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MN Wild 2016-17 – Official thread.
Posts: 9309June 5, 2017 at 10:54 pm #1697679Update: no thanks. I prefer not puking.
There is a funny ending to my story that may involve that… lol
DTJune 5, 2017 at 11:36 pm #1697681<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tegg wrote:</div>
In recent years, of the two sports I attend two names that were consistently booed by MN fans come to mind: Todd Bertuzzi & Alex Rodriguez.Yeah but they weren’t booing just because they used to play for us.
The name that would have been interesting on this front was Gaborik. I think he was hurt for the Ranger’s first trip here so I don’t think he played. Not sure if there were some boos when he finally played as a visitor.
June 6, 2017 at 6:05 am #1697686<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TheFamousGrouse wrote:</div>
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tegg wrote:</div>
In recent years, of the two sports I attend two names that were consistently booed by MN fans come to mind: Todd Bertuzzi & Alex Rodriguez.Yeah but they weren’t booing just because they used to play for us.
The name that would have been interesting on this front was Gaborik. I think he was hurt for the Ranger’s first trip here so I don’t think he played. Not sure if there were some boos when he finally played as a visitor.
No way, Gaborik was hurt
I know I boo’d him the first time he came back, just because he was always hurt, especially when we needed him.
New series now, it’s all tied up and Preds have the momentum. This is going to be a fun ending. The chants to Murray last night were getting louder and louder as the game went on. I was giggling like a school girl. I wonder if Carrie Underwood gets involved in those chants…
June 6, 2017 at 6:08 am #1697687I just recently have been able to drink whiskey mixed with ginger ale. My aversion to it came from when I was a youngster taking straight pulls off JD in the woods. Not a pretty sight.
While everyone is arguing goalies vs stars there is a hell of a finals going on.
The road to hoisting the cup appears to go through Rinne. What a game by him last night. Murray wasn’t too bad himself. Too bad he was a fraction to slow on what would have been an incredible save on that second goal.
How do you let Crosby get behind you and get 2 breakaways. That Ryan Ellis is a terrible defenseman.
June 6, 2017 at 6:10 am #1697688What would you guys think of a Wild gtg? Pun intended.
You guys can arm wrestle, thumb wrestle, paper-rock-scissors or whatever to solve your arguments.
Only requirement is that you need to have a 3 wise men before it starts. You can drink grape soda or whatever you want after that.
Now THIS I want to see!!
InactivePosts: 4941June 6, 2017 at 7:54 am #1697701The Stanley Cup Playoffs….Ohhhhhh what a Russsshhhh!!
Looking like a Game 7 on the horizon
InactivePosts: 4941June 6, 2017 at 8:04 am #1697704The Pens have proven they can win 2 games thus far with squat from any of theirs stars. That’s been my point.
[/quote]Poor Grasshopper,
Can’t see the forest for the treesJune 6, 2017 at 8:14 am #1697707Pug, ever tried Two Gingers whiskey? Delish mixed with ginger ale…
Not sure which I enjoy more, the Huberty/ Musky series or the other one.June 6, 2017 at 9:02 am #1697723Pug, ever tried Two Gingers whiskey? Delish mixed with ginger ale…
Not sure which I enjoy more, the Huberty/ Musky series or the other one.Two Gingers and the Big Gingers at Target Field is what got my palette to accept whisky again.
Two Gingers is hard to find down here, but I have seen it from time to time. It’s almost like a seasonal thing, I’ll find it for a couple weeks and then its gone.
My palette when it comes to whiskey isn’t really refined enough to know the difference in brands/styles, so I use whatever whiskey, ginger ale and a splash of lime.
June 6, 2017 at 9:51 am #1697740<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>belletaine wrote:</div>
Pug, ever tried Two Gingers whiskey? Delish mixed with ginger ale…
Not sure which I enjoy more, the Huberty/ Musky series or the other one.Two Gingers and the Big Gingers at Target Field is what got my palette to accept whisky again.
Two Gingers is hard to find down here, but I have seen it from time to time. It’s almost like a seasonal thing, I’ll find it for a couple weeks and then its gone.
My palette when it comes to whiskey isn’t really refined enough to know the difference in brands/styles, so I use whatever whiskey, ginger ale and a splash of lime.
In lieu of Two Gingers look for other Irish or Canadian whiskeys to see if you can find some you like. They tend to be lighter than a bourbon.
June 6, 2017 at 10:15 am #1697747June 5, 2017 at 11:36 pm#1697681
TheFamousGrouse wrote:
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tegg wrote:</div>
In recent years, of the two sports I attend two names that were consistently booed by MN fans come to mind: Todd Bertuzzi & Alex Rodriguez.Yeah but they weren’t booing just because they used to play for us.
The name that would have been interesting on this front was Gaborik. I think he was hurt for the Ranger’s first trip here so I don’t think he played. N
You don’t say…
There’s no need to chase down Two Gingers whiskey, it’s a pretty run of the mill Irish whiskey and any other will do just as nicely.
June 6, 2017 at 10:47 am #1697753Yeah I pretty much just go with Jameson for the most part. But I am a brand loyal person, so if 2 Gingers is in the store I get it. Plus, it’s nice to support a company back home.
I wish that they distributed Surly down here.
June 6, 2017 at 1:03 pm #1697790Yeah I pretty much just go with Jameson for the most part. But I am a brand loyal person, so if 2 Gingers is in the store I get it. Plus, it’s nice to support a company back home.
