MN Fish

  • Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Keith wrote:</div>
    They will advocate for what their mission statement says but I don’t expect them to enter the fray into many if any controversial issues.

    Well, there’s this:

    Provide a strong voice for Minnesota anglers and fishing related businesses before the State Legislature and DNR regarding all things fishing.

    In fact, it’s the first one.

    Touche’ I missed that. Still a pretty generalized statement that can mean a lot of things. I just read the one Schara said they don’t plan on getting involved in complex issues like the Mille Lac walleye issue but will get involved with AIS issues. That’s a head scratcher! Now ask yourself why they would decide to stay away from the walleye issue on Mille Lacs? whistling

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    @basseyes I’m not going to waste my time refuting a lot of the garbage and negativity you’re spewing here, I’ll just ask how your method of screaming online for your issues is doing? Can you point to anything you’ve gotten changed? Maybe trying something new isn’t a bad idea… whistling

    Kind of my reaction too. Therefore how do you respond to his opinion other than to point out what he fails to give credit for, is that this groups founders all got to where they are now by not being stupid. A lot of success comes from choosing your battles and not letting the battles choose you.

    Stick your neck out too far and you get your head chopped off. There have been many that have done so and where are they today? They’re gone and hardly anyone remembers what they were fighting for.

    And as much as us “outdoors folks” like to think we all share common goals, the reality is we are fragmented many divided sub-groups. (2 lines-no 2 lines, lower limits-raise limits, etc.)

    We’re not all going to get what we want.

    Posts: 6631

    ……But if all they do is try to promote youth fishing, stocking of lakes and fisheries programs they are worth supporting just on that.


    Even if they don’t get deep into changing policy at the state level, their goal of getting more funds allocated back into fishing and stocking programs will be worth joining.

    Ducks have Ducks Unlimited.

    Turkeys have the National Turkey Federation.

    Pheasants have Pheasants Forever.

    Until now, Minnesota fisherman had no real voice.

    Whining about things on the internet gets NOTHING DONE.

    I’m proud to have joined as a paying member, and hope many more of you put a little money where your mouth is.

    I don’t have time to drive to the capital and voice my opinions, but I’ll happily pay a small annual membership to have someone represent me.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Even if they don’t get deep into changing policy at the state level, their goal of getting more funds allocated back into fishing and stocking programs will be worth joining.

    Ducks have Ducks Unlimited.

    Turkeys have the National Turkey Federation.

    Pheasants have Pheasants Forever.

    Until now, Minnesota fisherman had no real voice.

    Whining about things on the internet gets NOTHING DONE.

    I’m proud to have joined as a paying member, and hope many more of you put a little money where your mouth is.

    I don’t have time to drive to the capital and voice my opinions, but I’ll happily pay a small annual membership to have someone represent me.


    That part is confusing…

    I’ll support them once I get answers back. Their website has been down for a couple of days. Hopefully their email works.

    Posts: 6631

    What I meant is even if they don’t change big policies, their goal is also to get more funding.

    I don’t have the time or desire to sit on the capital steps and ask for money to stock fish or repair a hatchery.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321


    Even if they don’t get deep into changing policy at the state level, their goal of getting more funds allocated back into fishing and stocking programs will be worth joining.

    Ducks have Ducks Unlimited.

    Turkeys have the National Turkey Federation.

    Pheasants have Pheasants Forever.

    Until now, Minnesota fisherman had no real voice.

    Whining about things on the internet gets NOTHING DONE.

    I’m proud to have joined as a paying member, and hope many more of you put a little money where your mouth is.

    I don’t have time to drive to the capital and voice my opinions, but I’ll happily pay a small annual membership to have someone represent me.

    Agreed. That is how MN Fish advertises it and there is some proof that they are already active in this. Al Linderand Ron Schara has always been advocates for getting kids into fishing.

    The problem I have is that it’s is being sold here as a voice against the Wright Co Inspection Program. As of right now that is 100% false.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    The last I checked, I never saw mention of AIS on the entire website.

