MN Wild 2017-18 Official Thread

  • homerk
    Posts: 86

    Pittsburgh 9 playoff series wins in a row,”IMPRESSIVE”

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Suter has panned out. The series would have been different with him in the lineup. Not saying they would have won, but they would have been more competitive.

    Parise unfortunately has suffered a lot of injuries. You can’t plan for that. Hell, he had 3 goals in 3 games.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    You might need to provide a lengthy explanation as to why loyal fans filling their team’s arena and being loud and cheering is a bad thing.

    Never said that. Plunking down $70-100 per seat for regular season games to watch a team mediocre team is nuts. The Twins and Vikings fans figured it out and when those teams stink the fans don’t go. Wild fans on the other hand will not speak with their pocketbooks.

    That’s not entirely true. If people recall before the signing of Suter/Parise a combination of the lockout & missed playoffs for 2-3 seasons resulted in a drop off in attendance.

    Believe it or not some fans are actually a fan of the sport. Bottom line is you can only define value and interest for yourself.

    Posts: 19572

    Suter has been worth every penny the 1st half of the contract, Parise has been good when healthy, but not sure he’s been $7.5 million good (but the contract # is what it is, you’ll always pay more for FA’s)…The issue will be if they can maintain that play the back half of the contract (or at least the next 4 seasons until their buyout number is minimal..)

    Parise restored some faith he can do it by making a successful comeback from a scary back injury, but the way Parise plays the game and takes a beating, who knows how long it will hold up?…

    Suter I guess we’ll see, i’m not sure he’s ever been injured? Broken ankles can heal just fine or they can cause issues the rest of your hockey life (think Peter Forsberg) He’s a physical marvel, I suspect he’ll come back just as farm strong…

    Suter’s injury really showed the lack of depth the Wild has on Defense, we need 1 more solid defender to play with Seeler now…

    Posts: 86

    Suter has panned out. The series would have been different with him in the lineup. Not saying they would have won, but they would have been more competitive.

    Parise unfortunately has suffered a lot of injuries. You can’t plan for that. Hell, he had 3 goals in 3 games.

    If I remember right Suter did play in the Entire 1st round last season with a more talented Wild roster at that time. The Wild lost the series 4-1.
    Despite being the defensive rock on the Wild D, Suters play would not have changed the outcome of the series.
    How can anyone who has watched the Wild get dominated in the playoffs for the 6th season in a row continue to claim what ifs? and if only this?
    The Wilds roster is severely short of players who can compete at the next payoff level. If you watch the caliber of play that the Series winning teams are playing at, It is painfully obvious how far the Wild are from competing at that level.

    Posts: 81

    Changes will be coming – Fletcher’s contract was not renewed. He had 9 years to make something happen. It seems like it’s been the same thing year after year (for the last 6 years). I agree with management, that it is time to try something else.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mplspug wrote:</div>
    Suter has panned out. The series would have been different with him in the lineup. Not saying they would have won, but they would have been more competitive.

    Parise unfortunately has suffered a lot of injuries. You can’t plan for that. Hell, he had 3 goals in 3 games.

    If I remember right Suter did play in the Entire 1st round last season with a more talented Wild roster at that time. The Wild lost the series 4-1.
    Despite being the defensive rock on the Wild D, Suters play would not have changed the outcome of the series.
    How can anyone who has watched the Wild get dominated in the playoffs for the 6th season in a row continue to claim what ifs? and if only this?
    The Wilds roster is severely short of players who can compete at the next payoff level. If you watch the caliber of play that the Series winning teams are playing at, It is painfully obvious how far the Wild are from competing at that level.

    Of course the difficulty in it all is nothing remains static. Of the teams that are legitimately competing for the cup… All make moves to remain there. The lower seeded playoff teams make moves to become a contender. The teams off the bubble make moves to get into the playoffs. Teams have salary caps to deal with. Injuries to deal with. Development of prospects. Who they can and cant sign when contracts come up. Depth & match ups. So on and so forth…

    Looking at the MLB… Even having the ability to outspend everyone isn’t a guarantee.

