
  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Some will think this is pot stirring 101 by me but I would like an answer.

    On another message board I asked again what MnFish was doing. The response was “they supported a 4 Walleye limit.” Well thats good but not what I was wanting to know. Has anybody seen, read, heard ANYTHING what MnFish is involved in? I believe during their first round of begging for money they stated they would be working “behind the scenes” for sportsman in Minnesota. Well I don’t think anybody envisioned just how far behind the scenes they would stay. I really would love to support them but I have the same impression now that I had then. They were a bunch of “names” and personalities that were afraid to ruffle any feathers. Afraid it would negatively effect there personal businesses. Have they proven me wrong? I don’t know, there has been nothing from them other than another round of begging that was posted a couple of weeks ago.

    Supporting these guys is harder then having compassion for Bin Laden. roll

    Why is it so hard to let the people know what you are up to? If you are doing nothing, say so. I know somebody that visits here belongs to MnFish, I mean it would only make sense to track a site of your members belong to wouldn’t it?

    Sorry for the rant but with all the things going on in this country I would like to have a bit of faith that SOMEBODY / ANYBODY is working for us. neutral

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Well dutch they give you a sticker if you fall for there games. Thats something

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12569

    I see they had a Tribute to Ron Linder and are running a sweepstakes for new members – That’s something. To be honest I have no idea if they have done anything meaningful. I liked the concept and their idea’s when they first started, but have not noticed any big impact that they have made just yet. They have received several large donations and have a fair amount of new members and say they are a non-profit group so I hope they are doing something with the $.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    I hear ya dutchy. I’m new to the outdoor news paper. You’d think they would inform outdoors people there but haven’t seen nothing.

    I personally won’t send money to them

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I thought your money was to help preserve the museum they are all in? It was going under as was their memories …

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    It’s still early, I will keep the faith.

    Dutchie when the 2 lines passes I will have you over so we can watch 4 Thills as we drink a bottle of Dom. toast

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    It’s still early, I will keep the faith.

    Dutchie when the 2 lines passes I will have you over so we can watch 4 Thills as we drink a bottle of Dom. toast

    Have you heard MnFish has any involvement in working on this? I haven’t seen a word about it.

    I might be up for the bobbbers but a bottle of Grain Belt Premium would be the drink of choice. Hey, could I sit on the end of that fancy dock and watch my bobber? razz

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    Stay up on the latest effecting
    Our Minnesota Fishing – Its a New Year!

    Jan 6, 2021


    WALKER, MN – Well, we’re off to 2021 and hopefully a better year for you and yours. Certainly our fishing days will be much brighter as the threat of Covid and our memories of the pandemic fade away. We can only wish for that.

    Meanwhile, your MN-FISH board members are busy planning fish-improvement ideas with the Department of Natural Resources in the coming weeks ahead. We also intend to be active with Legislators in supporting or opposing legislation that impacts our treasured pastime.

    As a member, please feel free to contact us about fishing issues that are on your mind.
    If you don’t offer your two-cents, nothing will change. Get involved, In this new year, we also ask that you renew your membership by going to our website,

    Your continued support is critical. As a member, you’ll receive email alerts to pending legislation that you may or may not want to support by contacting your legislator.
    At the moment, we are asking DNR to provide updates on their walleye stocking levels, programs and policies.

    We also will be exploring the state’s investments in public boat access programs, including questions about access maintenance, parking and courtesy docks or lack thereof and who determines the presence or absence of courtesy docks.

    As the legislative session progresses, we expect the DNR and lawmakers will review the state’s six walleye limit and consider a four walleye limit statewide. The issue has plenty of pros and cons and promises to generate a hefty debate, which may lead to another review of DNR’s walleye stocking efforts?

    You may already have heard about the increase in fishing pressure on state lakes as a result of the pandemic. What does this mean down the road? Will new angling restrictions be warranted to give the fish resources a break? Something to think about.

    As you can see, there’s no shortage of fishing issues ahead in the new year. But that’s good. Our mission doesn’t change as we intend to help shorten the time between bites in this great fishing state of Minnesota.

