MN Trailer Tabs Online?

  • B-man
    Posts: 6641

    Can this be done online (I couldn’t find a site) or does it have to go through the mail and be sent to a closed office?

    Can I get a ticket for expired tabs in our current state of affairs?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17427

    Just get some documentation you applied and go for it. They got better things to do then pull you over for tabs.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6746

    If your talking about stickers for your boat, a friend is having to stop at the license center, could not do it online and certain ones are only doing vehicle tabs also, so call ahead. Not sure about trailer tabs if not lifetime license.

    Posts: 6641

    If your talking about stickers for your boat, a friend is having to stop at the license center, could not do it online and certain ones are only doing vehicle tabs also, so call ahead. Not sure about trailer tabs if not lifetime license.

    Trailer tabs.

    One of my guys tried to get his med card registered the other day and said the DMV he went to was closed, I guess I just assumed if one was closed they all were? Apparently not?

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6746

    B man my buddy said he could not get them at one of the Brooklyn Park locations only doing car tabs, he said another one off of Shingle Creek Pkwy he could get them? He also mentioned Ramsey could do it but was only open 8-5

    Posts: 35

    Dmv online says trailer tabs can be processed through the mail or anoka county has drop boxes. Not sure how long it takes but i sent mine in. It did say to put dl# and phone # on your check. Offices may be closed till may 5th. I will b bummed if ramsey is open cuz i live 5 minutes away. A small piece of red electrical tape will do in a pinch

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