Mn lead tackle ban bill introduced

  • Buzz
    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    Lead tackle bill introduced 1/21/21

    Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance​
    relating to game and fish; prohibiting sale, manufacture, and use of lead tackle;​ proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 97C; 325E.​
    Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the​ meanings given them:​
    (1) “jig” means a weighted hook. Jig does not include lead fishing-related items, including​ but not limited to fishing line, flies, lures, or spoons; and​
    (2) “sinker” means a device that is designed to be attached to a fishing line and intended​ to sink the line. Sinker does not include artificial lures, weighted line, weighted flies, or jig​ heads.​
    Subd. 2. Prohibition. A person may not use a sinker or jig to take fish if the sinker or​ jig contains lead and weighs one ounce or less or measures 2-1/2 inches or less in length.​
    EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2025.​ Sec. 2. [325E.3895] LEAD TACKLE.​
    Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the​ meanings given them:​
    (1) “jig” means a weighted hook. Jig does not include lead fishing-related items, including​ but not limited to fishing line, flies, lures, or spoons; and​
    Sec. 2.​

    2.1 2.2 2.3
    2.4 2.5 2.6
    2.7 2.8
    (2) “sinker” means a device that is designed to be attached to a fishing line and intended​ to sink the line. Sinker does not include artificial lures, weighted line, weighted flies, or jig​ heads.​
    Subd. 2. Manufacture prohibited. No person shall manufacture for sale in Minnesota​ a sinker or jig that contains lead and weighs one ounce or less or measures 2-1/2 inches or​ less in length.​
    Subd. 3. Sales prohibited. A person may not offer for sale or sell any sinker or jig if it​ contains lead and weighs one ounce or less or measures 2-1/2 inches or less in length.​
    EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective July 1, 2024.​
    01/06/21 REVISOR CKM/EE​ 21-01197 as introduced​
    Sec. 2.​ 2

    Posts: 659

    Ban lead its bad for animals and the environment.Truckloads of road salt and chemicals,fertilizers,shoreline destruction,ehh no big deal.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18390

    I believe there was a push for this in 2018. It didn’t pass. They also attached the lead ammo ban on public lands to it. I am pretty sure a bunch of loons died of lead poisoning which is kind of what started the fire on this subject.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6614

    I heard this was being talked about but didn’t think they would actually do it. At least we have a few years to figure it out. I wonder how much we will see enforcement on it.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    It might come down to the Senate majority and whether they give it a hearing. Our loon population is thriving but because most wildlife die in areas that make them un retrievable. So it’s fuzzy science to estimate. I’ve slowly switched over to tungsten jigs (for Bass).

    Posts: 2045

    Yeah the Crosslake loon center and there donators are pushing this I forgot who the backer is, its a daughter of a congressman. Ever year they make a big push.

    Don’t mind there 100k pontoons and wake boat destroying shoreline and habit.

    Posts: 659

    There are many more beneficial things I can think of banning that will do far more for ALOT of wildlife than a ban on lead that might save a few loons.Peter Fisher and Charles Wiger both dfl Maplewood introduced the legislation according to a story in Pioneer Press.If i cant dislodge a 3/8 oz jig from the river bottom or a log what makes these people think a loon can?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18390

    If i cant dislodge a 3/8 oz jig from the river bottom or a log what makes these people think a loon can?

    Loons swim to the bottom and eat gravel and tiny pebbles for their gizzard. I’ve read claims that they often pick up small lead sinkers and/or jigs by accident. I don’t think anyone is claiming that a loon can dislodge a jig from a log.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    There are loon studies from Michigan that document loons picking up jigs on sandbars. It likely happens here. We can’t disprove it. The argument that other things effect all sorts of wildlife won’t work. I suggest going to your local bait store and get a quote from them on the impact to their business. Then email it to your local legislator. Folks in other States with lead bans are still fishing, just sourcing non lead tackle.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18390

    There are loon studies from Michigan that document loons picking up jigs on sandbars. It likely happens here. We can’t disprove it.

    Buzz, do you know if the proposal also includes a ban on lead ammo on public land? The last time they tried to pass this that was included. The argument for banning lead ammo is with bald eagles. Eagles often scavenge on gut piles from deer taken by hunters and ingest fragments of lead. But the argument against it is that the bald eagle population has been its highest in a long time.

