MN Fish

  • tangler
    Posts: 812

    You don’t start a company or an organization, publicly announce it with a lot of fanfare, and then take “some time to get things up and running.”

    You hit the ground running, prepared to do at the very least some basic things like communicate with your customers/members, or you will more than likely fail.

    Posts: 749

    Off the top of my head:

    They’ve been around for almost a year collecting fees and can’t even supply a thank you.

    They don’t specify their intent or stance on any real issues.

    The group’s name is so generic it is impossible to find them online on your own. Enter MN-Fish into google. Nothing about them.

    They have at least one questionable “sportsman” on the board. One who’s products I avoid when I see his name.

    I didn’t find a privacy statement. What are they doing with their list of enrollees?

    Repeated posts in this thread about non-responses.

    People have brought up interesting comparisons to other groups like the NRA, Musky’s Inc, PF, …..
    What most of those other groups have in common is a single point of interest. MN-Fish? That is a broad brush. What does it even mean?
    Each of the comparison groups have a history of getting into the weeds to defend unpopular issues. MN-Fish? They intimate that they won’t tackle tough issues before they even start?

    I don’t see the point at this moment to apply my name to this. I’ll save my current conjecture on what this is hoping they will prove me wrong soon.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Life Member #29! woot

    1. MN-FISH.pdf

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    If you scroll down on the attachment it shows the letter they sent.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Good job, Lifetime Member! I’m to old to join anything as a life member LOL

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    What do they do with all the donations exactly?

    Posts: 812

    What do they do with all the donations exactly?

    I’ll tell you what they don’t do with it… search engine optimization jester they could learn a thing or twelve from IDO aim this front.

    Posts: 6631

    What do they do with all the donations exactly?

    Time will tell, but hopefully they live up to their promises.

    Gots me an acknowledgement letter and window decal in the mail for joining as a founding charter member. Glad to see some life from them….

    I sent them an email a couple weeks ago and warned them they weren’t getting off to the best start. Some things definitely need to change if it’s going to be a success.

    1. IMG_20190422_184117.jpg

    Posts: 151

    Paid my money to be a founding member, spent it on a lot worse things for sure over the years…we need someone fighting for the regular fishing people that maybe don’t have property but sure as heck pay taxes and contribute a buttload of money to local economys..the Lakeshore Association people have theirs,Natives have theirs, Steelhead people have theirs so why shouldn’t “Joe Six Pack” have his?..I certainly don’t feel as a live long Minnesota fisherman that the state or DNR have our backs to be sure, I personally feel like everyone wants to blame us for everything though and kinda tired of getting harassed by the weed police, and unofficial “I care about the lake more then you do” people..Hope they can do something bu twe’ll see.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    What is MN fish fighting for?
    Has there been any issues where they have stepped in and voiced any opinions, or been a voice for us sportsmen and women?
    I’m just curious.
    I was so close to donating money, but then they didnt return to either or of my 2 emails. So I kept that money in my wallet for now.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Bearcat –
    Their mission statement is “Restore, Protect and Enhance Minnesota Sport Fishing”
    They are truly in it’s infancy and it may take a bit to get up and rolling, so at this point I would speculate on saying they have not stepped in and voiced any opinions.

    I’m not making excuses for them.

    My take is they have some MN fishing heavy hitters on the roster. Ron Schara, Al Lindner are a couple of guys I respect and believe they will represent my best interests when it comes to fishing in MN. For me, there is a little blind faith involved but I trust Al and Ron to at least not loose ground when it comes to fishing regulations.

    IMHO MN-Fish is a start. and at this time it doesn’t cost anything.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I wouldn’t trust Ron as far as I could throw him.

    Like others, I’m not donating a penny until I see what they really do. No reason they couldn’t respond to ONE of the emails or make a statement about the wright county plan. Actions speak louder then words. You don’t go public with a company, take donations, then ignore big issues, phone calls, or emails.

    I’m hoping for the best cause we need a voice but until that voice actually speaks, it would be unwise to donate.

    Posts: 4941

    My take is they have some MN fishing heavy hitters on the roster. Ron Schara, Al Lindner are a couple of guys I respect and believe they will represent my best interests when it comes to fishing in MN. For me, there is a little blind faith involved but I trust Al and Ron to at least not loose ground when it comes to fishing regulations.

    They will not be weighing in on the netting issues which are about to commence.
    My biggest concern is they will not engage in anything that will effect their sponsorships,in other words they are more concerned about issues that effect the industry.

    On the other side organizing a influential group is what is needed in order to pressure politicians. The issues that they engage themselves in will be non-controversial.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    I joined as a free member several weeks ago. Not a peep from them. I thought for sure they would be sharing my info but I haven’t received a single email from them or anywhere that would make me suspect it came from them sharing my info. They have been around for a year or more now and I haven’t seen one bit of action from them other than collecting money.