    The following mission statement on their site is good but I’d like to see something similar in regards to AIS that doesn’t restrict access.

    Support scientific and common-sense fish management for all gamefish species,

    I’m in with both feet if they can give an official stance on a present issue.

    I suppose we all make our decisions based on personal choices.

    I have decided to support this organization based on a number of things, not just one single issue.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    I didn’t it see it being sold that way. I saw it as folks sent emails to the state folks and also to MN-FISH stating their opinion and seeking their support.

    I think you can be opposed to whats happening in Wright county and still be either in favor of or opposed to MN-FISH.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Their website has been down for a couple of days. Hopefully their email works.

    bob, not sure what problem you’re having but their website is not down. I have visited numerous times in the last 2 days. In fact I’m looking at it right now in another browser.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I’m in. Maybe members will be allowed to offer some small tidbits of guidance on the directions and goals of the program. Gotta play along to find out. Rarely is grassroots politics a bad thing.

    I’ll do the $35/year Founding Member plan. I spend that on stuff I don’t need every time I walk into Scheels.

    Posts: 652

    This thread is a perfect example of how Fishermen will argue over anything and never come together as one group in support of something as important as protecting access to the very waters we NEED to enjoy our hobby.

    IT sounds like some are preparing to be angry IF a manufacture, of fishing products, turn on them and support lake home owners. WHOM for the most part buy mickey mouse rods and nets for the kids to scoop sunfish form under the dock. They spend more time destroying/altering the resource than caring for it. They change shoreline structure, kill vegetation all under the DNRs nose. They would rather pay fines than abide by rules.

    The lake home owners are organized, wealthy and intelligent. Fishermen are all over the board it is an up hill road if common ground is not found.

    If this group doesn’t work for you, I urge everyone to take this up with whatever fishing group you belong too (PF, DU, Delta, Muskie inc , BASS, etc….). Perhaps if they all come together a single voice of fishermen can be heard.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I didn’t it see it being sold that way. I saw it as folks sent emails to the state folks and also to MN-FISH stating their opinion and seeking their support.

    I think you can be opposed to whats happening in Wright county and still be either in favor of or opposed to MN-FISH.

    Below is a quote from the op in the Wright Co thread.

    We are always talking about angler not being organized like the lake associations. Well I just joined this new coalition formed by Ron Shara and Al Lindner. We need all the help we can get and I urge all of you to not only send them a request to represent us on this issue, but to join as well. There is a free 2 year membership available.
    Email: [email protected]

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bob clowncolor wrote:</div>
    Their website has been down for a couple of days. Hopefully their email works.

    bob, not sure what problem you’re having but their website is not down. I have visited numerous times in the last 2 days. In fact I’m looking at it right now in another browser.

    Nope, still can’t get on…anyone else having issues? Would like to read up more on them.

    Posts: 6631

    Works fine for me??

    Have you tried restarting your device?? Or a different device?? grin

    Posts: 2687

    Apologize, my comments were way out of line.

    Joined to see what their stances are on issues.

    There are some great lake association’s out there and fish a lake regularly that doesn’t impede public use or access and the fishing is better than it has ever been thanks to the lake association and water shed district.

    Hope to see what their stances are on issues soon, who is in charge and how things play out with their pull in the legislature.

    Ais regulations are like nails on a chalkboard for me looking down the road with access issues and it gets my hackles up. We have been so blessed with unhindered public use and access to our public waters, who would have thought weeds, fish and bugs from foreign places brought over mainly through ships ballast waters would have such an impact on recreational boaters and fishermen.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Walleyestudent Andy Cox wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bob clowncolor wrote:</div>
    Their website has been down for a couple of days. Hopefully their email works.

    bob, not sure what problem you’re having but their website is not down. I have visited numerous times in the last 2 days. In fact I’m looking at it right now in another browser.

    Nope, still can’t get on…anyone else having issues? Would like to read up more on them.