    Ryan Scholl
    Posts: 146

    There are loon studies from Michigan that document loons picking up jigs on sandbars. It likely happens here. We can’t disprove it. The argument that other things effect all sorts of wildlife won’t work. I suggest going to your local bait store and get a quote from them on the impact to their business. Then email it to your local legislator. Folks in other States with lead bans are still fishing, just sourcing non lead tackle.

    The local bait store would lose out on their current lead inventory, but they would probably see a swing in sales of people buying non toxic tackle, wouldn’t they? If this goes through I’m not going to stop fishing and would need to buy a bunch of new tackle.

    Posts: 145

    I can think of a million other things that are worse for the environment then some lead jigs or weights that’s for sure..same old BS..

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 415

    Windmills kill lots of birds including eagles, but not many loons, they can’t fly high enough must be because of all the lead they consume.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8705

    Is lead “bad for the environment”? sure, I think that’s obvious. Is the best option to protect our resources really making another law? …or should we focus on funding enforcement of already existing policies on the books.

    I truthfully feel like I’d be more likely to get a ticket in Minnesota for using a lead sinker that could hurt a loon than I would for shooting a loon.

    Posts: 3321

    They better grandfather in what people already have in their possession or otherwise I’m going to need a subsidy to replace it all. wink

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    I’m only seeing the fishing tackle lead sales ban. If folks google Mn Bill Finder you can search by topic – Fishing, then see all the fishing bills introduced this session. You can also sign up to follow them.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2584

    They better grandfather in what people already have in their possession or otherwise I’m going to need a subsidy to replace it all. wink

    And it’s silly to say that everyone should stop using what they have. If they want to ban lead tackle (which I think would be a good thing overall) they should simply prohibit the manufacture and sale of lead tackle effective two or three years from now.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    The language in the Bill is a 2024 implementation date.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 606

    They better grandfather in what people already have in their possession or otherwise I’m going to need a subsidy to replace it all. wink

    A fishing stimulus! We are already printing so much money, let’s throw the fishing money in with it!

    Posts: 2828

    Windmills kill lots of birds including eagles, but not many loons, they can’t fly high enough must be because of all the lead they consume.

    I don’t want to get too far down this thread without someone acknowledging that this comment was hilarious. Well played, guthook1!

    Ahren Wagner
    Northern ND-MN
    Posts: 410

    I don’t mind switching as long as they make alternatives affordable.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    Buzz, are they a Minnesota based company? Their website doesn’t give a address or phone number which throws a red flag for me.

    Anybody have a Minnesota company to deal with?

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834
    #2012135 Dutch , I get most of my small jigs from Motley. But I assume they are from China or somewhere? I’m not aware of a tungsten tackle being manufactured in MN. But then again I’ll bet Northland and Lindy little joe imports ?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    Thanks Buzz, I agree all jigs are likely imported from China. I still would just as soon do business in state. Taxes ya know, gotta keep tax money in state.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    Hmmm, I’ve always thought that when I shopped online out of state and they collected sales tax, it ended being brought back to MN?

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3108

    Hmmm, I’ve always thought that when I shopped online out of state and they collected sales tax, it ended being brought back to MN?

    Sales taxes are only one type of tax. Yes, sales taxes are merely collected and passed onto the state.
    A business actually operating “in state”, generates and pays many more other taxes, in the operation of said business.

    Posts: 904

    Thanks Buzz, I agree all jigs are likely imported from China.

    They might be Chinese tungsten jigs but they probably have lead based paint and are made with child or slave labor. Not to mention all the industrial pollution involved doah I guess if that makes some city environmentalists feel better about themselves.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1834

    I’m surprised no one has commented on the size “ A person may not use a sinker or jig to take fish if the sinker or​ jig contains lead and weighs one ounce or less or measures 2-1/2 inches or less in length.​”

    I’d like to see the research that supports those weights and measurements?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18390

    I’d like to see the research that supports those weights and measurements?

    I’m only guessing on this but it probably has to do with the size that a loon can ingest.

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