    Seems like even the paying members have been waiting a long time to get a sticker and a form letter. All these fishing heavy hitters that are involved are marketing men at heart. They know two things. Fishing and marketing themselves. There are a lot of demands on their time. How much time are they going to have to advocate any issues? So far it looks like none. Besides advocating a issue on one side or the other can be poison to a guy who is marketing products and wants people to watch his fishing shows every Sunday morning and buy products from his shows sponsors. They’ve already shown their reluctance to join in the fray on the Mille Lacs lake walleye issue and not a word on the Wright County proposal even after some members here reached out to them for a opinion.

    What if MN FISH had come out in favor of the Wright County proposal? This forum would have been full of posts of people saying they will never buy another Lindy Rig or watch Al Linder or Ron Schara shows ever again. They know this and aren’t going to be very willing to take the risk.

    I guess I’m a cynic in my old age but my cynisisim is usually backed by at least some level of life experience and logic. smile

    I hope and pray I’m proven wrong and these guys use their collective powers to advocate strongly for the Joe six pack fisherman and use the money to wage the fight but so far they haven’t shown a single sign of doing so.

    I said earlier in this thread that if all they do is promote kids going fishing and support fishery projects they are probably worth some time and money. My guess is that’s where the safe comfort zone is for them and that’s what they are and will be. If you’re expecting them to be a strong advocate on issues I think you are going to be disappointed.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I would like to know what they are organizing with the donation money?
    Just at epgs 29th life long means they have taken over 7500 bucks from people. Where does it go. Because I bet they earned much more. It was one of my questions to them that they had never answered back.
    I would love to support the cause if I knew what the real cause was.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    I’m hoping MN-FISH works on keeping fees from licensing go to fish management, more stocking / hatcheries. Making sure funds from the Legacy Act are allocated properly.

    I am a bit worried they are radio silent. Even with a start-up someone should be responding to emails, that’s just being courteous and professional.

    I would expect them to respond and take a side on the Wright county issue.

    However, I’m fine with them not touching the Mille Lacs netting issue.

    My .02

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I’m hoping MN-FISH works on keeping fees from licensing go to fish management, more stocking / hatcheries. Making sure funds from the Legacy Act are allocated properly.

    I am a bit worried they are radio silent. Even with a start-up someone should be responding to emails, that’s just being courteous and professional.

    I would expect them to respond and take a side on the Wright county issue.

    However, I’m fine with them not touching the Mille Lacs netting issue.

    My .02

    I agree 100 percent

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    I emailed them the link to this thread and told them they should find this very interesting reading and should strongly consider posting a response to some of the issues brought up here. See what happens. coffee

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    The reason Sportsman have never united is because there are to many things to monitor to hit them all. Also not everyone cares about all issues. For a example, I don’t care what happens with Sturgeon stocking (if there is such a thing) unless they fight the nets on Mille Lacs. So I would be out. One thing about BLM and Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton is they get things done because groups are afraid of them and the publicity they bring. I know I explained this badly but if you read it twice it will make sense. grin

    As a organization sometimes you have to be willing to take the splatter a position will cause. You can’t just cherry pick your fights and try and remain friends with everybody.

    Posts: 5307

    As a organization sometimes you have to be willing to take the splatter a position will cause. You can’t just cherry pick your fights and try and remain friends with everybody.

    And bc of the heavy ties to big corp I expect no splattering whatsoever.

    I joined bc I have hope and give what’s a great idea a chance, but this will end up being a lame attempt at policy and more email sign up lists for their pocketbooks.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    One thing about BLM and Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton is they get things done because groups are afraid of them and the publicity they bring.

    Groups are afraid of them because they are shake down artists and if you come in contact or you somehow get their attention it’s cost you money. A lot of money. These people are especially despicable because they don’t care one wit about the cause they purportedly represent they just care about the money the “cause” can bring them.

    I remember Jesse Jackson shook down NASCAR for at least a million years back because NASCAR didn’t have any black drivers. Jesse threatened to bring bus loads of protesters to every race. Of course that’s the last thing NASCAR wanted so they payed up. If Jesse gave a rats ass about his “cause” he would have just showed up with his protesters and not even talked to NASCAR in the first place.

    These people get my blood pressure to go up several levels. twisted

    Ok back on topic. smirk

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1149

    I am in the same boat as many of you. I was very close to donating, but given the lack of response to even simple emails, I will hold off until they show at least a pulse.

    Posts: 20

    My take on Mn Fish— zero replies to my calls/emails about the MN regional invasive species program. No way to determine where membership money has been used (other than tables at shows). Just like every lake association fundraiser– a lot of anglers have supported. Only to find out the public waters will be privatized, “to protect the lakes”.

