Mn law change – suppressors

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    This would be great. I can’t believe the difference it makes on your ears.

    TODAY, Sen. Paul Gazelka introduced SF1435, the biparisan Senate companion to House File 1434, legalizing suppressors in Minnesota.

    Call your senator and representative today, and ask them to support HF1434/SF1435.

    Thank you to Sens. Gazelka, Tomassoni, Koenen and Stumpf for co-authoring this important bill!

    39 states have legalized suppressors (silencers) and we should be the next state to do so. It sure would save our hearing and that of those we love if we ever have to use our firearms in defense of our homes.

    The hearing will be held at 10:15 a.m. on Thursday, March 12 in room 10 of the State Office Building, near the State Capitol, and will include these three bills:

    HF1434 – Rep. Mark Anderson’s bill would legalize firearm suppressors in Minnesota for all lawful purposes.

    HF372 – Rep. Jim Nash’s bill would remove the obsolete notification requirement for permit holders who enter any Capitol Area state building.

    The committee will also hear Rep. Dan Fabian’s HF305, which would add recognition of North Dakota carry permits in Minnesota.

    If you can make the hearing this next Thursday, please try.

    Jeff Heeg
    Posts: 104

    This is some great news, let’s hope they can be productive in their meetings now.


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