    Together with your grassroots support we can KEEP Minnesota Fishing!

    Good fishing,

    Ron Schara, MN-FISH President

    PS. Please renew your membership today!

    Thanks for following, supporting and being engaged with MN-Fish! Together with your grassroots support we can KEEP Minnesota Fishing! • 833-3MN-FISH (366-3474) • [email protected]
    Contact: [email protected]

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Saw that before, Doesn’t say what they are doing other then saying what the issues are. Forgive me but I’m not buying what they are peddling.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    I didn’t know if you saw the last “update” or not. I will agree that is says a whole lot of nothing.

    As you can see, there’s no shortage of fishing issues ahead in the new year. But that’s good. Our mission doesn’t change as we intend to help shorten the time between bites in this great fishing state of Minnesota.

    My suggestion is to pick one issue and lets start to make some positive change. The main point of the update seems to be renew your membership.

    I do agree with EPG though and will keep the faith, for now.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    What I find interesting is they can send a e-mail begging for additional money but they can’t send a e-mail letting folks know whats going on and what THEY are doing.

    I wonder if the phrase “Smoke & Mirrors” applies here? jester

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I didn’t know if you saw the last “update” or not. I will agree that is says a whole lot of nothing.

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tomr wrote:</div>
    As you can see, there’s no shortage of fishing issues ahead in the new year. But that’s good. Our mission doesn’t change as we intend to help shorten the time between bites in this great fishing state of Minnesota.

    My suggestion is to pick one issue and lets start to make some positive change. The main point of the update seems to be renew your membership.

    I do agree with EPG though and will keep the faith, for now.

    There main point is to funnel money in from us anglers. Seems to be all they do.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    I wonder if the phrase “Smoke & Mirrors” applies here?

    There is no question that they have to start reporting some success stories or MN fish is going away. It might be already to late to save. I wonder if it would have been different if covid hadn’t disrupted everyone plans? Maybe or maybe they had a half baked plan from the beginning and don’t know what the next steps should be. Time will tell but the clock is running down.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I’m not a fan of Ron Shara, he’s done things that are very anti-outdoorsmen in order to look good.

    They’ve been up and running for quite some time. The early time has come and gone.
    Their names carried enough weight to get Mnfish up and running but I’m afraid that’s as far as they’ll get. I’d like to see the books and where “donations” have gone.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Thanks Pug, relieved to see you weren’t posting a picture of a villa MnFish owns in Florida. wink

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Looks like none of the Board Members take a salary.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Looks like none of the Board Members take a salary.

    Thats ok if they are paying lobbyists or something. But if it’s just getting swallowed up with expense accounts and expenses whats the point? Again, I’m not anti MnFish I just want to see what if anything they are doing.

    My fear has always been it’s a group of well known businessmen who won’t get out front of any controversy for fear of hurting their own brand or business. We can see now that staying behind the scenes is all they care about. They easily with their connections could produce a short clip of what they are up to and the issues they are working on. Saturday & Sunday mornings are littered with TV outdoor shows that can run a short clip or commercial.

    Either inform or quit begging for more money.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I just sent them an email asking if/what specific issues they are working on and if they will let us know.

    Stand by.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    As a Board member for Anglers for Habitat, I can’t comment on MN Fish. Anglers need as many voices as they can get to improve fishing in MN. Legislatively Covid has limited most legislation to keeping the government going. What little might happen comes down to Senator’s Ingebritsen and Rudd. In the House it’s Rep. Hanson and Rep.Amy Wazlawik Vice Chair. Senator Rudd recently expressed that she would introduce the 4 walleye statewide bag but not two line. There seems to be support on both sides for the 6-4 reduction. As VP of AFH I’m a little jealous of MN Fish’s access to free stuff to attract membership, but welcome their voice. I’d like see our membership increase ($10 per year) but we don’t have glossy stickers. Further we need more anglers across the State to take the initiative and get involved. If your not getting one of the weekly publications like Outdoor News and others, you might not know what’s going on.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    That reminds me, my Outdoor news sub expired. I need to re-subscribe.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I just sent them an email asking if/what specific issues they are working on and if they will let us know.