    Posts: 749

    There was an article in this weeks Outdoor News about MN-Fish.

    I thought the article (tough to call it that) touched on much of my fear of what this is. The article focused on two goals. If most of what they do is promoting the sport to create avenues of recruitment for new anglers then it is a good thing (one of their goals based on the article).

    The second part of the article’s focus triggered my bs meter. The second topic was the funding for the fishing HOF and museum. While a good cause, it smells like a self serving goal. This was my fear when I first learned of this organization. Then it comes up in writing in an article this week.

    This thing doesn’t smell right. Right from the beginning they are going against their stated mission.

    Number one in their mission statement.
    “Provide a strong voice for Minnesota anglers and fishing related businesses before the State Legislature and DNR regarding all things fishing.”
    Followed by, comments about how they will not touch difficult topics.

    I’m fine with them not taking on treaty rights. There are plenty of other topics that come up where they can create a unified voice. An example might be when the DNR marketed building a hatchery as a way to fix a lake with problems. However the recommended lake with the problems does not have a fish hatch problem. So why waste money building a hatchery there when it won’t fix that lake’s issues?
    This group could step in and point out this folly when it comes up.

    Where I get lost is their stance on avoiding difficult topics goes against their mission statement.

    Right out of the gate, if they are willing to ignore the first line of their mission statement, then what else are they willing to toss off? Is their mission statement window dressing? It doesn’t make sense to me. It looks nice but I wonder what is being planned behind the dressings.

    MN-Fish, take a stance on anything with substance and I’ll beg you to take my money. Until then, I don’t trust you.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    There are three current issues pending. I’ve heard that MF isn’t going to get involved with the Wright County Regional Inspection program because it’s a local issue, hope this isn’t an indication of how the stand in access rights? They are also behind the Hatchery bill which is attempt to derail stocking.

    Two-Line Angling – In the Senate Omnibus Bill

    Although this is popular with about 30% of Muskie anglers, this Bill will cause harm to other fisheries; especially the panfish and Pike. Our fisheries are not the same as the states that allow more lines. Those states have virtually no pressure or have altered their regulation to account for the additional harvest.

    “Reinvest in Fish Hatcheries Citizen-Legislative Advisory Group” Bill (aka “Fish Hatcheries” Bill) – In the Senate Omnibus Bill

    This Bill is could be a direct movement against Muskie stocking. The author has been pushing for fewer Muskie Lakes and reduced stocking for years. Now they want to add a citizens group who they will possibly load with anti-Muskie anti-DNR oversight. As many of you know the DNR already has a Fisheries Oversight Committee (FOC) as well as a Budget Oversight Committee (BOC) (created by statute). These committees already oversee hatcheries issues and spending concerns. This is a gross waste of taxpayer dollars.

    The “possibility” of the “Muskie Stamp Bill” as a “floor amendment” in the House

    Tell your House Reps to be on the lookout for a floor amendment to add a Muskie stamp. This will drive a hard wedge between anglers on existing lakes, and make it impossible to add additional lakes. As well this will cause a battle on any stocked lakes in order to keep them stocked. Any Stocked Lake

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    I have sent several emails asking for the courtesy of a reply. Nothing, I think I am close to canceling my membership. flame

    Posts: 699

    There are plenty of other topics that come up where they can create a unified voice. An example might be when the DNR marketed building a hatchery as a way to fix a lake with problems. However the recommended lake with the problems does not have a fish hatch problem. So why waste money building a hatchery there when it won’t fix that lake’s issues?
    This group could step in and point out this folly when it comes up.

    FWIW the DNR never proposed building a hatchery to fix any lake. That was done by politicians. The DNR did not want another fisheries office or hatchery.

    Back to the topic. IMO the guys behind MNFish are losing a lot of credibility. This big uniting voice turned out to be nothing more than a squeak. Back in the late 90’s Al testified in the legislature about walleye stocking. He stated he and many other well known anglers have seen declines in walleye catches. Once that happened, the DNR knew no matter what information they presented would be dismissed because AL LINDNER had spoke. The legislature didn’t need to hear anything more. I don’t think that’s the case as much anymore. As far as them being afraid of controversy with sponsors, at this point in their careers they have national fishing shows. The few viewers that complain in Minnesota won’t make a dent in their pocket books.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Come on Al

    Posts: 749

    FWIW the DNR never proposed building a hatchery to fix any lake. That was done by politicians. The DNR did not want another fisheries office or hatchery.

    The DNR asked the state for $3.5M to build one recently.
    From an MPR article 8/2015

    The first paragraph states:
    The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has drafted a plan for a research facility, hatchery and outreach center on Lake Mille Lacs that could cost the state $3.5 million in the next fiscal year.

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