I wish that they distributed Surly down here.
Kieran Follard sold the Two Gingers brand to Jim Beam last year, so there’s no local connection anymore, I’m afraid.
While I admire Ansari for building the Surly business and brand, I can’t drink the beer. Overhopped, overwrought, over-flavored, and I wish the heavy hop IPA fad was just plain OVER. Drink all the Surly you want, I won’t miss it.
June 6, 2017 at 1:21 pm #1697802I guess I don’t have to feel bad for not looking for 2Gs anymore.
I generally don’t like the IPA beers, however on a hot day I do like having one or 2. Surly Furious has enough malty backbone to counter the bitter hops to make it one of the best IPAs I have had. Still I’d drink one, maybe two and move on to something else. There’s a ton of IPAs with no character and are just a bitter citrus mess, like they aren’t even trying.
You guys should check out my new glasses, beard and man bun.
June 6, 2017 at 4:32 pm #1697834You guys should check out my new glasses, beard and man bun.
Are you riding a fixed gear hipster bike as well?
There’s a ton of IPAs with no character and are just a bitter citrus mess, like they aren’t even trying.
Yes, IMO that pretty much sums up 85% of the IPA “craft beers” on the market. Bitter, over-hopped, with a nose of cat’s p!ss and foul barnyard odors.
June 6, 2017 at 4:48 pm #1697841Agreed on the ipas. Even most of the imperial, double and triple ipas are hoppy messes. And some of those are so strong they taste like a spirit. J
There are a few, however, that understand balance. Try Lupilin Brewing in Big Lake.
Posts: 24602June 7, 2017 at 8:03 am #1697937Poor Grasshopper,
Can’t see the forest for the treesAll I see when I read your posts is buckthorn. An invasive nuisance.
Posts: 24602June 7, 2017 at 8:07 am #1697939What would you guys think of a Wild gtg? Pun intended.
You guys can arm wrestle, thumb wrestle, paper-rock-scissors or whatever to solve your arguments.
Only requirement is that you need to have a 3 wise men before it starts. You can drink grape soda or whatever you want after that.
A buddy in college only drank 3 wise men on the rocks. Called them Scooby snacks. I thought it was terrible at the time, but now I have come to see he was ahead of his time.
June 7, 2017 at 2:19 pm #1698037I see we have diverged to a little beer & spirits talk (probably until tonight’s game).
I enjoy several IPAs but hate to say I may have to move away from them. Not due to taste but I believe I may be developing an allergy to them (likely the hops). Every time I have a hoppier IPA I feel like I’m coming down with a sore throat the next morning. I know three other people who like IPAs that claim the same thing (sinus congestion, etc.).
On to the Cup finals:
Just to throw some stats into the Musky/Huberty debate:NSH had 3 players this season with 50+ points with a max of 61 pts. So far only two have played in the finals and have compiled 2g, 2a. Pitt had 5 players with 50+ points with 3 with over 70 pts. All have played in the finals and have compiled 4g, 6a. Series is tied 2-2.
June 7, 2017 at 2:25 pm #1698039If I were you I would skip tonight’s game and just watch it tomorrow.
IPAs sometimes give me heartburn.
Posts: 24602June 7, 2017 at 3:07 pm #1698049If I were you I would skip tonight’s game and just watch it tomorrow.
Yep, the only Finals game he would see tonight is the NBA and we all know that is going to suck. Heck, Charles Barkley even attended the last Cup Game and he is broadcasting for the NBA, what a shot that is!CaptainMusky
Posts: 24602June 7, 2017 at 3:10 pm #1698050On to the Cup finals:
Just to throw some stats into the Musky/Huberty debate:NSH had 3 players this season with 50+ points with a max of 61 pts. So far only two have played in the finals and have compiled 2g, 2a. Pitt had 5 players with 50+ points with 3 with over 70 pts. All have played in the finals and have compiled 4g, 6a. Series is tied 2-2.
Careful! I don’t want to see you accused of not seeing the forest for the trees.
InactivePosts: 4941June 7, 2017 at 3:41 pm #1698056<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jeff_huberty wrote:</div>
Poor Grasshopper,
Can’t see the forest for the treesAll I see when I read your posts is buckthorn. An invasive nuisance.
Or you still can’t see yourself getting over your favorite team bounced out of the first round.
It will all be over soon
June 7, 2017 at 4:17 pm #1698060For me, I find it futile to try to predict sports. Seems to me this is a game for Vegas which they probably win more often than not.
You need a big team until you need more speed. You need veteran leadership until you need more youth. You need more snipers until you need better goal tending. You need more physical play until you need more play making. You need more offensive defensemen until you need better D zone coverage. You need more free agent pickups until you need higher draft picks. It goes on and on…
I just watch the games.
June 7, 2017 at 5:16 pm #1698069For me, I find it futile to try to predict sports. Seems to me this is a game for Vegas which they probably win more often than not.
You need a big team until you need more speed. You need veteran leadership until you need more youth. You need more snipers until you need better goal tending. You need more physical play until you need more play making. You need more offensive defensemen until you need better D zone coverage. You need more free agent pickups until you need higher draft picks. It goes on and on…
I just watch the games.
Ha! Well put.
June 8, 2017 at 9:07 am #1698153So the latest rumor is that the wild are testing the market to possibly acquire a certain big superstar.
Stanley cup here we come!
As long as they trade away our best goalie we should be all set.
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