    Stand by.

    A few months later…

    HI Eelpoutguy,

    Thank you for contacting MN Fish I apologize for the delay in
    responding. As you stated in your email, this is a new venture and the
    set-up has taken longer than anticipated. Please feel free to continue
    to reach out with any questions and/or concerns that you may have.

    If you do have any other questions or concerns please let us know.

    MN Fish Representative

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I’m mean, stand by again. doah

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    As a Board member for Anglers for Habitat, I can’t comment on MN Fish. Anglers need as many voices as they can get to improve fishing in MN. Legislatively Covid has limited most legislation to keeping the government going. What little might happen comes down to Senator’s Ingebritsen and Rudd. In the House it’s Rep. Hanson and Rep.Amy Wazlawik Vice Chair. Senator Rudd recently expressed that she would introduce the 4 walleye statewide bag but not two line. There seems to be support on both sides for the 6-4 reduction. As VP of AFH I’m a little jealous of MN Fish’s access to free stuff to attract membership, but welcome their voice. I’d like see our membership increase ($10 per year) but we don’t have glossy stickers. Further we need more anglers across the State to take the initiative and get involved. If your not getting one of the weekly publications like Outdoor News and others, you might not know what’s going on.

    Thats my point. If I need to find out whats going on through Midwest Outdoors whats the point of paying MnFish or even Anglers for Habitat for that matter?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    MN Fish and AFH are trying to bring the anglers voice to issues attend hearings and meet with the DNR much the same way PF, DU and Deer Assn. We fall in a category of Non Goverment Organizations NGO’s. We do some lobbying and relationship building with those who make decisions about fishing in MN. OD, Midwest, InFish, report what happened but rarely are part of the circus.

    Posts: 46

    Not a fan of Ron Shura being the face and President of MnFish. Not a very personable guy. Wish they would pick a fishing topic and dig there feet and follow thru with it. But I don’t think that is their way of doing things. To let you know I am a member but I don’t know for how long if they don’t start taking a stayed for something.

    Posts: 2687

    Thought I was cynical, don’t disagree much with your thoughts. Am a member and joined right away. Have zero clue what they are, other than relaying useless information that everyone already knows. Hey, waters blue. Brilliant! Thanks for taking my money for that information.

    Land of 10,000 lakes and a ton of fishermen and are known nationally for fishing, yet we can’t have one decent umbrella group that unites our voice. He!! I’d like a more than once a year useless update on basically nothing informative. Guess Rony Sahara is off filming his next episode of mn bound in Mexico or his daughter and the other guy are filming an episode for mn bound in South Dakota. What a joke. His show and mnfish are both bound all right. Constipated might be a better word.


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Getting a bit closer! waytogo

    Their April 2021 newsletter really has quite a bit in there. It looks like they are starting to hit their stride.

    Now all they need is an Executive Director and I know just the person. whistling

    Thank you for your kind words on our most recent newsletter, our communications is a work in progress. We most certainly have been spending more time and effort talking with DNR officials and legislators than keeping MN Anglers aware of our activities. As the newsletter indicated, it’s time to do both.

    Many of our board fully support your comment for two line fishing and the subject is broached often in our discussions with officials. Currently, bonding priorities for boat ramps and fishing piers, public docking is demanding most of our time but soon we will have time to once again, talk dual corks.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Well, doing something is better than doing nothing I guess.

    EPG since I’m not a card toting, donating member of MnFish I don’t think they would have any interest in me. But thanks for thinking of me. waytogo

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    Well, doing something is better than doing nothing I guess.

    There aren’t very many other groups with enough cache to get a meeting with the DNR Deputy Commissioner, the Fisheries Chief, and a couple Fisheries Managers to discuss walleye stocking, live bait trapping, and tournament angling issues.

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