    Charlie Vaughan
    On the river
    Posts: 194

    After reading this and Puck daddy… yes, the wild need to blow up their roster, maybe be bad for a few years, kaps will likely be a next level scorer, we’ll see if we can “unmediocrize” ourselves.

    Posts: 86

    Changes will be coming – Fletcher’s contract was not renewed. He had 9 years to make something happen. It seems like it’s been the same thing year after year (for the last 6 years). I agree with management, that it is time to try something else.

    Good News IMO
    It will be interesting to see a new management perspective on the Wilds Roster.

    Posts: 3403

    The GM position is open. You should get the job and turn things around.

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>biggill wrote:</div>
    These two guys have made Leopold more money than their contracts already. Probably 5 fold by now.

    You can recommend where to go from here, but don’t tell us it was a mistake.

    Lol, that’s awesome, they made the owners a ton of money and can’t win a playoff series. That’s great insight and glad the owner is making money.

    It wasn’t a mistake and the proof is on the ice in the playoffs.

    Cash strapped with horrible contracts is a wonderful thing to hang your loyalty hat on and making the owners money. My word, I’m a hockey fan, I’m not more concerned about the owners making money.

    Move on from players who’ve done absolutely nothing, and that’s not debatable post season. Yep, we all get it, it’s hard and every team goes through it and at least they are getting to the playoffs. I’m done with the trinity of turds and the embarrassing contracts that are the laughing stock of the league. Yeah, we are locked in and trapped with their contracts, but it doesn’t mean we can’t start giving younger prospects more minutes to see what is in the cupboards for when the awful contracts start getting closer to where there’s options to move them.

    Posts: 3403

    I am fairly certain that big numbers of people will not be renewing their season tickets next year. I am not renewing my tickets mainly due to them not being able to be written off as a business expense anymore. That coupled with a price hefty price increase, I’m out. My wife went to the last home game of the regular season and they had pieces of paper on the seats that had been renewed thanking them for doing so, she said there were not very many with thank you’s on them.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    The GM position is open. You should get the job and turn things around.

    Ain’t that the truth. Lots of people on this site know exactly what’s needed for each MN sports franchise, I would encourage all to apply.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The most undesirable jobs in Minnesota has to be in the pro sports sector.

    Posts: 9227

    I am fairly certain that big numbers of people will not be renewing their season tickets next year. I am not renewing my tickets mainly due to them not being able to be written off as a business expense anymore. That coupled with a price hefty price increase, I’m out. My wife went to the last home game of the regular season and they had pieces of paper on the seats that had been renewed thanking them for doing so, she said there were not very many with thank you’s on them.

    I find it hard to complain from a fan’s perspective. Obviously the big complaint is lack of post season success, but I mean recently the wild stand way above the other local sports franchises. They don’t control tax laws and I’m sure this isn’t the first time ticket prices increased.
    2nd best home record in the NHL
    Playoff relevant 6 years in a row
    Multiple hometown players – just look how MN has gone wild for Adam Thielen, the Wild have 6.
    Hometown players on most opposing teams
    Playing in the best division so good competition most nights
    Not new anymore, but The X is still a nice facility

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12252

    Suter has panned out. The series would have been different with him in the lineup. Not saying they would have won, but they would have been more competitive.

    Totally agree.

    Also, people pointing to the lack of playoff success as a sign that Suter hasn’t panned out are missing the key thing. How do you think the Wild GOT to the playoffs? Like the Wild were just gifted the playoff spot in a lottery?

    There are so many casual fans that think that defense doesn’t really matter and the only stat in hockey that defines a player’s worth is the G. Everything else is a BS stat, right? Well, I guess the problem with that thinking can be summed up in one word: Edmonton.

    So the Chucker is gone. That’s the easy part, now the problem is getting someone not just better, but a really great GM.

    What’s really held the Wild back IMO is the draft. We went from Gawdawful Reisboro who was just terrible in the draft, to the so-so Fletcher. We need to do way, way, way better on draft day.


    Posts: 2687

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mplspug wrote:</div>
    Suter has panned out. The series would have been different with him in the lineup. Not saying they would have won, but they would have been more competitive.

