fish as their representatives on anything MN fishing related?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Like many I had these big expectations of MN Fish, rallies, storming the rotunda, flooding the hearings with guys wearing fishing hats. Leadership forking over millions. It was a lot to expect from a bunch of eutrophic fishing guys. Whose claim to fame is selling tackle, catching walleyes and outdoor writing. I doubt any of them have much experience in creating a grassroots angling organization. Despite my Trump like expectations, they have established the MN Fish brand, hired an Executive Director, hired lobbyists and have built a name themselves with the DNR. Add to this they are working toward what they said they would. Doing all this while public gathering and meetings were under Covid restrictions. Dealing with the legislature isn’t what I thought it would be. Early on I was told it was worst then watching sausage being made, it is that and more. I see little evidence of democracy. We might have elected the members to represent us, if so it’s well hidden. It’s more like the “Battle of the Bully’s”.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Like many I had these big expectations of MN Fish, rallies, storming the rotunda, flooding the hearings with guys wearing fishing hats. Leadership forking over millions. It was a lot to expect from a bunch of eutrophic fishing guys. Whose claim to fame is selling tackle, catching walleyes and outdoor writing. I doubt any of them have much experience in creating a grassroots angling organization. Despite my Trump like expectations, they have established the MN Fish brand, hired an Executive Director, hired lobbyists and have built a name themselves with the DNR. Add to this they are working toward what they said they would. Doing all this while public gathering and meetings were under Covid restrictions. Dealing with the legislature isn’t what I thought it would be. Early on I was told it was worst then watching sausage being made, it is that and more. I see little evidence of democracy. We might have elected the members to represent us, if so it’s well hidden. It’s more like the “Battle of the Bully’s”.

    I would really love to back them. But besides throwing there big names around and then collecting checks, not replying to members and what seems like to have no real agenda. I think I’ll sit on the side lines and watch. Once I see them address angler issues and stand up for our community then I might flip them a 5. Till then it ses like a quick money grab with no organization

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I lost faith. They will not get another buck from me.

    I know, You told me so. doah

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I lost faith. They will not get another buck from me.

    I know, You told me so. doah

    Yes, yes we did. grin

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Maybe some of you with talents could offer them a hand?

    That could move things forward rather then sitting behind a computer complaining that nothing is happening.

    Just a suggestion.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Maybe some of you with talents could offer them a hand?

    That could move things forward rather then sitting behind a computer complaining that nothing is happening.

    Just a suggestion.

    I would love to. But I have 3 unanswered emails to them. What else can I do if they don’t respond. Seems like I’m stuck at a stop sign.
    Or will they only answer me if I send a check with my contact info on it ?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Maybe some of you with talents could offer them a hand?

    That could move things forward rather then sitting behind a computer complaining that nothing is happening.

    Just a suggestion.

    Where do I start that wouldn’t get me banned?

    You’all send them a check I just sit back and read about the results.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Or you can sit here and complain how nothing gets done. Wait, we’ve been doing that for 20 years.

    Your call.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Or we can can see what the guys who joined when they started got for their money.

    Facts are facts. MN-FISH wants to treat this like their own little boys club. They want the money but also want everything kept quite and behind the scenes. The guys putting up the money are there for the money only.

    Now when they get a little heat they change directors. I suggest they look at dumping their PR guy also.

    BTW, did they explain that by going after the $90+ million in tax surplus they were just doubling what the taxpayers were spending for hatchery & access maintenance? You know, that yearly DNR budget money they get from the tax payers every year.

    MN-FISH learned their transparency from the DNR.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I paid to be a lifetime member, I donate regularly, I send comments to them both negative and positive.

    THEY sent me an email about the summit, I responded because I wanted to attend. I would have paid their price to be there.

    MN-Fish have the experts, I’m donating money so the “Experts” can do there thing. In addition, they could have easily stated on that email what it would take to become a Coalition Benefactor.

    Instead they lost a member, but I’m a softy. They could win me back.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I paid to be a lifetime member, I donate regularly, I send comments to them both negative and positive.

    THEY sent me an email about the summit, I responded because I wanted to attend. I would have paid their price to be there.