    I was just on, Bob, try opening the link attached in the op.

    I did the free charter. They didn’t just throw this thing together, I’d hope there’s a solid business plan. I’m also sure they’re aware of the microscope that is social media.

    We can never have enough advocates.

    Posts: 652

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Walleyestudent Andy Cox wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bob clowncolor wrote:</div>
    Their website has been down for a couple of days. Hopefully their email works.

    bob, not sure what problem you’re having but their website is not down. I have visited numerous times in the last 2 days. In fact I’m looking at it right now in another browser.

    Nope, still can’t get on…anyone else having issues? Would like to read up more on them.

    Try using a different computer or your phone.

    Posts: 652

    IF you want to see what a lake home owners association, watershed district, DNR and local municipalities can do to a lake, look into the death of Lake Owasso.

    Possibly the biggest cover up, turn your back and look the other way destruction of a lake in Minnesota history.

    All parties agreed to allow an unprecedented amount of weed spraying (More than quadruple allowable and across the entire lake) that lead to a fish kill of massive proportions in November several years ago. The DNR concluded the lake had too much oxygen, the fish died of Hyperoxia. The only two other documented Hyperoxia fish kills occurred in the plunge pool of a water fall and in a rearing pond where the oxygen system went haywire, pumping way too much oxygen into their pond.

    Meanwhile, in Owasso, not a weed remained, the water turned into muddy looking water with massive amounts of suspended particulates from the massive die of of weeds. The rapid ICE cap trapped all the gasses under the ice killing the fish. had to see it in person to truly understand the level of die off I am talking about. Trophy Muskies, bass, walleye, sunfish, crappie, pike, rough fish all pinned between ice and sand in effort to get out of the lake. Few fish survived.

    Can we trust the DNR to carry our word and vote i this case? They were swayed by lake associations in the Owasso case.

    What came of the unprecedented poisoning? Water skiers no longer have weeds tickling their feet. Years of Management and $100’s of thousands of stocking dollars wasted. And it was all swept under the rug under the rug with a cover up diagnosis.

    The only vote we get is as individuals in who we vote in and out of office. Often that is too late and don’t impact the big picture nearly enough.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    This thread is a perfect example of how Fishermen will argue over anything and never come together as one group in support of something as important as protecting access to the very waters we NEED to enjoy our hobby.

    IT sounds like some are preparing to be angry IF a manufacture, of fishing products, turn on them and support lake home owners. WHOM for the most part buy mickey mouse rods and nets for the kids to scoop sunfish form under the dock. They spend more time destroying/altering the resource than caring for it. They change shoreline structure, kill vegetation all under the DNRs nose. They would rather pay fines than abide by rules.

    The lake home owners are organized, wealthy and intelligent. Fishermen are all over the board it is an up hill road if common ground is not found.

    If this group doesn’t work for you, I urge everyone to take this up with whatever fishing group you belong too (PF, DU, Delta, Muskie inc , BASS, etc….). Perhaps if they all come together a single voice of fishermen can be heard.

    Unfortunately you’re painting with a VERY wide brush in regards to lake property owners detracts from your otherwise good points. All lake property owners are not how you characterize them no more than all fisherman who don’t own lake property are all perfect stewards of the land and waters and are all sportsmen who play strictly by all the rules.

    Let’s try to keep it real.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bob clowncolor wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Walleyestudent Andy Cox wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bob clowncolor wrote:</div>
    Their website has been down for a couple of days. Hopefully their email works.

    bob, not sure what problem you’re having but their website is not down. I have visited numerous times in the last 2 days. In fact I’m looking at it right now in another browser.

    Nope, still can’t get on…anyone else having issues? Would like to read up more on them.

    Try using a different computer or your phone.

    Hospital LAN line and WiFi wouldn’t let me connect…wonder what gives. Anyways I’M IN!


    Posts: 652

    All lake property owners are not how you characterize them no more than all fisherman who don’t own lake property are all perfect stewards of the land and waters and are all sportsmen who play strictly by all the rules.