    Totally agree.

    Also, people pointing to the lack of playoff success as a sign that Suter hasn’t panned out are missing the key thing. How do you think the Wild GOT to the playoffs? Like the Wild were just gifted the playoff spot in a lottery?

    There are so many casual fans that think that defense doesn’t really matter and the only stat in hockey that defines a player’s worth is the G.

    Think it was pretty obvious, even with RS, although they might have been more competitive, the defense is majorly lacking. If rs/zp were both healthy, there’s no way they beat the jet’s over seven games. It’s not about this constant they are good players or not, they are good players. But there’s nothing around them defensively or offensively. Yep, regular season they are a cute little, aging, slowing down team.

    It take’s a team to win playoff games, not one good defense man.

    The draft picks have been brutal. That’s going to be haunting us a decade from now.

    When people look back on this team two decades from now, there’s certain things that will stand out, getting to the playoffs won’t be looked at in a positive light. It’ll be horrible contracts and under achieving players.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The one thing Leopold said I like. Bring someone in who doesn’t feel an ownership to certain players.

    Posts: 2687

    The one thing Leopold said I like. Bring someone in who doesn’t feel an ownership to certain players.


    Posts: 86

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mplspug wrote:</div>
    Suter has panned out. The series would have been different with him in the lineup. Not saying they would have won, but they would have been more competitive.

    Totally agree.

    There are so many casual fans that think that defense doesn’t really matter and the only stat in hockey that defines a player’s worth is the G. Everything else is a BS stat, right? Well, I guess the problem with that thinking can be summed up in one word: Edmonton.

    There are far more naive fans here that think you can win by just showing up year after year.
    Lieopold said it himself,”nothing short of the Stanley Cup will do” The great news is the owner gets it.
    The rest of those who are satisfied with one and done do not get it.

    Edmonton? That’s the team with How many cups in the trophy case?

    Posts: 19572

    Take this offseason and next years trade deadline to build a contender starting in 2020. Hopefully Kaprizov is here so you get a potential top pick type of player on his rookie contract for 3 years.

    Kaprizov could be Fletcher’s shining moment if he pans out to be the type of player most think he could be…

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Edmonton? That’s the team with How many cups in the trophy case?

    And how many does the “State of Hockey” have? Zero, none.

    I haven’t commented on this thread much if at all, but why? With over one thousand, one hundred, and sixty comments already…not much I can add. This comment is just an asterisk*


    This is why we study history. Because it tends to repeat itself. North Stars were never “Cup” contenders, only pretenders. Made the playoffs enough times though.

    Always that player or two short. Just like today’s Wild.

    Wild will never win a cup here, maybe when they move the team to Houston? Heard Houston is looking to become a 4 major sports market and with the Astros winning the WS and the Rockets laughing their way with the T-Wolves tonight and possibly to an NBA title?

    The Houston Wild…2028 Stanley Cup Champions. jester

    Posts: 2687

    Get people defending RS.

    Like ZP.

    Heck, even like MK.

    Not sure about Bruce, but he’s a coach.

    Firing Fletcher is no cure all.

    Coyle isn’t the soul reason this team whimpers post season.

    Is it who wears the C on their sweater? And is there an under lying pissing contest with that in the locker room?

    Is the team to small?

    Or to listless, with no fire or passion? That’s a tough thing to draft, trade for or buy. There’s not much an owner, coach or GM can do when a team consistently goes through slumps, has no grit or passion. Coyle is a prime example. Tons of talent, but…..

    Seems to me the team is way to comfortable with just getting to the playoffs, then it goes flat and boring as all he!!. There’s no grit or passionate persistence to push. They go belly up and the fans all see it. The whole league and hockey fans of other team’s see it and know it.

    I don’t think there’s any easy answer to get the corner turned, but a passionless team is boring to keep watching post season. Yes, it’s awesome to get to the playoffs. But if it doesn’t bother a person a little to watch the team completely roll over in the playoffs, not sure that’s what defines a hockey fan? It’s people mimicking what’s on the ice, boring and seemingly embracing a hoe hum mentality.

