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IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » MN Highschool football and volleyball is back on starting October 9th
My guess is this will not last long. I would also guess that no spectators including family will be allow to attend the games. With more and more schools already moving from a Hybred learning model to a total distance leaning one I don’t know how schools can justify a return to competitive athletics.
Good on the MSHSL for listening and being responsive!
Just got the call from my kiddo, he’ll be picking up his gear at 3. Practice starts the 28th, Oct. 9th for first games. 6 game season, and playoffs finishing up on Nov. 28th.
I had heard that they were looking at a 250 person limit at games, but have no solid info other than speculation. And no, I don’t have any hesitation in letting him play.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BigWerm wrote:</div>
Good on the MSHSL for listening and being responsive!Yup.
Just got the call from my kiddo, he’ll be picking up his gear at 3. Practice starts the 28th, Oct. 9th for first games. 6 game season, and playoffs finishing up on Nov. 28th.
I had heard that they were looking at a 250 person limit at games, but have no solid info other than speculation. And no, I don’t have any hesitation in letting him play.
Glad to be back! The kids want it and have been through a lot.
First, we’ve been practicing 4 days a week. We were given 12 practices (as long as guidelines were met) to use the past few weeks before any talk of a return was out there. I’m shocked to hear some teams weren’t taking advantage of it. For us, we drop our week 1 and week 4 opponents. We have not heard specifics on numbers of spectators, but our league will likely follow the route of most WI schools playing and have only 4 tickets per varsity roster player (with no exceptions whatsoever).
Gym space is going to be a nightmare for volleyball. We have a lot of districts around us that have at least 1 or 2 gyms divided up into 6-8 sections for students to spread out and meet social distancing guidelines while they zoom in for their classes. They also have to keep space to hold hybrid classes for elementary if case counts warrant (per the issued guidelines). I wouldn’t be shocked if volleyball is limited to only 2 tickets per varsity roster player due to it being inside.
Anyone hear if this means that all following seasons will go on as normal in terms of starting dates and length?
Doubtful. However it now gives winter sports a guide to when they can start.
With more and more schools already moving from a Hybred learning model to a total distance leaning one I don’t know how schools can justify a return to competitive athletics.
Money grab is how I see it. They won’t let spectators in the gym to watch the v/b games. Its funny how club ball has been going all throughout the summer and fall but school ball is all over the board. Alot of the kids including mine already jumped ship and are enrolled in league ball due to the closure a few weeks back.
If the Minnesota State High School League wants to survive, there’s going to be sports seasons. They are staring at an over $3 million dollar deficit. It will be interesting to see when outbreaks occur in certain schools, how hard they push for seamless postseason play regardless. Allowing state tournaments with very few spectators won’t help their deficit much either. In WI, all of the state owned UW system venues have been made “off-limits” for postseason play.
The only thing more important than sports to the MSHSL is $$$. Not only are schools going to have shortened seasons with limited spectators, they’re going to pay more for them.
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