    We agree that all fishermen are not good stewards (go walk around some of the popular Ice fishing lakes to see all the crap they leave behind)

    My point was, Lake home owners groups are organized. They have the ear of the DNR, local municipalities, watershed groups. They present themselves as unified, educated, civil group and get things done.

    Lake Owasso situation exemplifies this, they wanted all weeds gone, the state guideline was tossed out the window for a special local allowance. There was not ONE fisherman or outdoor group at the meeting when the decision was made to bomb that lake.

    This Wright county situation IS a public (non lake hom owner) vs Lake home owner groups situation and these same scenarios will continue to pop up region by region if the DNR allows it to happen.

    Posts: 812

    Out of curiosity — has anyone from this group received a response to any question sent to this MN-FISH group? Has not been a single post on their social media or any updates to their website since launching.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Out of curiosity — has anyone from this group received a response to any question sent to this MN-FISH group? Has not been a single post on their social media or any updates to their website since launching.

    I heard nothing back from both this group and the DNR.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tangler wrote:</div>
    Out of curiosity — has anyone from this group received a response to any question sent to this MN-FISH group? Has not been a single post on their social media or any updates to their website since launching.

    I heard nothing back from both this group and the DNR.

    Maybe they grabbed a easy meal

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    I haven’t got my decal yet. bawling or an acknowledgement. shock

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    I haven’t got my decal yet. bawling or an acknowledgement. shock

    If any company can’t respond to a email within a day or two I move on to somebody else they don’t get my business or money. Same with these organizations.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    I joined as a paid member and my concerns are the same as most. If they stick to a focus on getting funding for sport fishing they have a niche to fill. The Fishing side of the Outdoor funding for fish and game has been almost non existent. My group Anglers for Habitat has been trying to bring the anglers voice to actual fishing issues for ten years now and our Board is from Walleye, Muskie, Bass group leaders and retired DNR. I don’t see MN Fish jumping into the fray with access or AIS.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    If any company can’t respond to a email within a day or two I move on to somebody else they don’t get my business or money. Same with these organizations.

    I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and give these guys some time to get this up and running, it is a big undertaking. In my opinion it is to late for this group to jump into the Wright county AIS and make a difference this year. Instead of jumping in and being ineffective, I would like to think MN-Fish is being smart, waiting and organizing so that when they do decide to weigh in on an issue it will be well thought out and effective. I already believe they are making a difference, the commissioner is well aware that a group is forming that may turn out to wield more influence than the lake shore assoc. The NRA is succesful because they have proven that they can get their membership out and vote for politicians that support issues that are important to them. This organization will only be succesful if they can unite and energize their members to put pressure on our state politicians. As Keith pointed out the lake shore owners are organized, wealthy and have the connections.

    I put my money in as I am willing to take a chance that they are putting together an organization that will make a difference. For you fence sitters what the heck? It is free to join now! MN-Fish is trying to put together a big enough base that the politicians will have to take this group seriously right from the start. And of course I could be completely wrong and they accomplish nothing, what are we out? Let’s as fisherman/women give it a chance and get on board so that we can put our voices together and have a chance to be heard above all the noise.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    The least they could do for a paid customer is email back a thank you

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    The least they could do for a paid customer is email back a thank you

    Yep they are organized enough to put up a web site and start accepting money from people they certainly should have the capacity to respond to a email even if it’s some automated non response. I’m sure down the road they may have some impact. As I said earlier even if it just turns out to be a soft core organization and doesn’t get it’s hands too dirty in the issues and gets some kids to go fishing and has a little input on fisheries management it’s probably worth something.

    But initially not responding to emails or sending out simple decals is not a good sign. Makes it appear that setting up the web site and collecting money was the priority.

    By the way has anyone tried to contact them via phone? 833-3MN-FISH

    Edit to add. I see they were posting blogs back in June 2018 on the web site. So they have been around for nearly a year already?

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