    Dumba at least at time’s shows a little. ZP has it, but his body can’t handle it, not his fault, just reality.

    How long before Bruce gets canned or just mentally gives up?

    There’s so many holes, but a few prospects stepping up and actually getting Kap in the building would sure help ease some pressure on the trinity. Don’t want to blow it up, but mixing it up is sure doable.

    Posts: 86

    There’s so many holes, but a few prospects stepping up and actually getting Kap in the building would sure help ease some pressure on the trinity. Don’t want to blow it up, but mixing it up is sure doable.

    I partially agree with your view on the players listed.
    Not sure what it means to blow it up, that’s hard to do with all the guaranteed contracts.What needs to happen is a shake up.
    RS AND ZP will be here for several years, the problem with the wild is they have no one that supports their play.Eric Stall has been probably one of Fletcher’s best acquisitions, after that his moves have not panned out.
    The current players do not seem to have the drive or passion or whatever you want to call it? to ramp up ther play in the playoffs. If one guy has a good game going then the team plays better,problem is that there are to many players waiting for someone else to make a play.
    Hopefully the new GM moves some of those players.
    Just having a new perspective with the roster and the right moves,will be enough to shake this team up.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Reading between Leopold’s words and taking him literally, we are not rebuilding. He wants a objective GM who will tweak without protecting players like Fletch did because he had a stake in their development. So guys like Dumba, Coyle, Nino, Zucker and others will be on the table without a GM having an allegiance to them. Which now that he has said that makes sense when you look at the moves, non moves Chuck’s made.

    I remember in the old days teams would make change of scenery trades swapping similarly talented guys who seemed to be in a funk. I dont remember Chuck doing one of these.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    My condolences that Pierre McGuire is even being mentioned as a possible replacement.

    Posts: 24658

    So the Chucker is gone. That’s the easy part, now the problem is getting someone not just better, but a really great GM.

    What’s really held the Wild back IMO is the draft. We went from Gawdawful Reisboro who was just terrible in the draft, to the so-so Fletcher. We need to do way, way, way better on draft day.


    The reason the draft has held them back is mainly in part because Chuck traded so many of the top picks away in the deadline deals. Of the picks he made, many of them are still with the team (right or not) which says something.
    The cupboard was bare when he got here, because of him we actually have some talent, but Iowa is abysmal right now. They have one of the highest payrolls (to make them competitive signing older vets) in the AHL and haven’t made the playoffs in what 4 years?

    I don’t agree there are a lot of holes on the Wild as some have suggested.
    Here are the UFA’s: Cullen, Gabriel, Rau, Winnick, Svedberg

    Here are the RFA’s: Zucker, Dumba, Seeler, Murphy

    Lets face it, this is the final ride for Cullen, so don’t worry about him. I don’t think Gabriel is going to be brought back, he has had a couple chances, but I don’t think he is going to make any sort of impact or draw interest by this team.
    Rau, he is young, I bet he gets an offer from the Wild.
    Winnick, I want him back. He really was strong the last 15 games or so and I think that line was the best in the playoffs.
    Seeler deserves a contract and I think he wont break the bank
    Murphy was perplexing to me. At first he looked really good like a steal almost and then when he came back he was lost. Not sure if it was who he was paired with that caused that, but that was frustrating.
    That really brings it down to Dumba and Zucker and what happens with them.
    Even though Dumba can be so frustrating, he offers something that this team doesn’t have. An offensive D man and a right shot.
    Zucker, getting 33 goals this year is going to help his case, but disappearing in the playoffs is going to hurt him.
    At a glance as it sits with players under contract we have $7.45MM in cap space (22 players) leaving 9 positions open to take up that money.
    Something is going to have to give. Undoubtedly Zucker and Dumba are going after more money, but if you paid them what they are making now that eats up $4.5MM of the avail so anything over what they are making is crippling unless we shed salary somewhere.
    There are players on this team that other teams covet and even if they didn’t produce here that wouldn’t shy them away from making a move on them (like Coyle). Coyle is $3.2MM and signed for another 2 years so he certainly would be of interest to someone if nothing else but at the trade deadline, but I don’t think we can wait with moving him, we need the space now.
    If we buyout Ennis, we would save $2.43MM next year. That helps things, but then we have to replace him with someone.