    MN-Fish have the experts, I’m donating money so the “Experts” can do there thing. In addition, they could have easily stated on that email what it would take to become a Coalition Benefactor.

    Instead they lost a member, but I’m a softy. They could win me back.

    I see another wedding in your future.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I see another wedding in your future.

    rotflol rotflol rotflol
    You’re prolly right.

    3’s the charm. Right? doah

    I’d post some more pics but then BK would ban me for life. whistling

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I see another wedding in your future.

    rotflol rotflol rotflol
    You’re prolly right.

    3’s the charm. Right? doah

    I’d post some more pics but then BK would ban me for life. whistling


    Tinder girls send those same pictures, no good intentions needed toast

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    MN Fish seems, imo, to have a set agenda the powers that be want to promote, and it is beneficial to all of us as BK laid out earlier. So more power to them. There’s plenty I could say negatively with receipts, but having them doing what they’re doing is better than nothing. Good luck to them!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    I see another wedding in your future.

    rotflol rotflol rotflol
    You’re prolly right.

    3’s the charm. Right? doah

    I’d post some more pics but then BK would ban me for life. whistling

    Tinder girls send those same pictures, no good intentions needed toast

    And how would you know this? Lol

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    I see another wedding in your future.

    rotflol rotflol rotflol
    You’re prolly right.

    3’s the charm. Right? doah

    I’d post some more pics but then BK would ban me for life. whistling

    [/quote]you bringing the moose with ya when you move to N.C.?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    She don’t need no stinkin moose, just horse power.

    Posts: 1122

    I’m just really curious where the hell MN-FISH was while the Omnibus environment policy and supplemental appropriations bill slowly sank this year? There are some key policy details in that bill that a lot of people spent a lot of time working on. Would be nice to see some representation….

    and yes I’m quite biased due to the fact of the 2 line language being included in that bill and being hoodwinked once again by everyone.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I asked Mr. Ron about that when they had the summit. His response was “It’s a little late to be telling us about this now!” I believe there was 3 weeks left of the session.

    Since the summit, I’ll had two emails from a board member. One that said Penaz was going to contact me. To date, nothing has change and as optimistic as I am, it’s looking like Dutchy was right.

    Posts: 1122

    I guess my point was that someone shouldn’t be there having to remind them, this is the kind of stuff that should be on the radar every single legislative session. They should be telling us, not the other way around.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    So what comes first? The chicken or the egg. Mn fish started what they thought would be a good idea to unite and represent fishermen/women. Hasn’t worked out quite what I think they envisioned. Many of you think MNfish has to “show you something” before you will join. Ever think if enough people joined that the politicians would have no choice but to take MNfish seriously? I reached out to MNfish and Chip Lear called my cell and had a nice conversation and was satisfied with what I heard and continue to support. I haven’t tried to reach them recently but perhaps will and see what they have to say. To think MNfish is just out to scam people out of their money is unfair. Buzz comments I believe from my street corner are spot on, it takes time to build an organization and gain momentum. You are not going to have a pheasant forever or ducks unlimited organization in a few short years. Having said all that I too am disappointed with the results so far and hope to see improvement.

    Posts: 1122

    From their mission statement:

    “We want to give you the opportunity to have a strong voice and be heard at our State Capital, where it matters most!”

    So why weren’t they there? I don’t expect them to know every single bill coming through, but they SHOULD have tracking and input and a response on the large omnibus DNR/Environment/Outdoor policy and spending bills.

    MN-FISH….where are you?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    3, it seems your interested in the Two/Three line reg change? I’m thinking there would need to be more of a grassroots group spearheading this. Looking to MN Fish to be that group might be unreasonable. Another barrier is thinking the legislature is the place to get the regulations changed. The Hook and Bullet concerns have been over shadowed by partisan politics, legislators are so divided that even the most important bills are almost impossible to pass. Outdoor News has weekly updates on what is happening in the environmental, conservation and natural resources committees.

    Posts: 1122


    This was a DNR sponsored policy change bill. SPEARHEADED BY THE MNDNR

    Legislation is REQUIRED to make these changes.

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