MN muskie opener

  • gimruis
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    I went muskie fishing one time in the evening until sunset and didn’t move a fish. I only put in about 3 hours right up to dark. Caught 4 northern pike ranging between 22-27 inches. I mostly used faster-moving lures.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Fish for me seem to be more active. Couple in the boat and more follows. Mix of slow stuff and some bucktails.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    I tried for about 3.5 hours this morning. It was pretty stagnant out there with the higher dew points and lack of wind. I was toasted by 10:30am. Did not catch or move a muskie. Caught 6 pike between 24 and 30 inches. Water temp was 77 degrees.

    Posts: 753

    Got a 49.5″ and 48.5″ last night after dark with that big moon out. The 48.5 ate at the rod tip in the second turn of the ‘8’. Pretty exciting. Another solo trip, so no pics, though I tried. Nine of my last 10 have been while fishing solo!

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Took a trip to a further away lake and had 5 follows. All 40” or better and one being high 40”s super lazy given the no wind and sun on a clear lake.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    Muskie fishing is gonna have to take a break for this guy. The 7-10 day forecast looks HOT and water temps were already approaching 80 degrees.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    I went last night for about 4.5 hours. I moved one muskie. It took a swipe at my lure about halfway in, missed, and another swipe boat side, and missed again.

    Its the first muskie action I’ve had this season after 2 previous outings, so I’ll take that as an improvement.

    Caught 7 bycatch northern pike ranging from 22 to 29 inches in length. The water temp is 75 degrees.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Had ten follows last night. Some of them so hot I could not believe they didnt eat.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    Had ten follows last night. Some of them so hot I could not believe they didnt eat.

    Oh my. I bet your blood pressure went soaring.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Saw three last night and had one miss a beaver somehow. Temps are dropping saw 73.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Doubled up tonight and had four more to the boat. Things are getting good.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    In my 18th hour of muskie fishing this season, I finally got on the board. Around 8:30 this morning I piled into this sizable tiger muskie on a red slash bait. It measured 36 3/4 inches. I was by myself, so landing, netting, measuring, and taking photos were a challenge. It had an old rusted treble hook with 16 inches of fishing line in its mouth, which I properly removed before I released it.

    1. IMG_4031.jpg

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    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Rough night didnt see one fish and covered a ton of water. Saw 71 for water temps

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    I hooked into a sizable fish this morning but it spit the hooks when it jumped.

    I did catch about 10 pike along the way, including a 34 incher. That’s my biggest pike this season.

    Water temp has dropped to 71. I imagine it will go back up this week with the warmer weather though.

    Posts: 753

    Got a 48.5″ thick one last night. That thing ate a beaver at my rod tip shortly after dark. Unfortunately, I was solo and wasn’t wearing my headlamp. There was quite a scramble to find one in my glove box in the darkness while fighting this fish. All is well that ends well?

    Interestingly, the water temp rose 2° yesterday with the sun/warmth and all the fish I had found the night before were gone. Everything had changed.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    all the fish I had found the night before were gone

    How do you know they weren’t there? Just because they didn’t follow your lure, bite, or you didn’t visually spot them, that doesn’t mean they weren’t there anymore. There’s lots of places even for a sizable fish to hide. They coulda just had a case of lock jaw. That happens more often than not when muskie fishing.

    Posts: 753

    How do you know they weren’t there? Just because they didn’t follow your lure, bite, or you didn’t visually spot them, that doesn’t mean they weren’t there anymore. There’s lots of places even for a sizable fish to hide. They coulda just had a case of lock jaw. That happens more often than not when muskie fishing.

    That’s fair. Let’s just say they weren’t as readily apparent as the night before when I threw at seven of them in a 200 yard stretch. The presence of fish notwithstanding, the results on that spot were the same on both nights…nada.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Anyone been out to vermilion recently? We leave Tuesday and it looks like a solid south wind leading up to the trip and the majority of the time. Should be a somid north side bite i am guessing

    Posts: 95

    Heading up there tonight and will be there through next weekend. I’ll hit you back in a couple days.

    I primarily fish Frazer Bay (where my place is) and East throughout Big Bay if the wind allows.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Heading up there tonight and will be there through next weekend. I’ll hit you back in a couple days.

    I primarily fish Frazer Bay (where my place is) and East throughout Big Bay if the wind allows.

    Well good luck! I think we will be on big bay tuesday and shift from there. Have plans to hit the west side too at some point. Shoot me a PM and we can toss you updates on what we are seeing.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    I plan to muskie fish (locally) in the morning for a few hours. The fish have been active the past couple weeks.

    Posts: 753

    Anyone been out to vermilion recently? We leave Tuesday and it looks like a solid south wind leading up to the trip and the majority of the time. Should be a somid north side bite i am guessing

    I’m fishing a bass tournament on Mille Lacs Saturday and then heading straight to Vermilion from there through Tuesday. Muskies are definitely on the agenda. The approaching full moon will make things interesting.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    I fished for 5 hours this morning. Had 1 follow and another briefly hooked when it swiped at a lure mid retrieve. I thought it would be better this morning with the low cloud deck. Water temp is still 73.5 degrees.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Vermilion has been a grind. One follow yesterday and a lost skin hook next to the boat. 5 follows today so far everything has been on blades.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16893

    I put in 5 hours yesterday locally. I had one swipe and miss when I was burning an oversized spinnerbait. Otherwise just a few pike. One was 34 1/4 inches which is my biggest pike this season.

    Water temps are back up to 75 after the warmth this week which is not helping IMO

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Back in the metro tonight. Saw 4 water temps were 70-71. This cooling trend will be perfect.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    Rough night on tonka. Did not see a fish. I did fish mostly dark so I would imagine at least one follow just couldnt see.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    When this cold front finally hits next week I think that will help out with the bite a lot.

    Anoka County
    Posts: 2755

    I was surprised. Tonight was pretty good. Had two really hot follows, one bumped my bucktail with its nose. The second actually ate in the figure 8 but I messed up and set the hook too soon and pulled it right out of its mouth. Metro seems to be getting better.

    Posts: 95

    I’ll be on Vermilion again this weekend. Hoping the stable weather helps me out.

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