    Posts: 86

    From a casual fans stand point; copied from another source.

    Lack of an Impact Player
    And we finally get to this. This is the single-biggest issue that has thwarted the Wild from making a deep playoff run during Fletcher’s tenure. The Wild just did not acquire a player who could make a superstar-level impact on a nightly basis.

    This wasn’t for a lack of trying. The Chuck Fletcher era was littered with players who were acquired in hopes of being that kind of superstar. Martin Havlat, Mikael Granlund, Jason Zucker, Dany Heatley, Devon Setoguchi, Charlie Coyle, Zack Phillips, Parise, Suter, Pominville, Nino Niederreiter, Vanek, Eric Staal. There are varying levels of success among them, but all fall short of true superstar status.

    Some will say that it’s hard to acquire such a player. That the only path to getting one is to tank and get a draft pick that allows you to draft a Connor McDavid, a Nathan MacKinnon, or a Patrik Laine.

    It’s true that it’s hard to acquire those stars. But it’s not impossible.

    Look at some of the best players in the league, and you’ll see that many of them weren’t acquired with those picks.

    Just in the Wild’s division, we see players like Tyler Seguin, who was traded from Boston to Dallas for two-way winger Loui Eriksson and prospects. Also in Dallas, there’s John Klingberg, drafted in the 5th-round in 2010 when Minnesota was helping themselves to Johan Larsson and Brett Bulmer. In St. Louis, there’s Vladimir Tarasenko, also drafted in 2010 behind Mikael Granlund. In Nashville, there’s Filip Forsberg, acquired for Martin Erat, of all things. P.K. Subban, traded for Suter’s former defensive partner Shea Weber. Ryan Johansen, whom the Wild tried, but failed, to acquire via trade.

    And around the league? Native Minnesotan Phil Kessel was traded to Pittsburgh for a song. Taylor Hall was traded from Edmonton for a middle-pair defenseman.

    And of course, the one superstar-level player Minnesota did draft, Kirill Kaprizov, isn’t in North America. A bit unlucky, perhaps, but Fletcher’s camp didn’t seem to do a good enough job communicating interest in him. And the Wild sure needed a player at his level in the playoffs this season.

    With all the star players flying around in the draft and the trade market, there was plenty of opportunity for Fletcher to snag one. He was either unwilling or unable to do what it took to land such a player. This will define his legacy in Minnesota, no matter what good he did for the franchise overall.

    With similar salary cap woes, a limited prospect pool, and another expansion draft slated for 2020, keeping the Wild afloat will be tricky for the Wild’s next general manager to accomplish.

    But it’s become clear that Fletcher isn’t the person who is best suited to navigate the waters in the State of Hockey. It’s time to give a new voice a chance to craft the Wild in their image.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    What has Terasenko done for the Blues or Seguin for Dallas? How successful have they been?

    Staal was at that level this year. What am I missing?

    Posts: 86

    Boston -vs- Toronto 1st Game 7,it should be a good game to watch. Toronto comes out on top.

    Posts: 19572

    I think our issue is that we don’t have enough players that can handle “playoff hockey”…

    Look at teams that have year or year playoff success, yes they might have a superstar or two, but they also have the right type of role players that are willing to do whatever it takes to win and are built to survive rough playoff hockey (Bonino & Harnquist are a few examples) Besides a few proven vets (Staal, Parise) we just don’t have that on the Wild’s roster, Hopefully the new GM has a better idea of that type of player then Fletcher did…

    I also think this team needs a leadership shakeup…Koivu is not the leader of this team anymore…I would give the C to Parise or Staal…

    Lastly I think we need to trade one of our small/skilled defenseman (Spurgeon/Brodin) for a big/nasty that can move bodies and make some big checks that energizes the team (like big Buff did almost every period of our series)

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